The Masks We Wear

Tiana learnt early how to wear a mask. How to be a mask.

It was quite simple actually.

Force a bright smile onto her face. Sprinkle false confidence into her step.

If sitting, place one leg on top of the other—it was easier to conceal knee jerking that way. Find something to keep your hands occupied so the trembling is not visible. Do not fidget.

It was easy to look composed. To be composed was a harder task.

Her heart pounded in her chest. Anxiety ate at her.

"See?" Sid was saying to Eren, "I'd make a good friend."

"Shut up, man." Eren said coolly. But he shoved him with his shoulder, as if to say, you are alright.

More than anything else Tiana envied their freedom. Their groundedness. Especially Eren's.

Unlike her, he was not tied to a Clan name. He did not bear the weight of nobility. Little was asked of him if any.

Only that morning, before being driven to the arena, she had sat with her mother at their table, and even though it was only the two of them, she felt that weight p
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