Facing A Past Foe

Sid was swallowed by the crowd in the locker room as soon as he reentered it.

"Hell of a fight." Gaine Winchester told him and offered his hand for a handshake. They clasped hands.

There were people all around him.

At his back, giving him unsolicited, congratulatory pats, clasping his shoulder, shaking his hands like he was a national hero or something.

Sid was accustomed to this, being admired. But this time it was worse.

They had just watched him hurt a person.

He did not feel like a national hero. Yet they were all over him, pawing at him.

Eren would have been disgusted, Sid thought.

He extracted himself from the crowd of pandering hands and someone stepped into his path.

It was a girl. And Sid resisted the urge to snap at her.

"How did you do it?" She asked him.

Sid raised a brow at her.

"The fire," she continued, as though he did not know what she was speaking about, "You walked through it."

Whoever she was, Sid did not recognize her.

There were too many people in there f
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