Step Aside, The Devil King Is Coming.

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Step Aside, The Devil King Is Coming.

By: Falcon Gaze OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 56

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Billy is sold by supposedly parents to a lady who treats him like a slave until he can take it no more and he vows to find retribution. A simple task changed his life and he became the Mafia Boss. What happened, how did he change from a slave to a Mafia Boss? Find out!

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10 chapters
Chapter 1 A slave
Billy tried to keep his mouth shut as he washed the dishes, he loved singing while working but his dominant mistress hated it with passion. Not that he had a bad voice, in fact, he had a very nice voice but his mistress hated that he had such a nice voice and had always punished him if she caught him singing. Billy hummed instead, grinning as he set the dishes to dry and he tossed back his hair from his forehead. Billy stacked the dishes on the rack, he was only clad in his boxers as instructed by his mistress. When he was done washing the dishes, he scrubbed the tiled floors and headed for her quarters. He knocked politely on the door. “Take off your fucking clothes,” her powerful voice from inside and Billy tugged down his boxers. “Crawl in” she added and Billy pushed open the door and crawled in feeling quite embarrassed. “Stop,” she said and Billy froze. She circled him like a wolf about to corner its prey. She moved behind him and gave his butt a painful squeeze. Bi
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Chapter 2 Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Billy hurried upstairs after a summon from Morgan, his ass hurt where Morgan had given him ten lashes for breaking her plate. She sat in her study now, a cigarette in her mouth. She blew the smoke at him. “Sit!” She said and Billy was stunned, this was the first time she was telling him to sit in her presence. She scowled and here's a corrected version of the sentence:"Billy sat down slowly, trying not to add to his aching backside."Morgan stared at him with a disgusted face, such a weakling. She went straight to the point quickly “Good. I have something I want you to do for me Billy” she said, she offered him the cigarette and he shook his head, she scowled again and he took it. “See Billy. I want you to act like my husband. Outside” she said. “You’ll go to places with me acting like my husband. I’ll act all meek for you while you’ll be dominant, understood?” She said and he nodded. “If you dare break my things again, I’ll put a bullet in your s
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Chapter 3 His sad story
"You're in big trouble now, young man!” she exclaimed, her voice firm but laced with a hint of exasperation, as they stepped into the house. Billy let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat, as he followed her inside, his eyes cast downward, bracing himself for the consequences that were sure to come. Stay there,” she growled and climbed upstairs. Only she knew where she was going. Every step she took was like a thorn pierced through his skin. Billy stood there shaking in fear. There was nothing he could do as the only choice he had was to wait for the tigress. A few minutes later, Morgan came out with a heavy-looking leather belt, she pushed him back on a chair pulled away his shirt, and lashed him heavily across the back, Billy yelled in pain, “Ahahaha! I'm sorry,” he gritted his teeth and said with difficulty. It wasn't his fault that the girl stared at him flirtatiously. He didn't know what exactly he did wrong.Morgan, as if didn't hear his cry, continued flogg
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Chapter 4 A millionaire
After what happened today, Billy decided to change his fate. He didn't know how because he didn't have much on him. The only money he had was his life savings. The one he had been stealing from Morgan whenever he went for groceries. Well, he has heard so much about gambling and so decided to try his luck. Who knows heaven might have mercy on him. Billy stared around as he walked into the casino, the place was roughly packed with people of all manners, he could see people of all manners. Men in expensive suits, people poorly dressed, some were smoking others had women in their laps. He got to the counter and a burly-looking man held out his hand. “Entry fee please,” he said curtly and Billy handed him fifty bucks, the man peered at the money and raised it to the light, he stared at it for thirty good seconds then he nodded and motioned for Billy to go in. Billy walked to a bar and sat on an empty barstool. A bartender offered him a drink but he shook his head, he didn’t
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Chapter 5 Retribution
Billy stared at her still in shock, he had received the alert on his phone minutes ago and was still in a state of shock, he, a pauper, had fifteen million dollars in his bank account. “Fifteen Million…All mine..” his hand that held the phone trembled. Wow, was he dreaming? This is unbelievable, really unbelievable.The first thing he did of course was to purchase his German Shepherd friend and the dog had not wanted to leave his side but he had to give the dog to his lady friend to take care of. She was smiling at him now. “I said coming here was not foolish. It was smart” she said and Billy smiled at her. “Thank you, you made me the millionaire I am now,” he said and she smiled, their eyes met for a moment before she looked away and blushed. “My name is Billy,” he said and she smiled and extended her hand. “Chloe. Nice meeting you Billy” she said and kissed him on the cheek, “I hope to see you again, Billy,” she said and he smiled.
