Chapter 20

At the Shadow Circle’s hidden sanctuary, deep within the dark and twisted forest far from any civilization, Silas paced back and forth, his dark cloak swishing as his eyes burned with fury. The walls of the chamber were adorned with ancient symbols and tapestries depicting battles of the past, each one representing a moment when the amulet had slipped from their grasp. His long, bony fingers clenched into fists as he stopped in front of the massive stone table that dominated the center of the room.

Around the table sat the other members of the Circle—Raven, Malachai, and Astra. Each was dangerous in their own right, masters of their respective dark arts, yet none of them had been able to accomplish what Silas demanded: taking the amulet from Alex Chen.

Silas slammed his fist onto the table, the sound reverberating through the chamber. "Why have we not retrieved the amulet yet?" he snarled, his voice cold and venomous. "We have been watching the boy for weeks, studying him, and yet it
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