Chapter 3 His sad story

"You're in big trouble now, young man!” she exclaimed, her voice firm but laced with a hint of exasperation, as they stepped into the house. Billy let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat, as he followed her inside, his eyes cast downward, bracing himself for the consequences that were sure to come.

   Stay there,” she growled and climbed upstairs. Only she knew where she was going. Every step she took was like a thorn pierced through his skin.

 Billy stood there shaking in fear. There was nothing he could do as the only choice he had was to wait for the tigress.  

A few minutes later, Morgan came out with a heavy-looking leather belt, she pushed him back on a chair pulled away his shirt, and lashed him heavily across the back, 

Billy yelled in pain, “Ahahaha! I'm sorry,” he gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.  It wasn't his fault that the girl stared at him flirtatiously. He didn't know what exactly he did wrong.

Morgan, as if didn't hear his cry, continued flogging him until he couldn’t prop himself upright; he just collapsed on the floor and waited. She sat across from him and stared at his face.

           Never let another woman try to get to you, do you understand?” she warned.

Billy, who was fed up with her this time decided enough was enough, he shot her a deadly stare and she smirked back and slapped him hard across the face.

             "John,” she called and a hefty-looking man walked in,  Beat this guy to a pulp. He should learn respect,” Morgan's chest heaved up and down as he commanded John, one of her bodyguards. How dare a plaything glare at her. Has he forgotten his place?

 John who has been trained for six good years, Billy's strength was no match for him grabbed Billy’ and sent a bone-crushing punch right to his face. 

“Ahahaha!" Billy cried out but the hefty huge guy kept punching him until he fell unconscious. 

Morgan stared at him with disgust, and said, “Tie him to the chair. I must teach a lesson he will leave to tell his useless generation.

When Billy came back to his senses, he was in a chair tied tightly to heavy ropes. He lifted his swollen eye to stare at Morgan who sat across, legs crossed.

        "No one's gonna rescue you Billy, you are stuck here and I assure you that I’ll make your life hell,” Her cold tone with her dangerous eyes said it all. She was damn serious.

Billy's gaze dropped to the ground, his eyes heavy with exhaustion and desperation. His mind raced with thoughts of escape, but every door seemed to lead to a dead end. He knew he had to act fast, or Morgan's relentless torment would consume him whole, pushing him to the brink of sanity and possibly even death. The weight of his predicament crushed him, suffocating him with fear and hopelessness.  He felt abused and used and he was a man he was not supposed to feel this way. He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he saw her pull out a knife and hold it to his throat and his heart pumped.             

“No one's gonna rescue you Billy, you are stuck here and I assure you that I’ll make your life hell, ”Her eyes flashed with a demonic light, a fierce and terrifying intensity that seemed to pierce his soul and Billy closed his eyes shut but she didn’t cut him instead she cut away his binds and kicked him to the ground.

             “Go change your clothes and shower, my mother is coming today and she is worse than me, I assure you,” she said and left the room, while Billy wondered if his day would get any worse. He had heard a lot about her mother, she was currently the head of their family business, she was cruel and crazy and didn’t forgive easily. What did he do to deserve such a miserable life?


 Billy hurriedly took his shower and dressed in his best clothes, cleaned the house, and washed the dishes as usual. He had once overslept and met Morgan doing the dishes and it had not gone well for him. She had flogged the hell out of his backside and for days he couldn’t walk well. Billy finished doing the dishes when the doorbell pinged and he opened the door and met an older version of Morgan and he bowed.

               “Good morning Ma’am,” he said and she glared at him up and down.

               “Are you Morgan’s husband?” She asked, catching him off guard. In some way technically he was her husband because that’s what he signed in the contract.

               “Yes,” he answered, hoping this didn’t incur Morgan’s wrath.

               “How rich are you?” She asked and again he was tongue-tied, the question was so direct that Billy couldn’t answer and she shook her head and walked in. Billy followed after closing the door, Moran came downstairs and her eyes lit up when she saw her mother.

              “Mom,” she said and her mother scowled, “Who is this?” She pointed at Billy and Morgan turned to him as if noticing him for the first time.

              “Oh, he is the boy I purchased from the family owing me money,” she said and her mother shot Billy a stare.

               “He said he is your husband,” She said and Billy suddenly had interest in the chandelier above. Morgan chuckled.

                “No Mom, what he meant is that he is the wife and he does all my bidding. Don’t you Billy dear?” she said and Billy nodded. Morgan’s mother stared at him. She licked her lips.

                “He looks nice. Can I have him for a night?” She asked and Morgan suddenly looked so jealous. 

               “No Mom, he is mine. There are a lot of guys I have waiting downstairs to take your pick” she said and her mother chuckled.

               “Calm down, Morgan.” Her mother said and grabbed her things and headed upstairs, Morgan turned to him and slapped him hard.

               “Who is your wife?” She asked, he kept quiet not knowing what to say and she scowled and pressed a button on the wall and two of her hefty bouncers came in.

               “Take him and teach him a lesson,” she said.

               “No please” Billy pleaded, he couldn’t take another beating but the bouncers ignored him and dragged him outside, stripped him off his clothes leaving him in his underwear, and beat him until he couldn’t get up, Billy coughed out blood and fury filled him so much, he didn’t deserve to be treated like this, he had to find a way to stop all this, he had to make her pay she and everyone who had made his hell. Billy managed to stand and walked in, he headed to the bathroom but he met Morgan on the way she scowled at him.

              “Who asked you to go and shower?” she asked and Billy clenched his fist trying hard to rein in his temper.

               “I wanted to clean this dirt off my body” he replied deadly calm and she stared at him surprised at the time he used.

               “Wow, you wanna talk back to me?” She said Billy contemplated taking her bait but he decided to let it go.

                “No,” he said.

                 “Good” he heard relief in her voice, “You can have your bath,” she said and he nodded and excused himself without another word. His mind drifted to the fact of how relieved she was when he decided not to stand up to her. Was she scared? 

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