Drake Vs Ryder

After the seventh fight, they summoned Tiana.

She was speaking to Sid and laughing about something he had said when her name boomed over the speakers.

All eyes in the room settled on her and she seemed suddenly very small, unsure.

Then as Eren watched, her face rearranged itself.

She was sliding under something. Or perhaps, behind something.

Eren knew what it was like to hide away from the world so long that it became a personality. A kind of armor, but of the mind.

Everyone had something that they fell behind when they needed to.

But Eren had watched her animated for the better half of an hour and he had seen the mask peeling to reveal the person beneath.

He liked who she was underneath all that chainmail. He hoped her mask never became her.

Her would-be opponent, a huge, muscular guy smirked at her and exited the locker room for the corridor.

Tiana got to her feet, folded and unfurled her fingers nervously and started walking to the tunnel.

"Good luck, Tiana." Sid called afte
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