The Only One In Existence

With the help of the small mechanical box Emmy got to the teleporter station at ease and move out of the estate, going home with a lot on his mind and a lot of calculations going on in his head.

The distance from his school to WaterStill Estate will take him up to an hour with additional ten minutes to his residence, Emmy was thinking if taking a public bus is the best option or walking with his leg. A public bus will cost him 5 Chint, so taking a public bus when going to the Café and coming back home at night will cost him 10 Chint and thus, he would spend a total of 300 to 310 Chint for a month which is the x3 of his salary.

He couldn't open room for that to happen which means he would've to be going with his two legs, no transport. He isn't given a specific time to resume after all, it's just after he closed in school.

He currently had 620 Chints with him, the ball he got was 50 Chints making the 670 Chints he got from that boy reduced to 620 Chints which might all be spent befor
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