Chapter 10 They never expected it

Everyone stared in shock as the golden Rolls Royce parked beside Billy and a young man came out and handed Billy the keys. Houston grinned and patted the hood of the car carefully.

“Wow, this car still amazes me, the only golden Rolls Royce in the world.” He said and Billy smiled, he turned to Oliver as if he had seen a ghost.

“Now where were we?” He smirked and Oliver gulped, “Yes we were at where you punched me,” he said and Houston's face suddenly went from Smiling to battle mode.

“Punched you?” He asked menacingly and Oliver slowly backed away.

“No I….I didn’t……”

“Yes, he did,” Billy said and Sir Houston lunged for Oliver, he lifted him high and slammed him onto the ground, the crowd gasped again and Billy smirked. Oliver's eyes were filled with fear as Billy walked near him and grabbed him roughly to his feet.

“Do you think you are wise? Do you think I was lying? You asked for proof and here it is' ' Billy said and Oliver was on the verge of crying from embarrassment.

“I didn’t know Billy, I am so sorry. How did you get so prominent and rich? He was still shocked trying to process what had just happened.

Billy scoffed, “You are in no position to ask me that,” he said and Oliver's eyes hardened.

“Then damn you, Billy. You do not scare me,” he said with gritted teeth and Billy shrugged.

“Perhaps I do not scare you, maybe Houston would,” he said Oliver scowled.

“I do not fear him either,” he said and Sir Houston smiled.

“How brave you would make a good soldier” Then without warning he slammed his fist into Oliver’s stomach and he crashed to the ground wheezing.

“Billy! Billy! Stop this” someone cried out.

Billy said nothing and turned to where he heard the cry and smirk, Perfect timing just as he planned. The person he was waiting for has finally arrived. He walked to him and said sarcastically, “Mother, oh wait you aren’t my mother,” he said with a cold smile and grinned as his adopted father came running angrily to the scene.

“You,” he said in rage and raised his hands to hit Billy then he noticed the spectators and the amount of security standing behind Billy and Sir Houston beside him.

“How on earth?” He asked and Billy smiled clearly, enjoying the embarrassment on their faces.

“Hello John, tell your son Oliver to behave himself, next time he tries to punch me again, you won’t like what I would do, understood?” His face showed no emotions but his voice was clear enough to send shivers to their spine.

“Understood!” Billy roared and his adopted father nodded in fear.

He was satisfied with the look on his face. They deserve this and he will make sure they pay for everything he went through. This was just the beginning.

He brought his check and said, “I’ll donate seven million to the fundraiser,” he tossed the check at his adopted father who stared at him in shock.

His adopted father stood there frozen but Billy didn't care. He had achieved his aim, and so he left without looking back.

He drove straight to his home and saw Chloe sitting on the sofa reading a novel, “How did it go?” Chloe said as she lifted her head from the novel she was reading.

“Tada," Billy spread his arms and said in a playful tone, “just guess it." He was really in a good mood. Only Chloe knew this side of him.

“I guess it well” she smiled widely.

Billy grinned and held his waist, “You should have seen their faces, Chloe, they looked like they saw a ghost,” he said. Chloe dropped the book and hugged him.

“I’ve missed you,” she said and Billy smiled cheekily and he took off his suit and plopped it on the sofa and took off his shoes.

“Is that why you have been reading romance novels, so wouldn’t miss me too much?” he said and Chloe nodded.

“Well worry no more” I am home, he opened the fridge and whistled as he saw freshly stocked ice-cold beer.

“You bought this?” He asked and she smiled.

“In celebration of your victory,” she said and Billy smiled and grabbed a bottle poured into a glass cup and drank slowly. He smiled after the first sip.

“The beer is giving good vibes,” he said and she smiled in reply.

He closed his eyes as he settled down on a sofa, he now felt nervous, how would he tell her? ‘Was it this hard for men’ he thought, he took another sip of the beer and sighed.

He mustered courage and leaned over and kissed her slowly, he held his face gently and sighed.

“You know it’s hard to concentrate when you do this huh,” she said and he shrugged.

“That’s exactly my intention, I don’t want you to concentrate,” he said and she punched him in the gut he grinned and carried her to the bedroom and poked her in the stomach earning a cute squeal from her.

“I like it when you punch me,” he said and she shook her head and attempted to punch him again but he dodged and she wagged her finger at him.

“You're sick,” she said, then she fell silent and stared at him softly.

“I have wanted to tell you something Billy,” she said and he cocked his head to one side.

“You are pregnant?” He asked and she burst into laughter.

“No idiot, it’s something more,” she said and Billy raised a brow.

“Something more than a pregnancy?” He asked and she nodded.

“Yes,” she said and Billy sat up.

“What’s that?” He asked and she wrung her hands nervously and sighed, mustering courage.

“I love you,” she said and he smiled, there she said what he had been thinking too. It was surprising how she had lots more courage than he did to say it.

“I love you too,” he said, surprised by how relieved he felt when he said it. She smiled at him.

“Ever since I met you at the casino, I just found you so fascinating, I couldn’t help but want to do something nice for you, you look so broken yet determined and I was…..I don’t know intrigued” she said and Billy smiled.

“No much talk love, let’s make most of the night,” he said and pulled her in for a kiss

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