It did not seem like a good idea to move about naked, the three hundred and thirty-fifth floor was still almost 30 floors down from the three-hundred-and sixty-seventh he was on. While he would rather not walk around naked, he did not have a choice. If he remained here, there was not a doubt, In his mind, that the cultists would come for him, and that was not an experience he was particularly looking forward to. Arome picked himself up and started moving towards the elevator, even with everything that had happened, he knew he still had to be vigilant. The goons were one thing, but those demon hounds were another.
Arome tried to recall what he knew about demonic summoning. Those hounds probably only exist on this plane of existence due to possession. And there were certain frequencies and regents capable of disrupting that possession, unless he planned on setting a trap and leading the hounds to it. Those regents would be of no use to him, and that’s if he is able to find the regents and tools needed to do so. He shook his head, going up against the goons, or their hounds head on would be a bad idea. He had a mission here, and it was important. He has to make sure he gets help. His best bet was to sneak around, utilizing the building's vents like the COO had asked him to do. That should thankfully keep him out of harm’s way, if he played his cards right. It was completely possible to get all of this done without having to die again. “Hopefully” Arome muttered to himself as he got moving. He went back into the elevator, wincing at the carnage he had come face to face with. The blood stains and scraps of clothing, and the Sulfur dust left behind from the hound’s demise. These were the only signs or proof that he had died here, more times than should be normal. Arome shook as he stretched a hand out to stabilize himself. He was no stranger to death, no stranger to killing, but he always thought that if he died, then that was the end of his story. Death would have been a better alternative to the bad luck he has had all his life. He was the first Idu prince to be born without the Lion Star power. But all of that did not matter at that very moment, what mattered was survival. Once he was in the elevator, he ignored the mess the place was in, as he raised his head up. There was a hatch above his head that seemed to have been knocked aside. Given the jarring stop the elevator had experienced and then the wild tumble with the hounds, Arome was not surprised about that. He took a deep breath and jumped up, his hands grabbing onto the edge of the open hatch’s entrance. He gave the elevator one last look, imprinting the image into his mind for an eternity, before pulling himself up. The elevator shaft was brightly lit, and it was also very different from anything he had ever seen before. The elevator itself seemed to be suspended in the air, the shafts were massive tunnels that were right, left, upwards and down. It was like a secret highway of its own, nestled in the belly of Falcon-Eagle Industries. The elevator itself seemed to function on some variation of magnetic levitation technology. It wasn’t active at the moment though, or it would have been very dangerous for Arome to be out there within the shafts. “Well, time to get moving. Staying here is not doing wonders for my modesty.” Arome said to himself, as he ran his hand through his hair. He let them grow out after he left the military and kept them well maintained. He was aiming to have them turned into dreadlocks, as he'd always had a fascination with that. Plus, his mother had dreads. Getting dreadlocks of his own wound have been his way of thanking her. The woman had put up with him and his father and even the disappointment of losing the throne after giving birth to a failed heir. “My mother is not unfortunate,” Arome said, his mind bringing up memories he would very much rather forget. Since he needed to get to the other side of the building, then he would have to follow the shift that went right. From here he could see that it seemed to curve around the edge of the building, using the space between floors to move. With how much he had spent the last few seconds observing this place, Arome had to give props to their architects. This was a marvel. There was a loud clang, and the sound of sniffing and shuffling around. Arome felt his blood run cold at that sound. He knew what that was, as he had already died to them too many times already. He did not wait to see if truly another demon hound had come looking for him, he had places to be. Arome shook his head as he jumped off the elevator, landing in the right shaft. It was like a tunnel, and thankfully the elevators didn’t seem to be working. Or else this would have been akin to running or walking on train tracks. Once the elevators started moving started not even bones would be found. But as he jumped into the right tunnel, Arome realized something. He landed much farther than he had aimed for, and with a lot more speed and force as he tripped forwards and nearly planted his face on the ground. “What the hell was that?” he asked himself in