Chapter 6 A Multi Billionaire

 Billy heard that Witch Morgan was going to participate in an upcoming auction, and although he hadn't started his revenge yet, he felt like messing with her. He bought a nice house for temporary use. A week ago,  after he left Morgan's place, he went to the boutique and bought the most expensive suite. After taking a quick shower, he put on the blue suite. With his hair combed behind his back, he looked like a handsome prince who just came out of a painting. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was shocked at the sudden transformation. “Wow, I never knew I was this handsome.” Putting his hands in his pocket and posing like a model, he chuckled and set off to where the auction was taking place.

 When he  got there, he smiled as he saw a large number of people sitting, they were from different backgrounds but you could definitely tell, they were all from rich backgrounds. “So this is the world of the riches, it feels so good.”He smiled and suddenly changed his facial expression. He had always dreamt of becoming a cold CEO. Now this was his time. 

Three days ago, he won three billion dollars on a bet. This was something he only knows. He only tried his luck like the last time and he won. How he won this bet, I am sure he will tell us later.

He scanned the crowd of Morgan and saw he craning her neck too to see if he was around she sneered and said something to her mother and they both laughed.

          Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned to see Chloe and he smiled.

          “Hey,” she said and he smiled and they linked arms and he led her around.

          “You came to Auction?” She asked and he grinned.

          “Yes” he replied and her eyes widened.

          “Billy, you just won fifteen million. It's not going to be enough for that stuff, "she pointed at the main Auction items, a gold-plated Rolls Royce and Billie grinned.

          “Oh I can afford it,” he said and she glanced at him to see if he was joking.

           “That car there is over a hundred million dollars and people would want to pay more for that,” she said and Billy shrugged 

            “We'll see,” he said and as they got to where Morgan was seated. 

She stood up, ready to question Billy who Chloe was. Billy kissed a confused Chloe on the hand.

            “Give me a minute let me talk to her,” he said and Chloe nodded and walked away.

            “Who was that?” Morgan asked with jealousy dripping from her voice and Billy smiled.

            “She is my friend and what’s your business” he growled and he folded her hand.

            “You were once my slave Billy,” she answered. 

“And so?" He questioned back with lazy tone.

 “Well, we will see how you crowl back to me tonight after you have lose that penny you got. I assure you that Rolls Royce is mine” she spat. Morgan could see the anger in her eyes, but he didn't care. 

           “Is that so? That’s good. Alright then we’ll talk later I have to return to Chloe” He said with a mocking tone and was about to go when  Morgan grabbed his hand.

           “Are you guys dating?” She inquired. Hoping he would say no. 

           “Why don’t you mind your business, Morgan? The Auction is about to start, get ready” he said with disgust and went back to sit beside Chloe.

            “Who was that?” She asked not to meet his eyes. Billy could tell she was jealous and didn’t want to show it so he explained his relationship with Morgan and Chloe's face was furious.

            “That witch,” Chloe said looking angry but Billy held her hand. 

            “It’s fine Chloe, I will make her pay,” he said. The Auction began with the announcer first ailing for a huge white ivory for eight hundred thousand dollars and the crowd clapping when a man raised his hand to bid for it, next was an ailing for an ancient Japanese katana. A young man bid for it for a million dollars.

             “Now for the main Auction,” the announcer said, “The gold-plated, Rolls Royce, single edition,” he said and everyone kept quiet.

              “This is the only good plated Rolls Royce in the world right now,” he said, “And it going for a hundred million dollars” 

              Everyone gasped at that, Chloe gave Billy a sympathetic look but Billy smiled inwardly. Then suddenly Morgan raised her hand and everyone turned and stared at her in awe.

             “I’ll take it,” she said and everyone gasped, she winked at Billy who only smiled.

            The announcer smiled, “We have a bidder here, going for a hundred million dollars”

            Billy raised his hands and Chloe stared at him in surprise as did everyone.

             “I’ll take it for two hundred million dollars,” he said and everybody gasped. The announcer grinned.


“Two hundred million dollars,” 

Morgan raised her hands again and smirked at Billy.“three hundred million dollars,” she said and smiled at Billy, “I know this is where you stop Billy,” she said and Billy smiled and raised his hands. Everyone's mouth dropped in surprise. Morgan’s mom looked like she might fall off her seat.  

            “Five hundred million dollars” Billy didn't reply but bid another price and the announcer's grin threatened to spill his face.

           “Five hundred million,” the auctioneer said. “Any other bids” he asked and no one raised their hands even Morgan.

            “All right Mr Steele has the bidding,” he said and everyone applauded, Morgan was fuming behind while Chloe stared at him as if he sprouted horns.  

           “Mr. Steele, you can transfer the money to the details projected on the screen everyone watched as Billy did the transfer, the transaction showed on the grin as successful and the announcer grinned.

            “There you have it, Mr Billy Steele is the new owner of the golden  Rolls Royce,” he said and everyone clapped, he threw Morgan a provoked look. 

Morgan gritted her teeth in frustration not knowing how to retaliate. “This son of a bitch," she cursed under her breath.

Chloe glanced at Billy as he walked to his new car and some personnel gave him a high golden key.

             “What are you not telling me Billy Steele” Chloe said in awe and Billy grinned.

             “I am full of surprises, don't worry, I’ll tell you later,” he said.

             “Billy” somebody called and he turned to see Morgan’s mother. She looked at him in surprise.

             “I am so proud of you and impressed, umm I thought you were coming back home,” she said and Billy scowled.

             “Back home, no thanks,”Your place is the last place I would would never want to go, I am not interested in being your slave” he said and she scowled.

           Morgan's mother was dumbfounded, she pointed her finger angrily and Billy and said,  “You’ll regret this Billy,” she said and stormed off, Chloe sighed and they entered the car.

            “Home?” He asked and she nodded but he shook his head,

            “I meant my house,” he said, staring into her eyes intently. She blushed but she nodded and he grinned.

            “Why am I coming to your house?” She teased and he smiled.

             “I want us to celebrate my victory tonight,” he said and she narrowed her eyes.

             “And you are gonna tell me how you became a multi-millionaire,” she said.

              “Billionaire” he corrected, “Multi-billionaire”


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