Son In Law to Secret Heir
Son In Law to Secret Heir
Author: Sam Liu
Son in Law Struggles

"I swear by his deceased father," he sneered softly, frustration evident as he bent at the waist to pick up the bra she had discarded on the floor the previous night. "One day, I will endure all the torment and exact revenge on you, spoiled bitch," he huffed, tossing the bra over his shoulder and moving to tidy the disarray around the room. He diligently followed the instructions she had given him before heading to the office that morning.

Could he truly believe that someone like Naira, in charge of the family business, would create such a mess in her room just due to her usual untidiness? It didn't add up. Something felt amiss, and a significant part of that was him.

He was convinced that she had intentionally orchestrated this entire situation – a scheme to belittle him, diminish his significance, and exploit him as an unpaid cleaner. Surprisingly, despite being married, she treated him more like a household help than a husband. The marriage papers they had signed seemed almost inconsequential.

However, an undeniable truth lingered: she never acknowledged him as her husband, never granting him the rights or respect that a husband should rightfully receive. Not even a modicum of it. Unfortunately, Mr. Melvin believed he didn't deserve even a fraction of it.

As he moved across the room toward her vanity, arranging the scattered beauty products, a pitiable sight greeted him in the mirror. The world would surely mock the man they glimpsed, if only they knew the kind of life he endured with Naira.

Observing his own plight sometimes did nothing but reinforce his belief in an old saying – a man without wealth or fortune is as insignificant as a discarded slipper, worn gracefully in public but cast aside in private by the woman who wears it.

A year had elapsed since their marriage, yet he couldn't comprehend why she had chosen him. Why Melvin? Why not any other man?

After tending to her vanity, he hastened toward the bed, smoothing it out. The kitchen awaited him, lunch preparations beckoning. In this household, Naira wasn't the sole beneficiary of his services; his mother-in-law and sister-in-law unabashedly took advantage of them.

"Allow me entry to my palace, just once. I won't even allocate the tiniest room for them," he mumbled while tidying the bedsheet, lost in thoughts of reclaiming his wealth and everything that had been confiscated from him as retribution by his grandfather.

"Perfect!" A weary smile danced on his lips as his gaze swept over the result of his hours of labor – an orderly room with every item in its place, free of any lingering dust.

He grinned, envisioning Naira's delight upon returning from the office to find the room so meticulously organized, perhaps rewarding him with an affectionate kiss. His reverie, however, shattered with the ring of his phone.

In haste, he lunged for the phone, his heart brimming with hope that it might be Naira on the line, eager to express how much she missed him at work and couldn't wait to be back to shower him with affection.

His heart pounded faster as her number flashed on the screen, prompting him to pinch himself to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

His thumb quivered with excitement as he swiped up the green call icon, answering her call and bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hello, sweetheart!" he cooed, aiming for a romantic tone. However, she wasted no time in putting him in his place.

"Stop with the cheesy act. I'm busy. Left my file in the room, bring it down. I'm waiting in the car," she commanded, her voice dripping with authority.

The joy that had lit up his face a moment ago vanished in an instant. He swallowed the insult, feeling the weight of her casual disdain.

"Sure, I'll be right there," he responded, masking his true feelings with a facade of obedience.

Snatching the file from the table, he hurriedly left the room and hastened down the staircase. He was determined not to worsen her mood, knowing well that her morning disposition often set the tone for the entire day and night, with frustration vented on anyone who crossed her path.

He didn't want to be a target for her irritation, so he kept up his pace until something brought him to a halt. He stepped back, stopping near the staircase railing, as his eyes landed on her – a sorceress in his eyes, a word that seemed to encapsulate her essence perfectly.

"Oh no, not now," his thoughts raced as he hoped to avoid her at this moment. Naira awaited him outside, and he needed to be prepared to face her potential anger if he caused her to wait.

Inhaling deeply, he gathered his resolve and took a step forward. Swiftly, he hid the file behind his back, hoping to keep it out of her sight. He was cautious of her talent for manipulating situations, dreading that she might snatch the file and score points in Naira's eyes, further tarnishing his image as an already unhelpful husband.

Such an incident would only fuel her complaints that he did nothing when she wasn't around, leaving all household responsibilities for others to handle. Naturally, this was far from reality and contrary to the truth.

These cunning women were solely interested in Naira's wealth and reputation, shamelessly exploiting her generosity. Whenever they were in her presence, they wore masks of the most affectionate mother and sister. If Naira could only hear the venomous words they exchanged behind her back, she would likely sever ties with them completely, disowning them from her family.

"Look who decided to make an appearance," Bella's caustic announcement reverberated through the hallway, just as he ascended the third-to-last stair. Time was slipping away and Naira awaited him, expecting the return of the file.

Seated comfortably on the sofa, her mother sipped tea while engrossed in a fashion magazine, her gaze briefly meeting his. Melvin's curiosity was piqued as his eyes landed on the young, handsome man seated beside her. A smug smile flickered across her face upon spotting him, a sight he was all too familiar with.

Suspicion gnawed at Melvin, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. Who was this impressive-looking stranger, and why was he here? He shrugged off the unease that settled upon him; he had grown accustomed to their smirks and disparaging comments, unfailingly aimed his way without apparent cause.

Gripping the concealed file more firmly, he summoned a nervous gulp of determination and compelled himself to move forward, his steps heavy with an unsettling mixture of determination and suspicion.

"A lousy rat!" Mrs. Edwards' dreadful laughter shattered the tranquility of the hall. Despite her refined appearance and possessions befitting the elite class, her laughter was arguably the most nightmarish sound one could encounter. Melvin felt the sting of her words, but he brushed them aside, his focus unwaveringly fixed on the file clutched in his hands.

As he continued his ascent up the stairs, he clung to a single thought: 'Just one more step, and I'll be free of this vexing situation.' He reassured himself with a quiet internal pep talk, his resolve steeling against the verbal assault he had just endured.

However, unexpectedly, Mrs. Edwards abruptly halted his progress with a pointed query, her tone laced with sharp conflict, "Tell me, you good-for-nothing, why is my breakfast delayed!?" Melvin's humiliation deepened as the confrontation escalated. He felt a mixture of anger and helplessness, but he refused to let it break his determination.

"You've always excelled at disappointment, haven't you?" she continued, her words a barb that threatened to wound. Melvin met her gaze, a flicker of defiance in his eyes, but before he could respond, she dropped a bombshell that left him momentarily speechless.

"I'm going to tell Naira to divorce you," she declared with a twisted smile. "Robert is going to be my son-in-law." Her praise for the mysterious young man felt like a final blow, a validation of everything he had ever feared. The conflict within him burned hotter as he grappled with the weight of her words.

Melvin felt like the last step had been pulled out from under him cruelly as he stumbled to maintain his balance and nearly save himself from falling down. He couldn't believe his ears and what he had heard. Was he dreaming or what? Had the humiliation not been enough? Now his mother-in-law's cruel words had the power to strike him like a physical blow, leaving him reeling.

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