Lord Lucifer Technique

Emmy fell down screaming as he could feel a great pain inside of him, it was as if his internal organ was burning into crisp and his mom and her boyfriend left him and move inside, they don't care about what happen to him.

Jone quickly ran over to him as it could hear him screaming in pain; using its mouth, Jone dragged him towards the tree with large branches and flat leaves, then running over to different flowers; Jone was taking them one by one before running back to Emmy who was screaming in pain, the flowers was being chucked into his mouth, Jone was running all over the garden to different flowers.

This was quite a nice sight to see, a dog that cares so much for its owner and Emmy seeing this, it was bringing back a sense of Deja vu to him, he remembered he had being in this same situation as Jone before, but the flowers didn't have any effect on him and the pain was increasing.

'Why is this happening to me? Am I going to die like this?' He thought as the pain was increasing by the seconds and the burning sensation was getting closer to his heart. 'No, I can't die like this, I need to become a great and well-known footballer and build my legacy all over the world.' He was having this thought confidently with a great determination but he saw no way of surviving this.

*You have brought this upon yourself. * He heard a deep and chilly voice projected into his head, he moves his eyes around a few times to check where the voice was coming from, but the only thing he could see was Jone running from one flower to another.

'What's that? Where is that voice coming from?'

*You brought this upon yourself by cultivating with Lord Lucifer's technique. *

'Lord Lucifer's technique.' This a word he hadn't heard in his entire life.

Different families give their technique a special name or even give it the name of their family, for a recognition that this technique belongs to this family. Technique does not really do more for them, it's just to cultivate their ability and were also used to activate some energy within their body. Nobody can tell what type of technique another person used to cultivate their ability, they can only tell if it was used to cultivate in their presence, but just looking at the ability someone used, they can't tell the technique that was used to cultivate.

This is because, there are many people with the same ability out there but cultivated with different technique, nobody can tell if two people with the same ability cultivated with the same technique or not. But one ability will be stronger and be more creative than the other, this can either be the technique used is stronger than the other technique or the person that possessed the ability is very creative and has increased the affinity of its energy to be more creative and stronger.

The only way to know what technique someone had cultivated with, is by knowing the family they had come from, there are different family out there with their own technique, but there are some families that are well known either by strength or by their talent and achievement. Some families had invented special skills to their technique and the skills will only be known among their members, anybody can use these skills as long as they belong to the family, regardless of the ability they possessed, they must learn how to utilized this skills because it will be added to the technique they cultivate with.

So, if someone display a skill that belongs to a particular family, others will know this person is from this family and wouldn't want to mess with them, because any family that was able to invent these specials skills must have had a special person with a great power above everyone else. This is because no normal individual can invent a skill and add it to their technique.

Emmy have read so many books that talk about powerful families with strong technique and even some minor families, he spent most of his time reading at home, he always borrow book from school library and public library to read at home, and he had read so many books about ability, he hadn't come across any book that mention Lord Lucifer technique, he hadn't heard of any family with that name. Although, it's not as if he had read every books about all the families in existence or know all the families, but he at least know all the majority and powerful families, and hearing this technique name, it doesn't sound any like a weak technique and he was sure he hadn't heard of it before. But this is not the right time to think about it because the pain was too much and words wasn't getting to him as he's losing his sense slowly.

*Cultivating with Lord Lucifer technique would have turn you to what I am now and give you a great power out of this realm but you've failed, you didn't complete the cultivation with the technique and not only failed, but you also lead to the destruction of the technique book which means nobody on earth can cultivate with this technique again.*

*You have destroyed Lord Lucifer's legacy out of this realm and no one can ever use it again, so what do you think your punishment is? * The voice said.

'My punishment? What the f*ck do you mean? I'm not the one who destroyed the book.' He yelled in his mind.

*The book was destroyed because of your incapability, so the destruction is your fault and your punishment is death. If only you have failed cultivating the technique, it would have been an easy death but you also destroy the book, so you will suffer to death and this pain you're feeling now is still small compare to what you'll feel later which can continue for a year before your death*

'A year?' That was Emmy first thought, feeling this extreme pain for a year without death will surely be a hell in a cell.

*But I can see that you're determined, you have a very strong determination and your little friend here doesn't want you death, so Lord Lucifer has decided to save you and also gave you a random gift, a gift for you to survive and become what you wish to. If you hadn't failed cultivating with this book, you would have gotten your power at once but you failed, and this gift will make you grow stronger and get your power little by little. * The voice said as it was fading away and Emmy could feel the pain reducing and he could now breath.

*There will be a random task for you to complete, it might be hard and it might be simple, but completing this task will give you a freedom from Lord Lucifer and you can do as you wish. * The voice faded away.

'I'm alive, I'm not dead.' He thought with smile all over his face. 'What was that strange voice? It was saying something about me bringing this upon myself and destruction of the book.' The pain was too much for him, so he wasn't really listening to the voice gibberish and only replied to the word that get to him.

'Wait, it says something about Lord Lucifer saving me and giving me a gift, that name sounds devilish.' He thought, 'But where is the gift?'

Then, he saw something in his line of sight, and was slightly blocking his vision, moving his eyes ball to the side, he look at it.

[Congratulations, you have received the Souls of Change System]

"What the f*ck? What are you changing in my soul?" He yelled out.

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