First Day in The Team

Emmy left the café mentally exhausted, he had learned so many things today, if he had a phone he would've searched on the internet about those devices that Miss Sofia claimed to be the only one in existence because anytime he asked of how she got them, she would simply ignore him or give him a teasing answer.

Getting home with exhaustion, Emmy went into a deep slumber after eating. Thankfully, he had done his daily quest in the morning before leaving for school and so he was free to sleep without any worry.

The next day, Emmy did as it was planned asking Captain Karim if he knew of any football training around the school district which he said yes.

They did a little arduous training, none of the senior students have managed to performed the combined skill of Shadow Move and Tiger Strike properly even Promise fails to sync her concentration, the Coach trains the first and second year students leaving the third year to practice by themselves.

The training ended after one and the half
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