shock. He looked down at his hands and noticed the still blinking dots at the edge of his vision. As more time passed, it was becoming obvious that Arome could not keep ignoring them. Something was wrong, or at least had changed in some fundamental way, these dots might have the answer. But still, as if to mock his attempts at finding answers, a loud bark seemed to echo across the elevator’s shaft. “I just can’t seem to catch a break!” Arome was already cursing as he took to his heels. Running for his life and ignoring the dots once more. He was not completely unfamiliar with the idea of a system. It existed in fiction and many superheroes with scientific abilities had products on sale that could track statistics. None of them was a true system, and even at that, he seems a little…. Different. A manager system? What sort of combat abilities could that even have? It gave a resurrection ability that was more of a curse than a blessing even this early in acquiring it. But Arome would not be ungrateful. The system saved his life. It’s because of that he is still alive right now. What he needed most was to find somewhere safe, at least for a few months, where he could figure out what was happening and see if there were other advantages the system could provide. Arome was moving a lot faster than he usually did, which meant he cleared the distance to the other side of the building far faster than he originally could. He was happy about that, it meant safety was close by, until he felt an impact on his back, it threw him forwards. Arome placed his hand out in front of him to catch himself, going into a handstand, then a front flip as he twisted in the air, turning his body so that he was now facing the direction he was running away from. Arome landed on the ground in a crouch, one hand on the ground and the other held slightly behind him. ‘Seriously? Not even an hour since I got superpowers, and I’m already doing a superhero landing’. He raised an eyebrow at that as he got back up to his feet, looking at the massive demon hound that had just hit him. This one was at least twice the size as the others he had faced. It was a good four feet tall, had dried leathery skin and a spiraling black horn on the top of its head that glowed softly with reddish orange light. Arome did not need to be told that this hound was on a whole other level than the ones that had mauled him already. But he was not afraid, against all odds, and the very real threat of having his soul sent to hell if this hound succeeded in killing him. Arome locked eyes with the demon, and he was without fear. He'd died so many times to those claws and fangs that he was now scarred for life… but he had killed them back. Every last hound had fallen to him, and even if he had to die, it would be no different with this one. Arome looked around for a bit, trying to see if there was an exit he could take, or something he could use and a weapon. He honestly wished he had some sort of projectile power, though it would have been easier to deal with this demon. Come again he finds himself regretting being stubborn, a few months of study with his mother and the kingdoms, mystic Supers, and he would at least have been able to defend himself. ‘The first thing I’m doing once I get out of here is learning magic.’ He affirmed to himself as shame held him hostage. It had been foolish with his opportunities. He did not have superpowers, but he had a passable talent for magic. He had refused, devastated about not having the Star Lion power and stunting his own growth. Arome would groan if he could. What was the use of stubbornness in the face of death and survival? He was such a child back then, even if, back then, ceased to exist some thirty minutes to an hour ago after dying for the first time. The hound growled, a stark reminder that it was still here. Arome shrugged, “Are you going to make a move or do you want me to come over there and teach you how to heel?” the demon hound growled even louder, its claws spilling out in rage as it hunched down a bit in preparation to pounce. Arome grinned, a lot of people knew him as quiet and not much of a conversationalist. His enemies, however, knew him for how sinister, sadistic and merciless he could be. He’d break you and do it with a smile on his face. “Here boy! Come on! Who’s a good doggy?” The Hound responded by letting out a howl of rage as its claws and the horns on its head caught ablaze. “Ancestors!” Arome cursed out loud in shock as he turned around and took to his heels. Or at least that is what it seemed he wanted to do. The moment the hound had noticed him turning, it had pounced. But Arome jumped to the side, on the spot as the hound brushed past him. Arome could feel the heat and rage wafting off the body of the hound as he followed after the moment it moved past his body. The hound skidded to a stop, its claws leaving a trail of sparks in the elevator shaft. It turned to bark at Arome, only for his knees to come flying out of the darkness to crash into the face of the hound. It yelped more from shock than from pain as it was pushed backwards, two