Fumed with Anger

"Divorce?" The word escaped his lips, a mixture of disbelief and raw hurt in his voice. The handsome stranger, Robert, remained impassive, his presence casting a shadow that seemed to grow larger with each passing moment. Melvin's heart pounded in his chest, emotions swirling in a tempest of anger, hurt, and defiance.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Edwards approached, her plump lips adorned with purple lipstick curling slightly after she took a sip of tea.

"Ugh… you know, I despise tardy breakfasts. Mind your actions and pick up the pace," she admonished, rolling her eyes at him.

Melvin swallowed his anxiety and nodded, not so much afraid of the woman herself, but rather the fact that Naira was waiting outside. He thought he could deal with the situation later as he believed Naira'd not leave her easily. Not for this man atleast.

"Good boy," Mrs. Edwards praised before preparing to move away. Just then, Melvin seized what he thought was a prime opportunity to slip away with the file. Unbeknownst to him, he underestimated the malice of these two women, a miscalculation that would soon prove costly.

As he descended the last stair, about to pass by Bella, she caught a glimpse of the file he had concealed against his chest. A glint of disdain flashed in her eyes before she swiftly acted on her instinct.

Bella extended her leg in front of him, a move that blindsided Melvin in his rush. Unable to anticipate it, he inadvertently collided with Mrs. Edward, who presented her ample backside to him. The teacup she held soared into the air before crashing to the ground, splattering tea across the floor.

The abrupt turn of events left him bewildered, his senses assaulted by a loud commotion that shattered the hall's silence.

"Oh, for heaven's sake! You wretched imbecile," Mrs. Edward bellowed, her high-pitched screech piercing his ears momentarily.

"Ah… My hand is burning… Bella, fetch the first aid kit. Ahh… And before that, kick this filthy, worthless fool out of my house!" Mrs. Edward exclaimed in pain, her suffering not preventing her from seizing any opportunity to humiliate Melvin, who stood there frozen.

Wide-eyed in shock, not due to the sting of her words but for another reason, he took in the scene. When he had collided with her, the file slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. By sheer luck, he spotted it before Mrs. Edward did. Yet, little did he know that another observer was present in the hall, fully aware of the situation.

While Mrs. Edward's clamor filled the air, Melvin's mind raced as he contemplated how to retrieve the file before it was noticed. Just as he bent down to retrieve it, Bella acted swiftly, snatching it up.

In the midst of the chaos, the distinct click of Naira's heels echoed as she entered the scene. Bella's hand raised, signaling the file she held, juxtaposed against the ongoing cacophony of Mrs. Edward's cries.

Confused by the unfolding drama, Melvin's gaze darted between Naira and Bella, capturing the file she brandished. Then he witnessed the swift transformation of emotions on Naira's face. Fury ignited in her eyes as she hastened to her mother's side.

"What's going on?" Her voice was laced with concern as she questioned her mother.

"Your worthless husband spilled hot tea on my hand," Mrs. Edward sobbed. "I'm telling you, Naira, kick him out of this house. He's plotting to harm Bella and me, to seize control of the property." Her accusatory gaze bore into Melvin as she continued her performance.

Melvin was aware that the tea couldn't have been scalding enough to cause such pain; this was all an act to manipulate Naira. Seizing an opportune moment, they were now leveraging it against him.

"Naira… I didn't mean to do it. I was just…" Melvin's attempt to explain was abruptly quashed by Naira's forceful intervention.

"Shut up!" Her voice reverberated like a slashing blade, forbidding him from uttering another word.

"Bella, bring the first aid kit," Naira directed, turning her attention to Bella after thoroughly berating Melvin without allowing him a chance to speak.

Anger flashed in his eyes, and he battled the urge to hold. Hastily, he fled the scene, ascending the stairs and retreating to his room. 

A burning desire to avenge himself ignited within Melvin, compelling him to seize the property and wealth they so arrogantly flaunted, to show them their rightful place. But he felt powerless, stripped of everything. He cursed himself for defying his grandfather, an act that led to his disinheritance.

This very reason had driven him to marry Naira when her father proposed the alliance. Although the true motives remained a mystery to him to this day.

The searing words from Mrs. Edward and Bella, coupled with Naira's curt dismissal, pricked at his heart like needles, inflicting internal anguish. He bit down on his lower lip, suppressing the urge to release the pent-up cries that fought to escape.

But crying seemed an unattainable luxury.

Amid his torment, his phone persisted in ringing, an intrusion he initially ignored. However, after the third insistent ring, he abandoned his spot on the floor, stood up, and begrudgingly answered the call.

At that moment, Melvin recognized that he had made many regrettable decisions in his life. But this time, things were destined to take a different turn.

"Why's he calling me now!?" His face underwent an abrupt transformation, a mix of surprise, confusion, and perhaps a hint of anxiety, as he stared intently at his phone's screen. The illuminated name of the incoming caller seemed to seize his attention, prompting a range of emotions to flicker across his features.

He wiped his eyes, not just to clear the tears but also to confirm that he wasn't in a dream. It became evident that he was awake and facing reality. The phone continued to vibrate in his grip, urging him to answer the call, but he felt unsure about what to do.

As in a matter of some moments, the memories of the past flashed in front of his eyes. Those bitter words commanding him to leave the house empty handed blared fresh in his ears as if it was just yesterday's story. All his wounds ripped alive, making him feel the humiliation all over again.

Stuck in his thoughts, he lost the chance to pick the call as it dropped automatically. The vibration died in his hand, as he stared down at his own reflection in the blank phone's screen. Unfortunately he met with the vulnerability showing on his face. 

The coarse words of Mrs Edward resonated, pinching more humiliation on him. With that he regretted the delay he did for not picking up the call. He should have picked up. Maybe he had something good to talk about. Maybe he would talk about something of his concern.

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