Chapter 15 Sibling Kindness
"Hey, wake up, sleepy head," a velvety voice said. A warm hand touched Pan's cheek. He stirred with his eyes closed and held the hand against his face. "It's so warm… Mom…" he murmured and smiled.

"Wake up, Pan..." the voice repeated. "I'm not your mom."

The boy opened his eyes. A beautiful girl's face loomed over him. Ash-blonde hair cascaded down like dunes in the sand. Her blue eyes were so serene that they made Pan drowsy again. The boy lowered his eyes and saw a tight bust pressed against spandex. "Penelope?" he mumbled.

"Yes, it's me. Penny. You were talking in your sleep. What happened to you? Why did you pass out?"

"I… uh… I don't know. I don't remember. Did you guys see anything?"

She shook her head gracefully. "Felix had magically censored everything happening at other tables. We were told you scored high on the test but passed out, probably due to exhaustion. But what actually happened at your couples table, nobody knows."

Penny brought forth a tissue and wiped
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