13. Trapped

"You said they were still far away?!" Sania shouted from the roof of the house.

Agah looked at where the sound came from. After that, Agah looked at Gina who was still standing in front of the door. But it's impossible for Agah to just let Gina go alone?


Agah flew back, looking at every gap between the houses. It turned out that Agah was wrong, the pig-shaped trolls had scattered until they reached near his house.

When he came back down, he saw Wisese nearby.

"Bring the people in, and.... For you, Gina,"

"Yes!" Gina exclaimed, the girl approached Agah.

Agah took a deep breath, like it or not, Agah had to involve Gina in this, even though the bet was the girl's life. "Can you guard around the house?" he asked.

Gina nodded enthusiastically, "Sure!"

"Okay," Agah looked up at Sania who was still on the roof, in the woman's hand there was already a light arrow along with her bow.

"I'll block the ones that are close," said Wisese. Agah and Wisese looked at each other, "I'll leave the rest," he continued as he walked past Agah.

Everyone is ready. People have entered the house until the remaining players are left outside the house. Before flying back, Agah first spread his blue aura and caught the metal objects around him.


Agah looked at several trolleys near the settlement. Ground forks, spears and kitchen knives floated behind Agah. The man's eyes turned sharp as a blue aura surrounded his body.

Agah raised both hands, suddenly objects made of metal flew following the movement of his hands. Agah's fingers were bent until his index fingers were pointed at two trolls at once.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Grooook! Groook!

Ngoo! Ngoo!

The ear-swelling screams came from two trolls that Agah managed to kill. Now Agah realized that two ground forks alone were not enough to kill them, Agah needed something bigger and sharper to kill them.

From above Agah could see Wisese and Gina's movements, they worked well as did Sania, the woman's arrow hit the troll's heart making them fall in one attack.

However, there will be no end to all this if the meteor remains active and produces more of them.

Agah's blue eyes brightened even more, he stared at the large meteor that could be seen from afar. Agah concentrates the blue aura under his feet making Agah's body push faster through the air, but if Agah uses wings it will be easy to do.

No! If Agah takes out his wings, it is a sign that he is ready to be possessed by a monster again. Agah shook his head vigorously, his hands clenched into fists because he didn't want to have to become a monster and eat the trolls.

"I don't want to eat disgusting things anymore." He said seriously.

A barrier wall was suddenly created, surrounding his body with a blue aura.


An ax hit Beru's shield, Agah flinched because the ax thrown by the troll managed to hit him. Does that mean the trolls can see Agah?

Agah opened part of his shield, and sure enough the trolls standing in front of the meteor stared at him sharply, their fangs emitting green liquid.


One of the trolls shouted, focusing his voice on Agah, suddenly a strong gust of wind hit Agah, luckily the blue aura was still protecting him otherwise Agah would have been blown away and flew far into the air.

"He is so strong!" Agah exclaimed.

Five large trolls, four teeth sticking out of their mouths and thin cloth that only covered their bodies. Now, the five trolls were preparing to throw their iron axes.

Seeing this, Agah just grinned, "It's useless if the object you throw is made of metal," he muttered. Agah got rid of the blue aura surrounding him then waited until they threw the axes.


Whus! Whus! Whus!

The five axes had flown and were about to hit Agah. Agah slowly exerted his aura on the axes, causing the flying axes to stop and turn towards the trolls.

 Grook! Ngokk!

the trolls shouted. The axes they had previously thrown had turned around and injured them. One of the axes hit the hand of one of the trolls while the others had died because the ax had stuck straight into their chests.

The troll, who was only injured, looked at Agah angrily.


He shouted, again the troll concentrated the air so strongly that Agah was blown away a little if the blue aura didn't quickly stop him.

Suddenly the lava surrounding the meteor increased and put more pressure on the large object, as if it was providing energy to the creatures inside.

Ngok! Ngok! Ngok!

Shouted the big troll in front of the meteor, as if he was calling his friends who had scattered. And sure enough, the trolls who had previously approached Agah's house had returned and gathered in front of the meteor.

They glanced at Agah briefly then flocked into the meteor. There were so many of them and they managed to get into the big meteor until there was only one troll left who was injured because of it.

"Is the troll the leader?" Agah muttered.

The lava became increasingly looming and made the meteor sphere become a sphere of burning lava with fire around it.

"What are they doing?"

Agah began to prepare, he spread his blue aura more and more and brought various metal objects from all over. Now behind Agah there are lots of sharp objects such as forks, kitchen knives and spears and other sharp objects.

"My gut feeling says something bad will happen after this..."

Small fissures in the meteor opened, emitting hot steam that could be felt around it. The door, made of stone, slowly lowered, causing smoke to come out of it.

The situation is familiar, it looks like when Agah was in the meteor.

After realizing something, Agah began to prepare his surroundings, turning some sharp objects around him, becoming a defensive wall against the creatures that came out.

from meteors will be different again.

"Damn! Wings....!" Agah cursed.

After the stone door opened completely, out came a troll with black wings behind him. It looks similar to the wings that will come out if the Agah changes.



One of them immediately flew up and was about to attack Agah. But fortunately Agah was ready and attacked him back by directing the objects towards the flying troll.

But the situation got worse when more than ten trolls with wings started flying and approaching him.

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