Chapter 55

Silas stood in the dark chamber, focusing his energy on the amulet’s connection to Alex. His eyes gleamed as he began weaving illusions through the bond. "It’s time to see just how far your emotions will take you, Alex Chen," he whispered.

Through the shadows, he projected the vision: Astra lying on the ground, bloodied and broken. Her chest barely rising as she struggled to breathe. The scene shifted, showing Astra standing over Grandma Chen’s lifeless body, holding the blade that had ended her life.


Alex gasped, jolting upright in bed. His heart pounded, eyes wide as the horrific image burned into his mind.

*No... she was part of it?*

Without a second thought, Alex grabbed the amulet and stormed out of the room. He didn’t wake Lila or Samira, not even considering it. This was personal now. He had to face Astra—alone.


In the dim, cold cavern that served as Silas's lair, Alex arrived, fists clenched tight. His breath was ragged, his mind clouded with anger and betrayal.

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