Chapter 7 He has no one

They arrived at Billy's new Mansion and Chloe stared at him in surprise. He came down from the car and smiled at her reaction.

“You have to tell me where you got so much money,” she said and I smiled.

“Walls have ears and it’s best I tell you inside, this is even a temporary house, come on,” he said she smiled and we walked in, she sat on a sofa and I grabbed a bottle of wine from an inbuilt fridge and poured it for both of them and she sipped slowly and stared around.

“Wow,” she said, but Billy was just staring at her, she caught him smiling and smiled shyly.

“Is there something wrong?” she touched her face to see if there was something on her face. Billy shook his head.

“Thank you,” his tone was full of appreciation. It was a sincere thank you

She smiled and watched as Jack ran around the house chasing an invisible enemy. He came for it three days after he bought it.

“For what” she asked, confused at his sudden change.

“For coming to my life, if you hadn’t bought those drinks for me that day and helped me, I would never be where I am today, I would have still been that witch slave in some way you saved me,” Billy said sincerely. If it weren't for her, he would have still been a slave.

She lowered her head trying to hide her blush but Billy raised her head instead and leaned closer. He stared at her face then her mouth then he planted a soft kiss on her lips, “It tasted good” he thought to himself.

He pulled away to stare into her eyes but she pulled him back and kissed him again and he groaned into her mouth.

When they pulled away they were smiling at each other like idiots.

“You just kissed me” she asked, surprised but not angry.

Even Billy was surprised at what he did. He didn't mean it but he couldn't resist her red soft lips. It was like a charm that had been activated in his system.

“I'm…sorry…” he apologized thinking she was angry.

" It's alright. “So what are you going to do about Morgan, she is not just going to stop” Chloe changes the topic to prevent the awkward moment.

“When I said I’ll make her pay, I meant it with every word. They would beg me and they would seek my help.” Billy said and sipped his champagne slowly. Chloe watched him intently amazed at how much he had changed. She was proud of him, the only thing she feared was his drive for retribution for revenge.

“Alright, just do what's best for you." She didn't stop him, she would have done the same if she was to be in his shoes. Much worse than that.

“It's late, spend the night here" Billy suggested.

“Alright." Chloe agreed with hesitation. Billy showed her where to sleep and they bid each other goodnight.


Billy who was asleep suddenly woke up, something. just dawned on him and he needed to confirm it. He quickly took a short shower, dressed, and headed out, he bumped into Chloe who had just woken up.

Chloe sized him up and asked, "Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes” he answered, “I need Information on something,” he kissed her cheek goodbye and drove to the place. He pushed open the door and he stepped in. It was still like how he remembered, his mother was setting the dining table and his older brother stared at him in surprise and then scowled.

“Billy, what are you doing here?” He asked and his mother turned at the same time his father came down from the stairs. He expected a warm welcome but they all sighed.

“You shouldn’t have come Billy,” his mother said and he stared at her mortified.

“Is that all you can say?” He asked, his father frowned.

“Go back to your mistress, we still haven’t paid what we owe her,” his father said with a pleading tone and Billy looked at them shocked. That woman is a devil, they can't afford to offend her.

“Well for your information Dad, I have paid the damn money,” he said and his parents stared at him.

“You?” His father said, “Pay five hundred thousand dollars, are you joking? He asked with a doubt.

“Do I look like I'm joking?" Billy replied with a serious tone.

“Thanks for underestimating me. I appreciate the hate” he said with a tinge of sadness in his tone. He turned to leave. There was no need to be here, none of them cared about how they survived in the witch's house. How he was coping and how his leaving was. They only care about the debt they owe her. This was the family God gave him. “Ha! It wouldn't have been great if he had none.

“Wait!” His mother called and he stopped and turned to her expectation in his eyes. Maybe she’ll be the one to welcome him with open arms, at least in the family his mother was the only one he could get along with.

“I want you to know something,” his mother said and he stared at her confused.

“What’s that mom?” Billy asked and she sighed, his father looked away.

“We are not your parents Billy, you were adopted” she deadpanned and Billy stumbled back, hurt filling his eyes.

“What?” He yelled in shock and the woman he called his mother nodded

“Your mother was my friend, she died shortly after childbirth, no one knows your father so I took you in as mine but I felt now that I should tell you the truth,” she said and Billy scowled, he stared at her one more time. No wonder they never cared about him when he was being sold. Even though they didn't maltreat him, you could still see the difference when it comes to his brother.

Gathering all his courage, he asked a silly question, “Did you ever love me?” He asked and his mother's eyes met his, they were sad.

“No. My love was for my real son Oliver. I felt you were a burden” she answered, shattering his last hope. So he has no one.

“Thanks for telling me the truth,” he said, storming away wishing he had not even come here.

He shot off into the highway and just kept driving not knowing where he was going. Billy suddenly stopped the car and let his tears drop silently. He had suffered so much, it was time for retribution and to make anyone that had made him suffer pay. First, he would start with Morgan. He wasn't lying when he said he would make life hell, then an idea clicked in his head and he nodded.

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