of its fangs flew out of its mouth, flipping over in the air to land with a soft ding on the floor. For a moment, both Arome and the hound started at the fangs on the ground. “I’m sorry were those your milk teeth? Come! Let me remove the rest of them for you.” Arome had a few curses lined up, the hounds were intelligent enough to understand human speech. They might not talk, but demons were far smarter than their mundane counterparts. Arome had succeeded in pissing it off. The hound retaliated, there was a form of combustion, an act that Arome would have found funny, considering the Hound had just let out a burst of flames from its rear end. It caught Arome off guard as the hound rocketed forwards, the space between them no more than a few feet. He felt his sternum and ribs break, as the hound’s horn stabbed into his chest and out his back. The hound’s attack had thrown them both a couple more feet backwards as liquid fire seemed to spill into Arome’s body. Pain more intense than anything he had ever felt before filled his body. Arome really hated this, it was almost as if each death after the last was more brutal and painful than the last. This hound was cooking Arome from the inside out, molten lava scouring through his veins and organs as he was once again burning to death, but this time he was doing so from within. The hound tried to pull back, but Arome locked his arms around its neck with the last of his strength and bent down to take a huge chomp out of the demon’s neck. He only managed to take a small piece of the demon’s neck, but the pain had been too much for the hound as it bucked, flinging Arome off its horn and smashing into the side. His body hit with a loud bang, more blood splattering behind him, almost as if his body had burst against the wall from the impact. Arome was already dead before he hit the floor, with the last embers of his consciousness slowly fading away. The hound yelped softly, as it turned around in circles trying to reach the injury Arome had left on the back of his neck. The missing fangs were also adding to its predicament as a small dribble of black demon blood hung on the side of its jaws. It had been sent to hunt down this human, and while killing the human, had not been told hard. The pesky flesh bag had just been incredibly annoying with all the damage he had caused the hound. The hound gave Arome’s body one last look, then turned to slowly return to the human he was bound too. The hound licked its chops, a dark hunger nestled within the depths of its eyes. Once this was all over, as is stated in the contract, it would feed on the soul of its summoner. It was an experience it was particularly looking forward to. There was a loud bang behind the hound, as it turned, its eyes widening in shock, an act that should not be possible for the hound as it did not have the facial muscles to look so baffled. Arome stood, naked and covered in blood as he pointed at the hound. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? Come pup! We’re only….just getting started!”Related Chapters
Superhero Manager System Hell Touched
Arome had to question the wisdom of taunting this demon hound. But it was not as if he had much of a choice, he was not going to die, the multiple times that it was going to take to kill this hound, without at least spitting at it. The hound paused for a few seconds, staring at Arome as it tried to figure out just how it was possible he was still alive and unscathed. These few moments of reflection made him realize that this hound was a lot smarter than the previous ones. But it still had a task to carry out. It would put Arome down as many times as it needed to, no taunting necessary.The hound rushed at him, a wild bark leaving its mouth as a shockwave of magical force was expelled from its jaws. The shockwave slammed into Arome, throwing him off his feet, his body cartwheeling in the air, before he landed rather painfully on his side. An audible crack filled the air as his right arm snapped, forcing him to let out a scream of pain. But Arome was still acutely aware he was in the mi
Superhero Manager System The Goal Of Evil
An abandoned hallway loomed in solitude, the light fixtures on the ceiling went on and off at different intervals. But the silence within this hallway was chased away by the constant sound of gears grinding softly against each other. A grunt filled the air, giving life to an otherwise desolate environment. At the end of the hallways, the set of elevator doors opened a bit. A soft curse followed as a man’s fingers could be seen poking out from the slit between the doors. He made sure he had a good enough grip on the doors, then pushed them both to the side. A bloodied man crashed through the doors, quickly scrambling to his feet as he forced them back together again. And not a moment too soon, a loud impact from the other side pushed his hands off the door. But still they held, not even deforming from the attack, once again Arome was left in awe at just how sturdy Falcon-Eagle industry was. He was forced to give everything and some extra to pry the elevator doors open. He was almost no
