Attacked with Humiliation

As Melvin walked through the corridors of the office, a whirlwind of emotions surged within him. It was as if an invisible force had lifted him from the mundane and elevated him to the heavens. Each step felt like a stride of triumph, resonating with a newfound sense of empowerment.

His heart swelled with a mixture of pride and exhilaration. The weight of the recent humiliation he had faced at Naira's house seemed to dissipate with every echoing footfall. Here, within these walls, he felt a stark contrast to the role he was relegated to at home, an existence that felt more like that of a househelp than an equal partner.

He relished the sensation of being in charge, feeling a sense of authority and respect that he often missed elsewhere. The weight of his responsibilities, the power he held, and the choices he could make all combined to give him a feeling of significance that he had long yearned for.

As he continued to walk, his chest seemed to expand, his breaths deeper and more fulfilling. He couldn't help but contrast this sensation with the stifling environment he had experienced at Naira's house, where he often felt constrained and undervalued. Here, he felt like a boss, a leader in his own right, a captain of his own ship.

"Sir, please wait here. I'll open the room for you," William's voice requested, and he walked away to fetch the keys.

As Melvin stood there, his gaze drifted towards the employees engrossed in their tasks. Amid the busy atmosphere, he caught snippets of hushed conversations that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Did you see his clothes? Doesn't look like he can afford proper ones."

"Yeah, seriously. Must be cutting corners."

The comments about his appearance felt like a punch to his gut, a sudden blow to his confidence.

"And that's the guy who's supposedly married to Naira? Looks more like a househelp."

Laughter followed, and Melvin felt his cheeks flush with humiliation. He had hoped to escape judgment here, but it seemed he was wrong.

"I heard he's practically henpecked by her."

The words landed like a dagger in his chest, stirring up a mix of anger and shame.

As he stood there, his heart sinking with each harsh word, he heard someone else say, "He's probably here to beg from his grandfather," followed by a stifled laugh. 

His face flushed with a mix of anger and pain, Melvin clenched his teeth, trying to hold back his emotions. "Can't believe this," he muttered quietly, his voice frustrated, while his gaze dropped as he fought to keep his cool amid the hurtful comments.

As the whispers continued, he found himself questioning his every move. The initial sense of empowerment he had felt when he arrived now seemed distant, replaced by the overwhelming weight of judgment and scorn. 

The words he had overheard struck him harder than he could have anticipated. Never before had he felt so thoroughly insulted, not even in the challenging atmosphere of Naira's home.

His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles turning white as his anger coiled within him. The humiliation burned bright, searing his pride like a relentless flame.

"Who do they think they are?" he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

His jaw tightened, the muscles working against the storm of emotions that raged beneath the surface.

"I've had enough of this," he declared to himself, his voice filled with frustration and determination.

His breaths came faster, his chest rising and falling with each heartbeat. He had hoped for a fresh start here, a chance to rebuild his sense of self-worth, yet these cruel remarks shattered that hope in an instant.

His initial confidence was now replaced by a storm of emotions, a tempest that he struggled to contain. The simple whispers of those employees had ignited a fierce inner turmoil, a conflict between his desire to hold his head high and the stark reality of his perceived inadequacies.

Just as the hurtful comments hung in the air like a heavy cloud, the manager's arrival was like a sudden gust of wind, sweeping through the corridor. 

His presence seemed to command attention, and his gaze quickly discerned the tense atmosphere. His eyes narrowed as he caught onto the murmurs and mockery directed at Melvin, his expression darkening with disapproval.

"Is this how you conduct yourselves?" the manager's voice boomed, carrying a weight of authority that silenced the whispers. "I won't tolerate such behavior in my company. It's shameful."

His scolding words reverberated, a palpable reprimand that cut through the air. And then, with a flourish of authority, he made an announcement that sent shockwaves through the gathered employees.

"Listen up, everyone," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "I want you to know that Mr. Melvin here is not just an ordinary employee. He's the owner of this company, and from this moment forward, he will be taking over its company."

The stunned silence that followed was punctuated only by the sound of gasps and shuffling feet. Melvin stood there, eyes wide with disbelief, his heart pounding against his chest. The weight of the moment hung heavy, like a pendulum swinging between the humiliation he had just endured and the astonishing revelation that now unfolded before him.

He eyed the manager and then straightened his back. It appeared that all the humiliation he bore till date was going to pay back. His time to rise again finally arrived. He was going to lead and teach a lesson to all those who have been harsh on him.

A smirk played on his lips processing his own thoughts.

The manager's voice cut through the stillness that followed his announcement, carrying an air of resolution. "Now, I want each of you to apologize to Mr. Melvin for your disrespectful behavior," he instructed firmly.

The employees exchanged uncertain glances, some shuffling nervously on their feet. Slowly, a sense of accountability seemed to settle in as they realized the gravity of their actions. One by one, they began to step forward, offering sincere apologies to Melvin, their voices carrying a mix of remorse and humility.

"I'm sorry for what I said," one of them admitted, looking genuinely contrite.

"Yeah, me too," another chimed in, his expression reflecting regret.

Melvin stood there, a mixture of emotions washing over him, astonishment at the turn of events, relief at the acknowledgment of his worth, and a sense of validation as the apologies came his way. Each apology seemed to carry the weight of not just the words spoken, but also the acknowledgment of his humanity and his rightful place within the company.

The atmosphere shifted from one of tension to one of reconciliation, the act of apologizing serving as a bridge between the past humiliation and a future that held promise. And as the employees expressed their regrets, Melvin found himself gradually letting go of the resentment that had gripped him moments ago.

"Mr. Melvin," the manager, William, addressed him with a tone of respect, "would you please come with me? Your grandfather is waiting for you in the room."

Melvin's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his grandfather. He exchanged a glance with William, his curiosity mingling with a sense of anticipation. With a nod, he followed the manager, the weight of the recent events still fresh in his mind, yet now mingled with a newfound sense of hope and curiosity about the impending meeting with his grandfather.

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