A Slap Of Reality

Emily seems to have a visitor, it was her best friend, Rachel. Rachel used every opportunity she got to blame Ethan for every problem Emily faces. She even went as far as blaming Emily for getting married to Ethan instead of Michael, the handsome and wealthy man.

“He has a bright future you know, and what's more, he's a master of taekwondo, he would be able to protect you financially and physically too.” Rachel points out almost getting angry at Emily. She felt if Michael was her husband she wouldn't be having financial issues with her company.

They heard a soft knock on the door and assumed it was Michael. In unison they both chorused “come in.” The look on their faces dropped when they realized who it was. Ethan walked in carrying the box of money.

Ethan hated Rachel's guts, he felt she was the reason why Emily was acting up, he tagged her a bad influence on Emily. The feeling of hatred was mutual among these two.

After seeing Rachel, Ethan was confused as to how to break the news to Emily. He stood quiet for a few minutes and was interrupted by Emily who said “ we do not have all day Ethan.”

“S-sorry, I, I brought you eight million dollars, it's right here in the box, to help your company. He could feel cold sweat, and suddenly he was terrified to even speak. “And I'm the president's daughter.” Rachel said sarcastically.

Emily buried her face in her palms, frustrated and irritated by Ethan's presence brushing off his statement as a joke, she wanted him gone as soon as possible. She suggested that Ethan book a private room at the sterling hotel so they could have dinner together. The look on Rachel's face shows that she was not in support of this.

Ethan, not knowing what to say or do any longer, left the box of money behind and proceeded to do what he had been told to do. Emily pushes the box aside, she didn't care to even have a look at it.

“Honestly, I wonder how you put up with such a pimp, he makes me want to throw up.” Rachel said with utter disgust written all over her face.

Just as Rachel was going on and on with her rants, a call from the front desk came through, they informed Emily of what transpired between Ethan and Michael some minutes ago. Emily left out a defeated sigh. Her face filled with worry and regret, she felt powerless and weak.

“See what I've been trying to tell you? That Ethan guy is good for nothing. Michael was our best hope to save the company from crashing down but now I doubt if he'll even want to hear the name of the company.” Rachel who was proud that she was right and the call just buttressed her point more became sad when she saw Emily's face. As much as she loved being right, she wouldn't feed off her best friend's pain.

Emily leaned back on her chair and stared into nothing in particular, almost giving up on the company, then Rachel comes up with a new idea, to borrow money from another wealthy friend of theirs who has a rich boyfriend. But they weren't sure about this or if it would work but it was better to try first.

Emily had no choice than to buy into the idea, at this point she was ready to do anything to save her company's name from the mud, half bread they say is better than none. She was going to make Ethan pay for making her lose someone like Michael who was in the best position to help her company and prevent it from going into extinction.

Rachel tried to cheer her up and decided to fill her in on her relationship with her guy but Rachel was not having it, her spirit was downcasted and she silently regretted getting involved with Ethan in the first place. She wished she could go back in time and stop the mistake of making Ethan a part of her life from the beginning.

Ethan arrived at the Sterling hotel to make a reservation as instructed but he was falsely identified as a fraud or a beggar by the security guard who denied him access into the premises but rather mocks him and laughs at him. Ethan could understand this, as he was used to being treated like this but that didn't stop it from breaking his heart.

As he pleaded to be allowed entry he questioned why the world was centered around rich people alone, it looks like they contributed to the creation of the world and as such deserve to be treated better than the rest. This scenario was enjoyed by people who were either passersby or people who came to the hotel. Some people even pulled out their phones to record the scene between Ethan and the security guard.

“This hotel is for dignitaries and important persons, not for people like you, so step aside or I'll have to throw you out of my way. You beggars always want to be where important people are without working as hard as they do.”

Although Ethan had money now, he didn't bother about his clothes or shoes, he was trying to keep the whole process slow, as he was not familiar with the lifestyle of a billionaire. He doesn't even have the time to fix himself up.

“You have to believe me, I actually have an appointment with the boss, come on buddy, I really need to see the boss “ Ethan tried to explain.

Things began to escalate and the argument became more heated. Just as tension began to rise, an average height beautiful and famous woman arrived. Ethan recognized her and a former high school classmate whose name was Jessica.

Ethan tried to approach her but she pretended not to know him. Looking disgusted by even his face. His status was nowhere close to hers, or so she thought.

Ethan was embarrassed by this and watched as she walked into the hotel with no form of remorse for her actions. This behavior from Jessica puts the security guard in the position to kick Ethan away from the hotel as he could be labeled a threat and a disturbance.

As Ethan was being laughed at and ridiculed by the security guard and all who witnessed Jessica's unruly behavior while he still begs to be granted access into the hotel.

“Go somewhere else you pauper, you do not belong in places like this, if you ever want to be among the people use this hotel, go get a better job, work harder and make money. This hotel doesn't run on water you know. A lot was put into it and not just anyone can have access to it, especially not you.”

The words of the security guard was like a sword had been driven into Ethan's heart. He fought back his tears as he was humiliated enough already but he wasn't ready to give up he kept pleading with the security guard who in return kept pushing him back.

The security guard at this point was losing his patience and wasn't having any of Ethan's tantrums any longer. As Ethan kept pleading, he received a blow on the face and was pushed away, he found himself on the floor with blood coming out the left side of his lip. No one tried to help him up instead the whole place erupted with laughter.

Ethan stayed on the ground reminiscing on what to do, whether to fight back or just walk away because this was enough humiliation to make even a grown man cry. He thought of showing off his wealth but it wasn't worth it.

He managed to get up on his own as just as he was about to leave, a black Mercedes Benz of the latest model pulled up in front of the hotel, announcing the arrival of a very important person.

Now the phones of the people recording were faced towards the car, waiting to reveal its owner.

The car was sparkly and the rays of sunlight radiating on it made it hard to stare at the car for longer than necessary. A man in black suit got out the front seat and opened the door for the person in the back. As he stepped out of the vehicle, Ethan's eyes widened.

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