It had not been easy for any up and coming celebrity that has ever taken the reins of the society suddenly and shook everyone. This had to mean that it was not going to be easy for Kevin either. He had suddenly emerged and now, everyone knows him yet he knows no one. The last video had taken the internet by storm and eventually, everyone wanted to get hands on him before the others and when everyone begins to think the same way then it could only mean one thing, everyone would crowd the same place. Kevin's address had been exposed and now here they were hoping to get a piece of him ahead of themselves.

One minute, Kevin had gone outside after climbing down the stairs to go meet his friends and was amazed to find people huddled around the apartment. Perhaps, there was something going on and they wanted to wait for it or something. Kevin stepped out of the safety of the apartment and that moment, like hawks they swooned down on him. This would be the reason why every celebrity's nightma
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