Winston Looking For His Son

Inside his residence, Winston Sanders was seen talking to John, his personal assistant. "How about Kenneth, John? Have you found out where Kenneth is?"

"Sorry, sir, I haven't found him yet.” John replied. "Actually a few days ago, I saw him on the street, but when I chased him, he ran away. Maybe he knows that I want to bring him back to this house."

Winston Sanders seemed to sigh. "I really regret his decision to leave this house. I'm glad he lives here. Kenneth is a smart and obedient son, he helps me in many ways."

"I think Kenneth is dissapointed when you bequeathed the WS Group to Mr. Shawn." John ventured to express his opinion.

Winston Sanders seemed to sigh once again. "How can I bequeath the WS Group to Kenneth? Kenneth is a child out of legal marriage while Shawn is my son from a legal marriage. If I bequeath the WS Group to Kenneth, then people know his identity, its will make the company's image will be bad."

John was silent, he didn't want to respond anymore for fear that
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