Superhero Manager System Hidden Danger
“Assassinate The Blights.” For a moment Arome was not sure what he had just heard, when the silence continued he couldn’t help but speak up. “You have got to be kidding me.” “What? You can’t do it?” the COO’s voice rang out through the Intercom, in an almost taunting manner. Arome paused, taking a moment to distance himself from his growing trauma and the stress his mind had been under all morning. There were too many inconsistencies in the way the COO was talking to him. It made him think back to earlier, before all this trouble had started. Back during the interview, she had quoted one of the generals from the UNCH, having an important military secret that should have only been known to the Royal and Military heads of the Idu Kingdom, and lastly to the United Nations Council Of Heroes. Of course, it meant she had to pull with them, and could at least get hands or some information about him…but he was a prince. There were certain levels of information that should never have been ava
Superhero Manager System Stores and Skill Trees
The system’s store unfurled like a scroll, the illusory screen he could only see, changing in theme. He did not know if that was significant to the system, or just a matter of style, but he kept his eyes sharp and his mind open. Whatever extra knowledge he could glean from the system would go a long way in him not just understanding this new tool of his, but figuring out how best to use it, and if at all it’s a threat or going to be a threat to him. The store itself was rather simple, two columns and about five rows with five items listed there next to their prices.E Rank Manager Store• Defense Card: 3 Points• Attack Card: 3 points• Presence Booster: 10 Points• Charm Booster: 10 Points• Intellect Booster: 15 PointsIf Arome had to pick a word to describe what he was looking at right now, the word would be disappointing. But then again, this was an E-rank manager store. Perhaps when he gets to D rank, the store will be updated and look a lot better than it currently did. The only
Superhero Manager System Fear Of Death
Invisibility peeled off the woman’s form like dried flakes of paint off a wall. She leaned down to get a closer look at Arome, cursing softly as she did so. Since she was on a job she could not wear glasses. Nothing screams human sacrificing cultists, like a pair of prescription lenses. She shook her head, throwing her dark locks out of her eyes. Just in time for Arome to jump right up and sock her in the jaw.*Crack!*“Ahh! Son of a bit-““I dare you to finish that sentence.” Arome glared at the cultist as he scrambled back up to his feet and took a couple of steps away from her. He was out in the stairwell now and only had one direction to go; up. The cultist in front of him was blocking the path down, and consider he just punched her in the face, using all of his strength, only to get a broken hand in return. This told him he was definitely up against someone he could not match physically. He had thought she was a demon, but it turned out she was human, with superhuman durability
Superhero Manager System Dying On His Terms
This was probably a bad idea. Without a doubt this was the first thought that crossed Arome’s mind the moment he felt that first second of weightlessness. But there was no time for regrets, not anymore.The wind billowed past his ear as he dropped, far faster than he had expected, as his heart jumped into his mouth, beating hard as fear and adrenaline sent It into overdrive. The goon that has been standing outside the stairwell on the walls, only had a few seconds to open his eyes wide in shock, before Arome slammed into him.*Smack!*The sound was wet and fleshy and the impact shattered bones. Whatever ability the goon had to stick to surfaces, it was completely eliminated as Gravity dragged the both of them down. As they fell Arome was able to notice that the floor the goon had been waiting on, had a few other goons gathered there. There was something important happening there, or someone in important. But that was no longer something he had to worry about.They fell at least ten fl
Superhero Manager System Tarak The Possessed I
Arome was happy to answer that question for her as he sprang up suddenly, grabbing a hold of the female cultist’s leg. He pulled, tripping the woman as she tipped to the side and smashed her head into the side of the railing besides her. A loud clang rang out as she crumpled to the ground, but Arome was already on the move.Five opponents meant he had to move swiftly, he might even have to die once or twice just to be able to deal with them all. But he was already off to a good start, with one of them down, and the rest of them still shocked by the fact a dead body has just risen, Arome knew he had the initiative, and he pushed it.He barreled into the chest of another cultist, the hunting knife in his hand stabbing forwards over and over again, even as the cultist screamed in pain. Arome pushed hi backwards, the knife still leaving holes in the cultist’s body as Arome’s hand became slick with the blood of his opponent. They hit the wall, and the next stage went
