Michael's Downfall -- Ethan Unleashed

The atmosphere in the room had changed, the silence was deafening, one could hear a feather drop. Sarah still couldn't wrap her head around what had just happened, all she could do was stare at Mr. Dawson who had just made her see stars with just a life-threatening slap.

She still couldn't fathom the reason as to why she deserved that, she just stood there with her hands on her cheek which had turned pepper red. She fought so hard but lost to the drop of tear which dribbled down her cheek giving it a cool sensation as the slap had caused more harm than intended.

“M-m-mr Dawson, I don't get it, surely whatever I have done would have been settled amicably.” Sarah muzzled out still fighting the tears that were ready to flow out like a broken reservoir.

“You will apologize to Mr. Ethan right now, and I don't care what you have to say about it, you don't treat our important customers like that, let alone someone of such great esteem, where are your manners?”

Sarah, still in the dark, wished anyone would say something she could understand. She looked over to Mr Ethan and then right back to Mr Dawson. Her heart couldn't handle such wicked behavior but she was a strong woman.

Dawson, a cunning man, had noticed that Mr Ethan was in possession of the Black dragon card, this signifies extreme wealth and prestige and cards like that belong only to nobles. Trying to get on Mr Ethan's good side, he forces Sarah to apologize.

“What!” Sarah said in disbelief as she is instructed to go on both knees and apologize to Mr Ethan and not just to apologize he pushes a little further and orders her to use the title “dad.” She couldn't believe her ears or anything at that moment.

Sarah's feet were numb as she went on her knees and did as instructed with tears gushing down her eyes. Her humiliation was met with yet another inhumane act as Mr Ethan does not acknowledge her as his daughter. Her heart sank into her stomach. She still didn't know why this was happening to her.

This time her tears no longer had a cold sensation but a burning one, she was humiliated down to nothing and she couldn't stand up for herself. Sarah felt like she had been stripped of her dignity.

After Ethan was done with his escapades he takes out two boxes each filled with money from the bank. This left Sarah and Mr Dawson in awe, Sarah now understands why she was humiliated this much. Mr Dawson on the other hand was enticed by the soul- lifting amount of money Ethan had just carried out of the bank.

Ethan got on his electric bike right after securing the money on his bike proceeds to head over to Emily's company. He wanted to be the prince that kisses sleeping beauty out of her sleep. He had planned to ease the financial burden she was currently facing.

He zoomed off like one being chased by a pack of wolves and in no time, he was already at Emily's company. Just as he stepped down from his bike he saw someone he hated, Michael. He's confronted by his rival Michael, a returnee, a wealthy one at that but there was a problem, Michael had harbored feelings for long towards Emily and plans on winning her over with his money.

“Heyyy, look who we have here, our little errand boy.” Michael said tauntily referring to Ethan, Michael was always in the habit of using his wealth to oppress people. He stated clearly that only he could save Emily's company from running into bankruptcy. He pointed at his flashy dressing and car trying to make Ethan feel inferior.

“Watch your mouth you spoilt buffoon, don't make promises you can't keep so it's either you get out of here the easy way or the hard way.” Ethan threatened, still keeping his cool and walked towards the entrance. This level of audacity made Michael full of fury and he could only think of one thing to exert revenge, fighting.

Feeling like a master in taekwondo, Michael rushed towards Ethan trying to knock him out with a blow or two but was easily disgraced as Ethan, a lethal martial artist could count his attacks. In a split second, Michael was on the ground bleeding from his nose and mouth. He was overpowered and had no choice than to beg for mercy for his dear life. Ethan lets him off with a warning.

“Stay away from Emily, I'm not going to warn you again, make yourself useful and do something for the city since you're so wealthy. There's more from where that came from and I'm not afraid to show it to you, and unless you're used to being beaten up like a fourth grader you'll stay away from Emily, got it?”.

Ethan pushed Michael towards the exit after he had inflicted a good number of bruises over his body. “That would teach him not to mess with just anybody he sees.”

Ethan goes over to the restroom to clean himself up as he had blood stains and dirt all over him, he realized he had sustained an injury on his left foot. He tried to nurse it but he got distracted by the chatter going on. He decided to eavesdrop and he overheard some people talking about the fight that erupted between Michael and himself a few minutes ago with everyone supporting Michael.

“I bet he just got lucky, he doesn't look like he's truly a fighter, it's just beginner's luck and I'm sure Emily would think so too, she's better off with that Michael guy. Ethan has such a low life, he's just like a mummy's boy.”

This remark enraged him so much, he slammed his fist on the mirror in front of him and got a few cuts on his hands as the mirror shattered. Almost immediately Ethan puts a call through to Mr Lawrence, a private investigator and instructs him to find every single information about Michael.

“I want you to find out everything about that guy Michael, everything Lawrence, everything, spare no detail. I want to know everything about him and his family, all his friends and enemies, even the source of his wealth. And please, make it quick.”

Desperate to silence these doubting staff as well as the rest of the world, Ethan plans to reduce Michael to nothing better than a beggar. His hatred for Michael grew more bitter. He bit his lower lip as he let out a frustrated groan. Then he looked up to the fragment of mirror still standing and made a vow to bring Michael down.

“I'll make sure no one recognizes you when I'm done with you Michael, I'll be your worst nightmare.” Ethan threatened after he hung up the phone. His plan was to ruin Michael and make him pay so much that he'll shiver anytime he hears the name Ethan.

Ethan carefully washed his wounds with water and headed out of the restroom to go see Emily in her office. Ethan could hear people talk about him as he made his ways to Emily's office. He saw staff members jeer at him as he walked by. He tried to ignore the whispers from the staff but then again something hit him. He clearly heard them mock him and call him a softie husband.

Ethan came to an abrupt halt wanting to tackle that but almost immediately decided to let it go as he walked with the boxes full of money into Emily's office. He walked smartly but with a little limp as a result of the fight with Michael.

He continued walking while thinking of what to say if Emily asked him where he got so much money from. He was determined to help Emily but wasn't ready to reveal the true source of his new found power and wealth.

He thought about just leaving the money for her to find but he figured that it would probably be identified with Michael so he had to do this in person.

Just at Emily's door, he stopped and took a deep breath and then he knocked on the door quite mildly. He adjusted his clothes and tried to hide all the bruises on him.

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