Who Was Sid Nivron?

For Sid, fighting was not just an art form - it was clarity.

Most children were taught violence only because their parents knew they would need it to contest in the tournaments when they were of age. But Sid's mother had never been in the picture.

She left when he was young and now she was like a figure in the rearview mirror.

The older he grew, the more distant his memories of her grew, the less he remembered.

His father was a scientist, the wealthy kind, who solved problems by throwing money at them.

He parented Sid from a distance, too, drawing him close only when he needed something from him.

Young and surrounded on all sides by wealth and little humanity, he was always acutely aware of how different he was from others, how alone.

His peers loved him. How could they not?

He inherited his father's charm and his mother's beauty, the kind that made you heady, that made people act like he was a fleeting experience, like he would vanish if they did not turn and try to grasp at hi
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