Superhero Manager System Defective
TEN YEARS AGO:Arome looked at his grandfather with trepidation in his heart, with as much courage as he is known to have, none of that matters in the face of a force as powerful as the King of Idu. From his spot before the throne, Arome shook slightly. It was forbidden to look the king in the eyes, but it was his grandfather’s iron-clad rule that all his descendants looked him in the eye whenever he was addressing them. It showed respect and it showed strength… Arome would rather run in the opposite direction. The aura this man has was beyond intimidating.“Nothing? " Are you sure you have tried everything you can?” his voice boomed across the throne room, causing Arome to wince slightly as his father took it upon himself to respond to his grandfather.“No, honored father. Whatever gene is responsible for our ability to connect to the cosmic lion and develop our Lion Star abilities… it seems it might have skipped a generation with Arome. But that doesn’t mean he-““SILENCE!”Arome sw
Latest Chapter
Severance Vs The White Lion II
Arome crashed to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Severance burst into a wild and raucous laughter as he spread his arms wide. He turned hoping to find the look of despair he was so overly fond of, etched in the faces of Arome’s comrades. Instead, he watched wide eyes as they systematically dismantled the force he came with, his eyes drawn to the way Luna literally turned the bodies of his allies inside out. It was a scene that spoke to him and shook him to his very core. He took a step back, watching as the last of his allies were either subdued or killed. Leaving him alone against the rest of them.“I would advise you to run, your leader, Mr. prince has already fallen to me. He’s dead, cut into pieces like the animal that he is. But I welcome you all to try and face me, it would bring me so much pleasure to sever you from your bonds on this earth. And you!” he turned to Look at Luna who had taken a seat and was looking at him with one leg crossed over the other. Her pitch-blac
Severance Vs The White Lion I
Arome stared at Severance as the super villain looked right back at him. There was an obvious tension in the air as both men were waiting for the other to make the first move. Arome was not stupid, he knew he had to be extremely careful when it came to Severance, his power was the sort that could not be dealt with in a straight forward manner. Arome inclined his head towards the katana that Severance held as he asked.“Do you know how to use that?” he asked as he turned and nodded to Aminu. Who gave him a bow and pulled up the case holding Arome’s own sword from under the bar’s counter. Severance raised an eyebrow. “What?, you want to have some sort of sword duel with me or something. I should warn you, I am a lot more dangerous than you think I am, you can not match me in a fight with blades, I will tear you to shreds.” Arome scoffed as he nodded his head.“That may be so, but you’re still going to be the one that ends up dead. So answer my question, do you know how to use that?” A
Arome sat in his modest room, the flickering glow of the television casting long shadows across the room. The news anchor's voice was solemn, relaying the chilling details of another brutal attack in the heart of the city. "Authorities have confirmed that the notorious villain known as Severance has struck again, leaving a trail of chaos and death in his wake. The latest incident occurred late last night in an abandoned apartment complex, where several high-profile criminal figures were found dead along with their families. Witnesses report seeing a lone figure, wielding a katana, moving through the area with lethal precision. The police are urging citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity." Arome sighed, his mind racing with thoughts of the relentless killer who seemed to evade capture at every turn. He knew that Severance was no ordinary criminal; his methods were too refined, too calculated. This was a predator with a purpose, and it was becoming increasingly
Excitement For Bloodshed
Mayor Akiko's office was bathed in the dim glow of the city lights that filtered through the tall windows. She stood by her desk, her silhouette sharp against the backdrop of the sprawling metropolis. With a quick, decisive motion, she picked up the phone and dialed Severance’s number.The phone rang only once before Severance answered, his voice a deep rumble. "Severance here.""Severance, we have a situation that requires immediate action," Akiko's voice was calm, each word meticulously chosen. "Prince Arome and his companions cannot be allowed to continue their operations. They have become a thorn in our side, one that must be removed.""Understood, Mother," Severance replied, his tone firm and resolute.Akiko's expression tightened at the term, but she pressed on. "The club is their stronghold," Akiko explained, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the desk. "It’s heavily guarded, but we have the element of surprise. Gather Zhang and his crew. I want this done swiftly and efficient
