Chapter 2 Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Billy hurried upstairs after a summon from Morgan, his ass hurt where Morgan had given him ten lashes for breaking her plate. She sat in her study now, a cigarette in her mouth. She blew the smoke at him.

             “Sit!” She said and Billy was stunned, this was the first time she was telling him to sit in her presence. She scowled and here's a corrected version of the sentence:

"Billy sat down slowly, trying not to add to his aching backside."

Morgan stared at him with a disgusted face, such a weakling. She went straight to the point quickly “Good. I have something I want you to do for me Billy” she said, she offered him the cigarette and he shook his head, she scowled again and he took it.

            “See Billy. I want you to act like my husband. Outside” she said. “You’ll go to places with me acting like my husband. I’ll act all meek for you while you’ll be dominant, understood?” She said and he nodded.

            “If you dare break my things again, I’ll put a bullet in your skull. Got it?” She said sternly and Billy nodded, gulping, “Now come over and lick me clean,” she commanded and Billy crawled until he was between her legs. She shoved him closer until he literally couldn’t breathe. He just stuck out his tongue and did as she asked while she moaned loudly and wrapped her legs around him, discomforting Billy more. When he almost thought he couldn’t take it anymore he felt her spill in his mouth, he choked on the salty liquid in his mouth. She pushed his head away and Billy tumbled to the floor, feeling quite abused. 

            She ruffled his hair roughly and smirked at him, she looked beautiful.

             “You’ve got a nice tongue, Billy. We’ll do this later. Get your clothes, we are going out” She waved her hands impatiently and walked out of the room. Billy rose slowly to his feet and cleaned his mouth. The truth was that he wanted to do what he had just done with her again: he wanted to taste that sweet juice of hers again and he was starting to like being dominated. It felt good. 

           After some seconds he ran to put on some clothes. His mistress hated lateness and he didn’t want to annoy her this morning, she looked to be in a good mood. Billy styled his blond hair and walked out to the terrace. Morgan was waiting for him, leaning on her expensive Bugatti. Billy gulped expecting to be berated but she just stared at him strangely as if seeing him for the first time, she glanced at his lips and licked hers then she shook her head.

          She opened her mouth to say something but she ended up stammering, “I….I..  Morgan came back to her senses and shook her head. What's wrong with me? When was I immersed in his handsomeness? “Let’s go,” she said with a serious face.

Billy nodded and slipped in while she sat in the passenger seat beside him. It was the first time Billy heard her stammer In front of him. Billy glanced at her from the corner of his eye and caught her staring at him. Billy's thoughts wandered as he drove. Why was she looking at him differently? He had been used to her looking at him differently like a slave, a tool, some toy. But today she was looking at him differently like she wanted him. She looked at him like;

             A man.


             The hall was packed with people, guys wearing expensive suits, and ladies in beautiful and alluring gowns. Billy was the only one dressed in a simple shirt and jeans but as soon as he walked in, all heads turned and of course, Billy didn’t know why they were staring at him. It was not because of his simple clothing but because he was the most handsome man in the hall, his blond hair was slicked to the side, and his shirt only made his abs and muscles stand out. 


    Morgan tugged in his arm and he followed, she smiled at some people and clung to him. Billy forced his face into a stoic mask, remembering her instructions to act like her boyfriend in front of people. She whispered in his ear.

            “Kiss me you idiot” she growled and he swept her into his arms and crushed her lips with his. He heard her moan into his mouth and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts into him. Billy raised his brows in surprise, he didn’t know if this was an act or if her reaction was real. When he pulled away, she looked at him as if she was disappointed he pulled away soon, she quickly hid the emotion on her face and pulled him to the bar, she elbowed him and Billy cleared his throat.

             “Tequila for the lady,” he said to the bartender hoping his voice was confident enough. The bartender nodded and Morgan smiled at him. Billy smiled back but he was surprised.

         The smile seemed genuine

          Billy didn’t know what else to do so he just acted like everything was cool and sipped his drink while he watched Morgan from the corner of his eyes. The party went on and a lady walked up to them and smiled at Billy.

           “Hey handsome”, she said and Billy risked a glance at Morgan whose eyes looked like bullets.  “Mind to dance with me?” She said and Billy shrugged.

            “I do mind,” he said and the lady smiled and shot Morgan a glare and nodded and walked away. Billy looked down, not wanting to meet Morgan's furious eyes.

            “You let that lady flirt with you?” she hissed and Billy shook his head in fear.

            “I,I..didn’t mean to,” he trembled, knowing fully what this devil queen was capable of.

Morgan was so furious, she scowled and stepped on his foot with her high heels. “I’ll deal with you later, Billy,” her threatening voice made him shiver. Billy sighed, thinking of how he was going to suffer when they got home.The last time she had said this she had gotten hefty men to hold him in place while she flogged him across the back. He was sure the scars were still there. He didn’t know why but he needed to get out of this mess, his parents put him in, he couldn’t believe he was a plaything to a woman. He steeled his resolve. He, a university graduate, an overall best student had become a play thing to a woman. Isn't it ridiculous? He has always thought women were the ones who face these things,but it seems his thoughts were wrong. 

He felt so lost, and useless, but he wouldn't give up. He knows there will surely be a light at the end of the tunnel.

            It was only a matter of time before he would make everyone that saw him as trash pay.

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