System Dominance in the Otherworldly Tower
System Dominance in the Otherworldly Tower
Author: Twilight
Chapter 01 -Prologue


"A single candle can both defy and define the darkness.”


In an average urban house.

The afternoon Sun's rays pierced through the curtains, casting a somber light to a dim room, giving it a warm, somber feel. Some might call such a  picturesque setting "peaceful", yet the truth happened to be the farthest thing from it.

Blood smears stained the walls, broken dishes lay in disarray, and a half-eaten sandwich lay on the ground.

The furniture was either broken or tussled around, except for one wooden chair that was holding a teenage boy who was leaning back, staring at the ceiling with an absent look in his eyes.

The young man had pitch-black hair with white hair running down the middle. His eyes were a hazelnut color and had a glazed-over kind of feel to them. Blood was splashed across his white and grey shirt, in stark contrast to the shirt's original colors. His legs were kicked out in front of him, and his arms were laying against his sides, a bloodied knife held half-heartedly in his left hand as though he had forgotten he was even holding it.

In front of him, on the kitchen floor, lay a middle-aged man. He looked to be resting, as though he'd wake up at any moment… well if you discount the large gash that went from the ear, across the neck, back to his other ear and his wide-eyed stare, eyes bulging as if fixing to pop out of their sockets. Whether it was from utter disbelief or from remembering something from the paper, he was reading earlier that morning, he looked pretty shocked about his situation.

The young man, on the other hand, had tears dripping down from his face. But suddenly the quiet was shattered by a sudden noise coming from his throat. What was frightening was that it was laughter! He frantically laughed at nothing as he cried. Anyone watching would have had chills running down their spine.

After a moment to catch his breath, the young man sighed then mumbled while still occasionally chuckling as if to a joke only he knew, "Seems like the next few years are going to be spent in  juvenile, kekeke."


It was a normal day like any other. The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. Nothing seemed particularly remarkable. The usually busy streets, the regular loud vehicles, the annoying noise of people moving all around, doing what needed to be done.

That was until a certain message greeted humanity.

[System Initializing.....]

[System Connection built!]


[You have been given a chance to climb the Tower of Myth ]

[Will you accept the test that the "Ruined Tower" has offered to you?]

[ Y | N ]

It was quite a bizarre message, and yet it caused everyone to start panic. I mean who WOULDN'T be shaken if suddenly a blue panel appears before you and asks about some random Tower bullshit?

Of course, there were people like you and me (literally us, the lovers and degenerates of stories who favor fiction over reality and think they were born in the wrong world), anyway, they accepted the invitation enthusiastically, hoping that their desires come true.

But not everyone was of the same mind. Most of humanity chose to play it safe and refused the invitation. That's when the unknown host showed its true colors.

[You have rejected the offer that the Tower of Myth offered you]



[Earth will be integrated with the tutorial grounds of Tower of Myth in one day. If you decline the Tower's offer, you will no longer be able to gain any power in the Tower. Would you still choose to reject the Tower's offer?]

[Y | N]

[CAUTION: The tower is NOT responsible for the deaths of anyone who has chosen not to accept the invitation]

Around the world, a single thought resounded, "F**k!".

It was threatening them now. It's like telling them, "You don't want to accept my invitation? No problem. Just don't blame me when you die. "

Of course, even then, most people didn't accept the offer. Skepticism runs deep in humanity. Seeing is believing and most people won't respond until it became reality. But even then, the majority of people just accepted it, going with the flow. The type to go bankrupt, turn to their friend and say, "It is, what it is," while going about their day.

Then came another message, as if to give the proof people needed.

[The tutorial will start in one day]

[Anyone who satisfied the conditions, can take the test of the Tower of Myth to climb after the tutorial]

[Time before the start of the tutorial- 23:59:59 's]

[Good luck Humans!]


That was when the chaos started.


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