Chapter 56

As Alex’s world faded into black, the sound of Silas’s mocking laughter lingered in his ears, a cruel reminder of his failure. When his eyes fluttered open, everything was cold. His body ached, his wrists bound tightly in chains. The faint flicker of dim torchlight cast eerie shadows on the stone walls around him. He was in a cell, deep within Silas’s lair.

Groaning, Alex tried to move, but the chains rattled with his effort, reminding him of his helplessness. His mind raced, replaying the events in his head. Silas was right there, taunting him, breaking him down bit by bit. And worse, Astra—someone he thought he could destroy—was somehow tied to the death of Grandma Chen.

He hung his head low, feeling the weight of his own decisions. *I should’ve told Lila. I should’ve told Samira. What was I thinking, coming here alone?* His fists clenched as guilt gnawed at him.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the silence, low and cold.

“You’re awake.”

Alex’s head shot up, eyes narrowing as Silas
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