14. Changed

Shrek! Shrek!

Bruk! Bruk!

The trolls who lost suddenly rolled over the roof of the house and fell to the ground. Even though many have lost, many are still coming, the trolls' only weakness is that meteors must be deactivated immediately.

Agah felt a tightness in his chest, the blue aura that had become a shield seemed to have dimmed and made the defense loose. Unfortunately, he saw a troll flying towards him carrying an axe.


"Shit!" Before he could dodge, the aura on his body suddenly disappeared and the troll was ready to release the ax in his hand. The ax was thrown by the troll and flew through Agah's blue aura and hit the man's hand.



Agah shouted, he fell onto the roof of the house and rolled until he finally fell helpless on the ground. Agah tried to release his aura again, but the aura never showed up.

Agah was in even more pain because the ax in his hand contained poison.

"Shi_Shit!" He cursed. With his remaining strength, Agah grabbed the handle of the big ax and pulled hard, "Akh!"

Suddenly, Agah felt a cold aura. Not long after, an arrow of light shot out and hit the two trolls at once, causing the large creature to die and just lie on the ground.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Sania ran to Agah.

"Why are you here?!" Agah asked panicked.

The trolls with wings still flew above them.

"I saw you fall," answered Sania. Sania looked up, looking at the trolls. Sania took Agah to a place hidden from the sight of the creatures.

"What about Wisese and Gina?" Agah asked.

"They're fine... at least for now," Sania answered.


Sania tore Agah's clothes and tied the wound on the man's hand a little tightly, making Agah groan in pain.

"Ow!" Agah looked annoyed at Sania in front of him, "Why don't you just rip off your clothes," he sarcastically said.

Sania stood up, her gaze still looking up at the green creature flying freely above her, "Tsk, you pervert... I'm going to_ shit!" Sania quickly hid behind Agah's body.

"What is it?" Agah asked curiously.

"Not only flying, but there are those looking below too," explained Sania.

Groook! Ngok! Ngok!

The loud voice of the troll sounded closer and closer, making Sania and Agah purse their lips even more tightly.

Agah felt a tense aura from behind the big troll, Agah tried to see whose aura it belonged to, but Agah was afraid that the troll would find him in such a helpless state.

"Gina, please, don't come here," Agah begged silently. But the sound of a slash forced him to look at the troll.

Shrek! Serk! Bruk!

Gina managed to run quickly up the troll's body, holding the dagger between the lump of the neck and body and pulling hard until green liquid oozed from the deep wound it had produced.


The troll's body fell hard enough to produce a loud sound.

"Gina, what are you doing here?" Agah asked. Agah came out of his hiding place, but after that Agah fell silent after seeing Gina. Agah seemed to see someone else when he saw the aura and also the dagger in the little girl's hand.

"Brother! I saw Brother Agah fall here!" Gina exclaimed. The girl ran over to the helpless Agah and sat down.

"No! Don't come here, you should help Wisese look after the residents,"

"Yes but _"

"Gina, go," said Sania.


"Help!!!" The scream came from Wisese, it seemed like the man was having a hard time dealing with huge trolls with weapons just by relying on body strength alone.

"Okay." Finally, Gina ran quickly again towards where Wisese came from.

Now only Sania and Agah are left there.

"I'm going to deactivate the meteor," said Agah as he stood up after sitting on the ground for a long time.

"Are you crazy? With your condition like this? Moreover, your aura mysteriously disappeared!"

Sania was right, Agah had lost everything. Agah looked at his bleeding palm, Agah clenched his fist and looked at Sania.

"At least I still have that 'figure'," said Agah, clenching his fists.

"Are you sure?" asked Sania. Sania is happy that Agah will transform, destroy the trolls and deactivate the meteor, but will Agah be okay? After changing into another 'figure', Agah will feel extreme pain in his body.

"This is the only hope of one _"

Agah hadn't finished speaking, but Sania had already drawn her light arrow, aiming at something behind Agah. After the arrow shot, there was a loud sound of an object falling.


"Damn! There are more and more of them!" Sania exclaimed. The girl drew the arrow of light again.

Agah turned around, how surprised he was when he saw trolls with medium sized bodies and short fangs sticking out of their mouths, standing far from in front of him.

"Think about your aura, then your aura will come," said Sania, the girl glanced at her briefly then returned her focus to aiming at the trolls who were running towards them, "Hurry up!" Sania snapped.

"Okay. Aura, aura, come on, I need you, aura, come to papa," even though Agah had cast a spell, Agah's aura still didn't come.

"Are you low on man'a?" asked Sania.

Agah hurriedly looked at the system window, but the amount of Mana was very large, thousands to infinity. But why hasn't the aura returned?

Agah felt the sweat getting wet on his body, Agah's palms turned red.

Aura Agah had to think about that magic.

Grok! Nik! Nik!


Agah closed his eyes, trying to calm down after hearing the troll's screams and the sound of falling behind him.

"Hurry up!" Sania started to feel tired. One of the girl's hands rose to pull out the mana stone that was the heart of the dead monsters. But it is a shame because the player's body needs time to process the mana in the body.

Sania pulled out the light arrows faster, took out three arrows at once and aimed them at the green creatures, "They're endless!" Sania's light arrows became fainter, her endurance became weak and couldn't kill a single troll.

Sania opened her palm, creating a wall of light and soon a sword of light emerged with the name 'Sword of the God of Light' which could cut ten opponents with just one blow, but this only happened in a few minutes.

Sania raised the sword, so that a flash of light hit the trolls.


Ngook! Ngook!

Ikkk! Ikkk!

Bruk! Bruk!

Several trolls immediately fell, as did Sania who had lost her strength. Sania's breath came hard, but the deep voice of a strange creature made her tense.

"Food! Seeet!"

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