Chapter 8The Bet

Billy drove to Morgan's house. He needed a place to vent his anger. He knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a young man probably Billy aged in boxers and he looked frightened.

“Who are you looking for?” The man asked and Billy smiled, quite typical of Morgan to quickly replace him with a new slave.

“Your madam, Morgan” Billy said and the man shook his head.

“She says that she doesn’t want to be disturbed,” he said and Billy smiled.

“Tell her it’s Billy,” he said and the man nodded and went in. He came back shortly after looking like he was going to be punished and Billy grinned as he walked in.

“You don’t change Morgan,” he said and she scowled at him.

“How’s your gold Rolls Royce?” she asked and he shrugged.

“You don't know, sweetheart.” He said and walked up to a shelf, poured a wine for himself and sighed.

“So tell me Morgan, how’s your new boy toy” he asked and she scowled.

“It’s funny but I missed you being my slave,” she said bluntly

“Hahahaha,” hee burst into laughter, chugged down his drink, and poured another.

“Well it’s not gonna happen again,” Billy said and she scowled.

“Why are you here Billy?” Morgan rolled her eyes and asked impatiently.

“To make your life miserable of course,” he stopped smiling and said with a chilly tone that could freeze the house. H clapped his hands and two heft men came and he pointed at Morgan.

“Slap her,” he said and Morgan clenched at teeth,

“You dare not…….” A loud slap to the face interrupted her and she tumbled to the floor. Billy grinned, enjoying the show.

“Take her upstairs,” he said and the men lifted and carried her. She shrugged but she was nowhere as strong as those men, Billy turned to the guy.

“Get out of here man, don’t ever let her control you, give me your number. I’ll pay whatever you owe her” Billy said, he rushed inside and came out dressed, scribbled a number for Billy, and ran off. Billy smiled to himself and headed upstairs, his men had tied Morgan to a chair and she looked furious.

"No need to look upset, Morgan. This is just the starting point," Billy smiled evilly, and he kicked the chair forward, causing Morgan to trip and fall. She let out a cry and Billy burst into laughter

She gritted her teeth and said furiously, “You’ll pay for this Billy, I come from a mafia family. Wait till they hear of this.” She threatened.

“I can now buy whatever I want Morgan, including your family so don’t mess with me,” Really, alright I will wait for you.” He answered with a sarcastic tone.

“I would have asked you to strip while I did what you did to me but I have a woman that I am with. You are lucky but that does not mean none of these men here can do it.” He sighed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Morgan” he turned to his men, “Untie her and let’s go,” he said and walked away. He met Morgan’s mother on the way and she glared at Billy.

“Where’s Morgan, what have you done to her?” she asked. Billy shrugged.

“Your daughter is inside,” he said and walked past her.

“Billy” she called and he stopped, “Please I have no eligible man as powerful as you to marry my daughter please reconsider and forgive her past mistakes,” she said and Billy chuckled.

“Are you being serious right now?” He asked, “Your daughter humiliated and made me the lowest of the low and now you are telling me to marry her and let go. Well, my answer is capital. I don’t want her but she's gonna pay for what she did to me,” he said and walked away. His mood dropped.


Billy was still angry he couldn’t believe she would have the effrontery to say that. How can she be so shameless after what they did to him

What do they take him for?

He drove to his house,Chloe walked out of the kitchen and smiled.

“About time you came,” she said and handed over a plate of pizza and lemonade.

“Pepperoni pizza, specifically made by me,” she said and Billy softened, he didn’t know what he would have done without Chloe in his life from the very first day he met her she had been his good luck charm and his blessing, he smiled and took a bite of pizza while an idea formed in his head and he grinned.

“You are smiling,” she said and Billy turned to her.

“Am I?” He teased and she elbowed him in the ribs.

“Yes, you are, tell me why?” She said and she sat behind him and massaged his shoulders.

“Your pizza is delicious and that feels good!” He said and Chloe smirked, he knew he had been through some troubled times but she wanted to make him happy.

“That’s not why,” she said and he shook his head

“ Really” he insisted and her hands stilled at his shoulders.

“Tell me the truth or I will be amgry” Billy smiled, he couldn’t tell her at least not now.

“Fine! I was thinking of getting you a Rolls Royce” he said and Chloe smirked and resumed massaging his shoulders.

“Aw, thank you,” she said sweetly and Billy could not help but laugh out loud, he only wished he had met Chloe sooner in his life.

Chloe is a nice lady he would love to be with, but first he must establish himself to become more powerful. He needs to shake the word so he will be able to protect his loved ones. Thinking of the words ‘Love Ones,’ he sighed in frustration, does he even have one?

Do you mind shopping with me?" Chloe suggested when he saw how moody he was.

“Sure," he said. They prepared and left to go shopping.

Billy came out of the mall with Chloe and they headed for the car when he stumbled into someone, his older brother Oliver, or technically he wasn’t his brother since they weren’t even related.

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