Chapter 190

“Damn it, let me go!... I did nothing wrong!” Bill exclaimed as he continued to struggle in the hands of the security guards dragging him away.

The security guards didn't even act like they heard him, acting like it was a mosquito buzzing annoyingly in their ears.

As far as they were concerned, it didn't matter if Bill had done something wrong or not.

Since Philip had asked them to throw him out, they would do just that.

In any case, it's not like Bill had any sort of backing that they needed to be wary of, so they could do whatever they wanted.

“Stop talking so much else I might just forget you are an old geezer and teach you a lesson.” One of the guards warned before proceeding to kick Bill in the shin, eliciting yet another pained cry from him.

Of course, this ruckus attracted attention from those present but no one bothered to act like they cared as they murmured among themselves.

“What do you think happened?”

“What else?... I'm sure he overstepped and now has to pay the price.”

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