The air in the mayor's office was thick with tension, a storm brewing just beneath the surface. Mayor Akiko stood behind her grand oak desk, her eyes blazing with fury. The veins on her neck and temples were visibly pulsing as her rage reached a crescendo. This was not the composed, calculating politician the city knew; this was a woman on the edge, a force of nature about to unleash her wrath.With a primal scream, Akiko's hands swept across the desk, sending papers, files, and ornaments crashing to the floor. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the room as picture frames and trinkets shattered against the walls. Her once immaculate office was rapidly transforming into a scene of chaos and destruction.She grabbed the edge of the desk and overturned it with a roar, the heavy wood slamming onto its side. The sheer force of her anger seemed to reverberate through the room, shaking the very foundations of the building. Bookshelves were next to face her wrath, their contents spill
Confessions In A Meeting
Arome took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlpool of emotions that Luna had stirred within him. He could still feel the phantom touch of her lips, the fiery imprint of her slap, and the tantalizing promise in her words. It was maddening, this dance of desire and duty. He knew he had to focus, to clear his mind and prepare for the dinner. There were important matters to discuss, yet his thoughts kept circling back to the twins.He stood up, his body tense with unresolved need, and made his way to his quarters. The room was sparse, almost utilitarian, a stark contrast to the opulence he had been accustomed to as a prince. He began to strip off his gear, his movements automatic and efficient, honed by years of military discipline. The familiar routine helped to ground him, to bring some semblance of order to his chaotic thoughts.As he changed into more casual attire, his mind wandered again to Astra. Sweet, gentle Astra who had endured so much. The thought of her suffering stirre
Arome woke up with a headache, this was the last time he was going to use his head to stop a punch. When Berth and Bertha and told him that he could use his head to smash a hole through walls, he had gotten the idea into his head that he had a skull that could smash through anything. Unfortunately he has had to learn his lessons the hard way, so no more stopping super powered punches with his head. He tried to get up, hit he immediately felt a weight on his right side, he turned to see that Astra had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He frowned, not because he was not happy about the situation, but because he could tell she was having a nightmare. The way she shook and whispered to herself, and the way her hands grabbed onto his suit.Instead of moving away he pulled her closer, his hands moving through her hair. It was silky smooth, and considering both sisters had locks of curly hair that fell in waves on their head, it was surprisingly easy to run his hands through those locks. Arome
When Demetrius showed up with an unconscious Arome, Astra and the temple guard siblings felt their hearts jump into their throats.“What happened to him?” Astra asked, almost immediately a tendril of dark energy seemed to waft of her body, clinging to her form like the haze of a mirage. Almost instantly everyone around her felt a little bit sick, even Demetrius could not withstand the force of Astra’s power.“Calm down, the fool gave himself a concussion when he decided to use his head to stop a punch form a super that can turn her entire body to metal. He passed out on the way here. His power should have him back up and causing trouble as usual in a few hours. In the main time he needs rest, while the rest of us must prepare for the scenario of retaliation from the police captain and the mayor f the city.” Rowan said as he moved past everyone not even flinching from the feel of Astra’s dark matter power.“How can you be, okay?” Amina could not help but ask, a sheen of sweat covering
Mayor Akiko Zhang
Arome chuckled. The plot thicken I guess, seems the big boss heard I paid her brother a visit. Arome smiled underneath his helm, as it stands, he no longer needed any proof that the police captain, and his wife the mayor of San-Franmikyo had significant connections with Severance. But still Arome doubted Akiko Zhang was here to confess her sins. In fact, considering the way she was glaring at him, she wanted nothing more than to put a bullet through his head.“Where is my brother? What have you done with him?” she asked, her tone showing that she wanted nothing more than the answers she required.“The old man got away? Good for him. It doesn’t matter how good it looked or was furnished; a prison is still a prison. And I don’t think it’s fair you would lock the old man up when all he did was raise your psychotic sword wielding illegitimate child!” the atmosphere in the room went cold as Akiko’s eyes widened in shock. If they widened any wider, Arome was sure her eyes would pop out of