Summoner's Manual System
Summoner's Manual System
Author: LegalWolf

"What a world this is", said Ariana. "Isn't it this tremendous?", announced Ariana. I was in Junior High and aged 17. "My parents alongside my brother died while protecting me in a war that lasted for a month.", declared Ariana. Now it's time for me to protect what I need to protect. "That's what I call family", Ariana asserted.

"Way back when I was young, I lived in a humble family raised by hardworking parents.", said Ariana. "I had a lot of friends at that period and they all loved me." she continued. "My brother, Edward was very humble", Ariana continued. Everything seemed to go well in our country and our town until the unexpected came.

"A week passed when I was walking home from school and was kidnapped by a group of people.", said Ariana. Ariana wasn't the only one held hostage. Also, some other young boys and girls were kidnapped and were sent to a faraway place but still in the village. A place where terrorists live. Ariana and the rest were held hostages and locked up in a cell. Ariana was worried about her parents and her older brother. 

After that one month, Ariana's parents and brother were also kidnapped and locked up in the same prison but different cells. Ariana could not control her tears when she saw her parents and brother. "The terrorist was also physically  abusing the women of which Ariana's mother and I were part.", said Ariana. "What hurt me the most was my mum", she said. " I could hear my mother screaming", she said. " "But I can't save her", she said to herself. 

Ariana couldn't control her anger because of what they did to her mother. "One day, I'll kill all those who did that to my mother.", she said. " Not only to my mother but to the young women and girls who were also physical abused", she said.  "Two months later, a war broke out across the world where people became scared.", Ariana let out. " I Ariana was one of the few survivors in the great war", she said.

"My name is Ariana and this is where my story began as a summoner", she proceeded.

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