6. Spend The Night With Me

Chapter Six

Denver stormed out of the VIP room, his face red with anger and embarrassment. The loud music of the club pounded in his ears as he pushed through the crowd.

He was tipsy, and his vision blurred slightly, but his anger fueled him as he staggered toward the stage where the DJ was busy playing music.

On stage, a young man was busy adjusting a microphone. Denver didn't care who he was; he just wanted to yell at someone, anyone since he couldn’t yell at Declan, who had embarrassed him.

"Hey!" Denver shouted as he climbed onto the stage. The music drowned out his voice, but he moved closer, poking the man's shoulder roughly. The man turned, surprised.

"Can I help you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You think you're so great, don't you?" Denver slurred, jabbing a finger at the man's chest.

"Well, you're not!"

The man frowned, stepping back. "Do I know you?" he asked, clearly confused.

"You're about to," Denver sneered, but before he could continue, someone from the crowd shouted.

"That's Jacob, you idiot! The owner's nephew!" Denver's heart sank as he realized his mistake. But it was too late. Jacob's face hardened.

"Get off the stage," Jacob ordered, his voice cold. Denver stumbled back, his anger turning to panic.

“I—I'm sorry, man. I didn't know—"

Jacob didn't wait. He signaled to someone in the crowd. Within moments, a group of large, intimidating men with dangerous-looking tattoos all over their bodies approached the stage.

They looked dangerous, and Denver knew he was in trouble. "Please, I didn’t mean anything by it," Denver pleaded as the men climbed onto the stage.

"Get him out of here," Jacob said to his men, not even looking at Denver.

The men grabbed Denver roughly, dragging him off the stage. Denver struggled, but they were too strong for him as they dragged him like a puppy.

"I'm sorry! Please!" he begged as they pulled him through the crowd. People stepped aside, watching the scene unfold with wide eyes.

Denver shuffled toward his friends and fiancée, Clara, who was desperately trying to shield her face with her purse from the ongoing chaos. His eyes were pleading, his voice shaky as he begged them to intervene.

"Please, talk to Jacob. Get him to call these guys off," Denver pleaded. His friends looked uncomfortable, exchanging worried glances, knowing well the danger of interfering with Jacob's decisions.

Clara, her face still half-hidden, peeked out to assess the severity of Denver's situation.

"I... I don’t know if he’ll listen to me. Why do you keep embarrassing me tonight?" She was visibly shaken, her voice barely a whisper as she responded with disgust.

Denver’s desperation grew as the men surrounding him seemed eager to deal with him. Just as the tension reached its peak, Jacob, who had been ignoring Denver's pleas, had his attention captured by a sudden distraction.

Stella, who had been quietly observing the commotion from a distance. Her presence was striking, dressed in a stunning red gown that perfectly complemented her beautiful cleavage.

The room seemed to pause for a moment as all eyes turned toward her when Jacob couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Jacob's expression shifted from irritation to interest. A sly smile crossed his face as he contemplated a new possibility. He approached Stella, his manners changing to one of charm and confidence.

"Seems like we have a way to settle this without any blood being shed," Jacob announced loudly, enough for the crowd to hear. His eyes locked onto Stella, who stood her ground, ignoring him, though her discomfort was evident.

"Denver can go free, no harm done tonight," Jacob continued, his voice smooth as silk. "All he has to do is convince lovely Stella here to spend the night with me."

The proposal hung in the air like a thick fog, making everyone tense. Denver's heart sank. He turned to look at Stella, his eyes filled with apology and fear.

Stella’s expression was unreadable, her silence speaking volumes.

Denver knew what was being asked of him was reprehensible. Yet, the fear of what might happen if he refused was palpable.

He swallowed hard, his throat dry as he stammered, "Stella, I... I don’t know what to—"

“No, I’m not a whore,” she said without batting her eyes. The crowd gasped, and Denver felt a jolt of horror. Stella stood frozen, her face expressionless but her eyes wide with shock.

Clara clutched her purse tighter, her eyes darting between Stella and Declan, whose eyes looked dangerous like an angry lion.

Stella regained her composure, her voice icy. "You can't be serious, Jacob."

Jacob shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm very serious, Stella. It’s either that,

or your friends suffer the consequences. Denver’s mistake can’t just be overlooked."

Denver’s friends murmured among themselves, outrage and fear mingling in their whispers. Denver stepped forward, his knees weak.

"Jacob, please, don’t do this. There’s got to be another way."

Jacob’s gaze hardened as he turned back to Denver. "I’ve made my offer. It’s up to Stella now." Jacob, not used to being denied, narrowed his eyes. He took a step closer to Stella, trying to intimidate her into submission.

"Think carefully, darling. This could all go away. Just have sex with me for one night. Or else...you all will face the consequences."

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