Souls Of Change System

[Congratulations, you have received the Souls of Change System]

"What the f*ck? What are you changing in my soul?" He yelled out.

This is the only thing Emmy could think of, as he saw the word Souls of Change, because the word had said it all.

[Requirements to unlock the full access of this system have not been met]

"What requirement is that?" He asked.

[The system is under Lord Lucifer influence and to gained total freedom, you must complete the following task]

[1. Curse at least three different people a day for three days. The curse must be said directly to them in their face]

"What the hell? This thing is trying to kill me." He shouted, because he knew this was an impossible task for him, he doesn't have the confidence to curse people and said it directly to them, even the man who entered with his mom that he challenged, he doesn't know why and how he had done it. If it was his past self before he was punished by the cops, it would have been an easy job but not now that all his confidence has faded away.

[2. Don't sleep at home for three days]

[3. Follow no orders for three days including from your superior and your mum, you should only follow Lord Lucifer's order]

[4. Be brave and always fight back]

[Further task will be given to you by Lord Lucifer as the day went by, failure to complete these tasks will deny your freedom under Lord Lucifer's influence.

No reward will be given for any task completed under Lord Lucifer's influence]

Now he knew this system really wanted to kill him, because all of these are just impossible for him; if he decided to not sleep at home, where would he sleep? That's the question he needs to ask himself if he really want to complete these tasks.

Although, his mum doesn't give him orders or ask him to do anything because she don't care about him, but how could he escape orders from his mates in school, how could he go against what they ask him to do? This is also a question he needs to find an answer to if he wants to complete the task. and the last one says; to be brave and always fight back, this is what Emmy had promised himself not to do again, fighting back is what had made him lost his confidence so, he promised himself not to do that again. Now the system is telling him to be brave and always fight back.

It was as if the system had known him for long before giving him these tasks. After he read all the messages, he already knew this was the random gift the voice was talking about so, he decided to check the system. There were different outlines displayed there, he could see personal data, attributes, skills, market and so on. But each of them was greyed out having a tiny text under. Emmy was quite surprised as everything looks like a game system to him.

[Unlocked when total freedom is achieved]

The only one that wasn't greyed out was the personal data and he checked it out.

{User Personal Data}

[Name: Emmy Krane]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Height: 116cm]

[Weight: 50kg]

These are the only information that was displayed, others were blank having the same text under each of them.

'Did I really want this thing, it doesn't help me in any way, just trying to kill me by giving dangerous tasks. What if i don't want to complete the task? What if I didn't want total freedom, what will happen?' As he thought of this, a message had popped up.

[New Quest Received]

[The man who brought this to you is inside with your mum.

Pluck out his balls or send him out]

[Reward: None]

[Punishment for failure: Going Through Hell for five minutes]

"What the f*ck is th-." He couldn't finish his sentence before he felt his body moving on its own. 'What's happening.' He thought.

It wasn't as if he's lost his sense or something, he could feel that he's still in control of his body but he couldn't control it right now, which really sounds ridiculous.

Standing up from where his was this whole time, he started moving inside. Jone who was sitting beside him observing him since, also follow him behind. He moved to the kitchen and search through the utensils before his hands moved to a crescent knife.

'Something is really wrong; I can't control my body again. Am I under Lucifer's influence now, this is really bad, I need to complete the tasks as soon as possible because this is worse than those damn tasks?' He thought.

"Arghhh." That's what he could hear after he stepped inside the room, then looking up he could see blood all over his body and on the bed, there was a naked man that was bleeding nonstop and a naked woman could be seen under him.

"Bastard!!! What are you doing?" His mum shouted.

His legs were shaking and he could feel that his hand was still moving, and before he knew it, another hit had landed on the man's backbone, a cracking sound could be heard and what follow it was a scream.

"Stop it now, you bastard." His mum shouted as she was shaking. Emmy's hand moved again but he could feel his hand burning slightly and looking up, the knife he was holding onto had melt and an arrow flame was coming towards his hand.

"I'll kill you; I swear." The man shouted as flame was emitting from his hand, he had met the knife and as he tried to get up from the bed, he fell back, he wasn't in the position to move, blood was flowing out from his body.

Emmy could now control his body as he moved his hand back and the arrow flame had gone past him. Then standing up, he rushed out of the room and Jone had followed him behind. The man wanted to chase him but he couldn't move his body.

"Honey, let's go to the infirmary now." Emmy's mum said as she quickly got down and put the man on her back, heading straight for her car. Blood was dripping from his body, and a trail of blood could be seen left behind as they move. Dropping the man on the floor, she quickly opens the gate before she carried him on her back again and move towards her car.

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