Back Where He Belonged To

The manager opened the door and stepped away, making room for him to enter. A feeling of old memories filled the air around him. 

When Melvin walked in, the elderly man sat up from the back leather seat, stood with energy, and walked over to Melvin, arms open wide. He was very happy to see his grandson and gave him a big, warm hug.

"Oh, my Melvin... It's so good to have you back," he said, hugging him tightly and showing how much he cared.

The old man embraced Melvin warmly, showing how much he cared. Melvin's feelings were a bit mixed. He remembered how this very person had caused him a lot of trouble, making him angry. Those memories from the past made the hug feel uncomfortable, and he pulled back a little, the past flooding back in his mind.

"Thanks!" Melvin's voice held brevity as he acknowledged the warm hug. He kept his emotions guarded, a reserve he had mastered over time. However, his grandfather, perceptive as ever, noticed the distance in Melvin's response.

The old man's eyes held a trace of concern as he studied Melvin's demeanor. He had been expecting a different reaction after the heartfelt embrace. Perhaps he had hoped for a more open and enthusiastic response, a rekindling of the bond that had been strained for so long.

Pushing aside the tension between them, 

"Have a seat," his grandfather gestured, indicating a chair in the room. Melvin followed the instruction, the tension between them palpable.

As Melvin settled into the chair, a veil of awkwardness seemed to stretch between them, like an invisible barrier that neither was sure how to breach. The room felt heavy with unspoken words, a history of grievances and missed opportunities hanging in the air.

Melvin's gaze wandered around the room, his eyes landing on familiar objects that triggered memories of times gone by. A sense of melancholy crept over him, and he wished, not for the first time, that his father were still alive. His father's presence might have eased this moment, providing guidance on how to navigate the complexities of family ties.

"I hope your journey here was smooth," his grandfather finally broke the silence, attempting to bridge the gap.

"Yeah, it was fine," Melvin replied, his voice carrying a hint of detachment. He was struggling to find the right words, torn between his feelings of resentment and the awkwardness of the situation.

His grandfather nodded slowly, his expression a mix of understanding and regret. "It's been a while, hasn't it? I really missed you and longed to see your face in this office." He said, trying to indicate that he really loved him.

Melvin nodded, unable to suppress a twinge of affection he was showing. "Yeah, it has."

"No worries," his grandfather's voice was gentle, carrying a note of reassurance. "I'm glad you're back. I knew you wouldn't let me down if I asked you to rejoin." He murmured, his fingers picking up a glass of water, their age showing in the wrinkles on his hand. He brought the glass to his lips, his facial muscles shifting as he sipped before carefully setting the glass down.

Melvin found himself unsure of how to respond. His mind hadn't yet settled on a decision. The choice to accept his grandfather's offer was still a jumble of uncertainty. His visit to the office today was part of his contemplation. He wanted to gauge how he would be perceived by the people there. The outcome, though not surprising, stung. The mistreatment he had endured, the insults that had wounded his self-respect, all resurfaced vividly.

"Hmm..." Melvin offered a noncommittal hum, the complexity of his emotions making it hard to articulate his thoughts.

His grandfather's disappointment at the lack of enthusiasm prompted him to press further. "Never mind that. Tell me, how does it feel to be back?"

The words hung in the air, carrying the weight of curiosity and concern. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Melvin's response to unveil a glimpse of his inner turmoil.

"Haah… I'm glad that you finally asked me this question," Melvin's words carried a touch of sarcasm, his emotions clearly reflected in his tone.

The old man's brow furrowed as he tried to decipher the meaning behind Melvin's statement.

"I wish you had asked me this question when you showed me the door from this very office," bitterness seeped into Melvin's voice, his hurt raw and evident.

Recognition dawned on his grandfather's face, a mixture of understanding and remorse crossing his features. "Melvin, look, there's no point dwelling on the past now," he said, leaning forward slightly in a bid to bridge the gap.

"It's easy for you to say that. Maybe you should ask me about the years I've endured," Melvin's voice dropped to a whisper, a painful admission of his struggles. "And what I'm facing even now, right in that office."

The room seemed to hold its breath, the weight of unspoken grievances hanging heavy between them. The old man's expression carried a mix of regret and realization, while Melvin's eyes held a mixture of hurt and frustration. The space between them became a canvas on which the complexities of their strained relationship played out, each word a brushstroke painting a picture of their shared history.

Melvin took a deep breath, his expression conflicted. He couldn't hold back his disappointment any longer. "To be honest, Grandfather," he began, his voice tinged with hurt and anger, "I can't help but feel that you played a role in the mistreatment I faced at the office."

His words hung in the air, a heavy silence enveloping the room. The surroundings seemed to hold their breath, the tension between the two palpable.

His grandfather's eyes widened slightly, surprise mingling with a hint of regret. Lines etched with age deepened on his face as he absorbed Melvin's accusation. He had anticipated this conversation might lead to difficult revelations, but the rawness of his grandson's words still caught him off guard.

Melvin's tone grew more cutting as he continued, his emotions pouring out. "Your decision to kick me out of this office and house had consequences, Grandfather. It left me vulnerable, and people at work sensed that. I felt like an outsider, and the mistreatment followed."

The room seemed to shrink as Melvin's grievances spilled out. His grandfather's expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of sorrow and remorse, the weight of his past actions settling heavily on his shoulders.

"And now," Melvin's voice wavered, the anger subsiding into a wounded vulnerability, "you expect me to just come back as if nothing happened, as if all those years of struggle and humiliation can be brushed aside."

Tears glistened in his eyes as he locked gazes with his grandfather. The old man's gaze held a mixture of sadness and regret, the realization of the pain he had caused settling in. The room felt charged with emotions, each word spoken a step toward understanding and healing, albeit through the turmoil of confronting the past.

"Look, Melvin. I assure you. No one will ever dare to raise a finger on you. You're the deserving owner of this company. The company needs you."

As his grandfather spoke, Melvin's thoughts churned with a whirlwind of emotions. His gaze fixed on the old man, but his mind was transported back to that fateful incident that had reshaped his life, coloring his perception of the man before him.

He remembered the day when his father's life had been snuffed out, a life taken through a sinister plan hatched by the very hands that now reached out in pleading. The image of his father's face, full of dreams and dedication, contrasted sharply with the harsh reality that had unfolded.

His uncle and his grandfather, once allies, had plotted to remove his father from the company and strip away his rightful share of the wealth. The company that had been built on his father's sweat, hard work, and dedication was torn from him in a cruel betrayal. The man he saw before him, the one begging for his return, was the same man who had orchestrated that heartless act.

His father's blood and sweat had been poured into the business, his life devoted to its growth. The trauma of being thrown out and robbed of his legacy had been too much for him to bear, ending in a fatal stroke that stole him from Melvin's life forever.

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