
One evening, as we sat together in the living room, Hazel’s eyes sparkled with a new idea. “I’ve been thinking... we’ve been focused on defense, on reacting to the threats against us. But what if we went on the offensive?”

I exchanged glances with Kai, Declan, and Vincent, all of us intrigued but cautious. “What do you have in mind, Hazel?” Kai asked, leaning forward, his eyes narrowing with interest.

“We know there are people out there who want to hurt us. We’ve been playing their game, letting them set the rules. What if we turn the tables? What if we take the fight to them?”

Declan cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.”

Vincent, always the strategist, tapped his chin thoughtfully. “It’s risky. We could provoke a war.”

Hazel’s smile was wicked, filled with the fire that had drawn us all to her in the first place. “They’re already at war with us. They just don’t know we’re about to win.”

Kai leaned back, considering her wor
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