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Chapter 6 A Multi Billionaire
Billy heard that Witch Morgan was going to participate in an upcoming auction, and although he hadn't started his revenge yet, he felt like messing with her. He bought a nice house for temporary use. A week ago, after he left Morgan's place, he went to the boutique and bought the most expensive suite. After taking a quick shower, he put on the blue suite. With his hair combed behind his back, he looked like a handsome prince who just came out of a painting. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was shocked at the sudden transformation. “Wow, I never knew I was this handsome.” Putting his hands in his pocket and posing like a model, he chuckled and set off to where the auction was taking place. When he got there, he smiled as he saw a large number of people sitting, they were from different backgrounds but you could definitely tell, they were all from rich backgrounds. “So this is the world of the riches, it feels so good.”He smiled and suddenly changed his facial expression. He had
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Chapter 7 He has no one
They arrived at Billy's new Mansion and Chloe stared at him in surprise. He came down from the car and smiled at her reaction. “You have to tell me where you got so much money,” she said and I smiled. “Walls have ears and it’s best I tell you inside, this is even a temporary house, come on,” he said she smiled and we walked in, she sat on a sofa and I grabbed a bottle of wine from an inbuilt fridge and poured it for both of them and she sipped slowly and stared around. “Wow,” she said, but Billy was just staring at her, she caught him smiling and smiled shyly. “Is there something wrong?” she touched her face to see if there was something on her face. Billy shook his head. “Thank you,” his tone was full of appreciation. It was a sincere thank you She smiled and watched as Jack ran around the house chasing an invisible enemy. He came for it three days after he bought it. “For what” she asked, confused at his sudden change. “For coming to my life, if you hadn’t bought thos
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Chapter 8The Bet
Billy drove to Morgan's house. He needed a place to vent his anger. He knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a young man probably Billy aged in boxers and he looked frightened. “Who are you looking for?” The man asked and Billy smiled, quite typical of Morgan to quickly replace him with a new slave. “Your madam, Morgan” Billy said and the man shook his head. “She says that she doesn’t want to be disturbed,” he said and Billy smiled. “Tell her it’s Billy,” he said and the man nodded and went in. He came back shortly after looking like he was going to be punished and Billy grinned as he walked in. “You don’t change Morgan,” he said and she scowled at him. “How’s your gold Rolls Royce?” she asked and he shrugged. “You don't know, sweetheart.” He said and walked up to a shelf, poured a wine for himself and sighed. “So tell me Morgan, how’s your new boy toy” he asked and she scowled. “It’s funny but I missed you being my slave,” she said bluntly “Hahahaha,” hee b
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Chapter 9 Shocked
His brother noticed Billy open the car and stared at him in shock. “Is that your car, can I have a ride? I am going somewhere please can you help?” He said in a rush and Billy frowned. “No,” he said firmly, “Get out of my sight” Billy added and Oliver scowled. “You are acting all high and mighty huh? Remember who feeds you? It was my family and in my eyes, you will always be a pauper, even if you buy all the cars in the world.” His tone was full of mockery. “Thank you Oliver for expressing yourself, now excuse me I have to go,” Billy didn't want to be bothered by this useless fool. Oliver was annoyed that Billy was ignoring him, he grabbed his arm and pulled him back like he used to do before. “I am talking to you brat,” he growled, “you listen while I talk.” Billy wanted to call the security personnel but he decided to handle this himself. “You should take your dirty hands off me, Oliver!” He roared which startled Oliver. Olive shivered in fear but came back to his s
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Chapter 10 They never expected it
Everyone stared in shock as the golden Rolls Royce parked beside Billy and a young man came out and handed Billy the keys. Houston grinned and patted the hood of the car carefully. “Wow, this car still amazes me, the only golden Rolls Royce in the world.” He said and Billy smiled, he turned to Oliver as if he had seen a ghost. “Now where were we?” He smirked and Oliver gulped, “Yes we were at where you punched me,” he said and Houston's face suddenly went from Smiling to battle mode. “Punched you?” He asked menacingly and Oliver slowly backed away. “No I….I didn’t……” “Yes, he did,” Billy said and Sir Houston lunged for Oliver, he lifted him high and slammed him onto the ground, the crowd gasped again and Billy smirked. Oliver's eyes were filled with fear as Billy walked near him and grabbed him roughly to his feet. “Do you think you are wise? Do you think I was lying? You asked for proof and here it is' ' Billy said and Oliver was on the verge of crying from embarrassment.
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