Chapter 9 Shocked

His brother noticed Billy open the car and stared at him in shock.

“Is that your car, can I have a ride? I am going somewhere please can you help?” He said in a rush and Billy frowned.

“No,” he said firmly, “Get out of my sight” Billy added and Oliver scowled.

“You are acting all high and mighty huh? Remember who feeds you? It was my family and in my eyes, you will always be a pauper, even if you buy all the cars in the world.” His tone was full of mockery.

“Thank you Oliver for expressing yourself, now excuse me I have to go,” Billy didn't want to be bothered by this useless fool.

Oliver was annoyed that Billy was ignoring him, he grabbed his arm and pulled him back like he used to do before.

“I am talking to you brat,” he growled, “you listen while I talk.”

Billy wanted to call the security personnel but he decided to handle this himself. “You should take your dirty hands off me, Oliver!” He roared which startled Oliver.

Olive shivered in fear but came back to his senses when he remembered Billy was nothing but an orphan, ”I have security that can beat you up in an instant,” he continued.

“Liar, I guess your boss is the owner of that car you are holding, and is that his wife?” He pointed at Chloe. “Oh I get it, you are his driver huh? Nice try you think you can fool me” he said and Billy sighed, trying so hard to reign in his anger.

“What do you want Oliver,” he asked and Oliver smirked.

“Since you are acting like you are all rich, Dad is having an anniversary party and he is inviting all the big people in town to show me proof that you have the affluence and come in your so-called luxury car and your security entourage,” he said and Billy nodded.

“You don’t want me to do this Oliver,” he said and Oliver sneered.

“If You don’t bring any of these things then you are lying and I’ll beat the living crap out of you for lying and playing pranks on me,” he said and Billy smiled, exactly getting the answer he was looking for. Oliver narrowed his eyes when Billy smiled but said no more and let go of Billy’s arm.

He scoffed, "Very well, Oliver,” he continued, “I will be there,” he said and slipped into the car and Chloe slipped into the passenger seat, she stared at his face and grinned.

“You have a plan to humiliate them right?” She said and Billy smiled at her.

“You know me too well, Chloe,” he said and shot out into the highway.

Well, Oliver would forever regret asking him to come.


The party was already filled with people by the time Billy came and Billy as planned didn’t come with anything he came alone with no escort and no car just boarded a cab and came to the party. He smiled thinking about how his plans would unfold at the party he knew Oliver had plans too but Billy already predicted what he was going to do and he intended to beat Oliver at his own game. Oliver must have thought he was trapping him but in reality, he was trapping himself and he was doing it with eyes wide open. Morgan saw him and scowled but he noticed the fear in her eyes and he smiled, exactly what he wanted, he wanted her to feel the fear he felt when he was still her slave. ‘Slave! The word disgusted him. He shifted his gaze to another direction and saw Oliver. He was craning his neck to look for him, When their eyes met Oliver smirked when he didn’t see him with anybody.

“Wow Billy where is your car and your entourage, your boss took it?” He taunted and Billy smiled in return.

“They are on their way” he replied and Oliver laughed and said no more, he just disappeared into the crowd leaving him alone. Billy sat at the back and watched the party unfold, with boredom and disdain, then Oliver climbed to the stage and Billy knew exactly what he was going to do exactly.

“We have gathered here today to raise the charity for this town and its upkeep,” he said and the crowd applauded.

“Now we are gonna mention prominent people in the party and we shall have them sit at the high table,” Oliver said then he grinned evilly at Billy.

“Billy,” he said and the crowd quietened, the crowd booed in disdain because Billy dressed in simple clothes.

“Pauper,” somebody cried.

“Church rat,” said another and Billy smiled through it all.

“And who might you be, mister” Oliver said and Billy shrugged.

“I am a prominent person,” he said nonchalantly and Oliver grinned.

“Really, where is your car? Where is your security escort” he said and Billy smiled.

“I do have a car and a security team headed by Houston,” Billy said and everyone laughed, they knew it wasn’t possible that a simple-looking man like Billy could be friends with Sir Houston. Who was Houston? The wealthiest young billionaire. He was ruthless and very handsome. No one has ever been able to invite him to a gathering. How can a pauper say such silly words? He even has the guts to call him by his first name

The young man is really funny, he can even dream whilst still awake.” One of the guests said sarcastically and they all burst into laughter.

" Young man, it is good to dream big, but at least dream what will come through.” Another guest chimed in.

“Just look at his cheap clothes, and who even invited him here?" Someone shouted.

“Tsk, tsk, I don't even know who he is?"

The crowd began mocking him. Billy didn't bother with them. Oliver was enjoying the show as this was the result he planned. He will humiliate him to the extent that he won't be able to walk out.

It wasn't because his parents didn't have money to pay Morgan, they just wanted to get rid of Billy. They were tired and wanted to drive him away but they didn't want others to talk behind their back. So they quickly sold him out when Morgan requested for him. They killed two birds with one stone. Thus, paying the debt and getting rid of him.

Billy retreated smiling and made his call then in minutes, three black sedans swept into the parking lot and everyone fell silent. A handsome man in his early thirties stepped out of the car. The aura emitting from his body makes it difficult to approach him. He scanned his surroundings and scoffed. The other doors opened and men in black suits and dark shades stepped down each of them wearing masks and carrying guns at their hostlers.

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