12. Pig Boss

"If you are Montser, that means you can protect us if the military doesn't come." Wisese said.

"Fortress," continued Sania. They both looked at Agah who was silent.

That's good, but when Agah turns into another figure then it's no longer him. It's possible that Agah could eat humans, especially since Agah wanted to eat Gina.

Agah rubbed his head roughly, "I can't, it's too dangerous. I can't control myself and can't differentiate between enemy and enemy,"

"You eat monsters, isn't that good for us,"

"I almost ate Gina! What if I ate another human?" Agah looked at Sania sadly, Agah felt humiliated at himself but they both wanted to make him a fortress?

"Can't you control the figure inside you?" Wisese asked.

"I told you I couldn't," answered Agah, a little hopelessly.

"Earlier you turned back into a human when you were about to eat Gina,"

"It's because of the heat inside me,"

They were silent for a long time. Making Agah a defensive fortress is indeed extraordinary, but if the fort turns against them? Moreover, Sania and Wisese had seen the greatness of the figure who had taken over Agah's body.

Agah stood up, "I'll go around, if there's something I'll go straight away... Do you guys have your cell phones with you?" he asked.

Sania reached into her trouser pocket, she turned on her cell phone, suddenly feeling disappointed came over her. Sania's parents have not contacted her, it is very likely that they have died from being eaten by monsters, especially since the meteors fell on the edge of the forest and Sania's house is right on the edge of the forest.

Seeing Sania holding her cellphone tightly made Agah feel sorry. Agah knew what it was like to lose a parent tragically and it was painful.

"Your number?" Wisese asked Agah.

"Oh yeah," Agah took out his cell phone.

After exchanging cell phone numbers, Agah immediately left the room, but in the middle of the stairs, Agah saw Adora with Gina. Seeing Gina, embarrassment suddenly attacked her.

"Big brother Agah!" Adora shouted, the girl ran towards Agah and hugged Agah's legs tightly, "Where are you going?" Adora asked with rounded eyes.

"Just patrolling. You're with Gina first, okay?"

Adora shook her head slowly, "No! I want to be with Brother!" Adora refuses.

Agah looked at Gina and looked back at her sister at her feet, the two of them were very opposite in nature. Gina looks more mature and can control this mysterious power. Even though Adora and Gina are the same age.

"Adora, listen to me. Right now you are really needed here. Adora is the same, you are needed by the people here. You!" Agah squatted down and held Adora's hands, "You are great! You can help them... Brother, it won't take long, just a moment. Brother is great," Agah stood up again with a smile on his face.

"Okay, be careful." Adora went back up the stairs, leaving Gina behind.

Agah looked at Gina, his lips still smiling at the girl, "Please look after Adora, okay?" he said.

Gina smiled as she nodded, "Of course! Adora is Gina's friend, so Gina has to protect Adora!" Gina exclaimed with a smile that grew wider.

As he walked, his hand gently stroked Gina's hair and walked back down the stairs. In the living room, one by one the children hugged his legs while the women only smiled briefly at him. And when he left the house, Agah was warmly welcomed by the men.

"Do you want to look around again?" asked a 50 year old man to Agah.

Agah widened his smile, then nodded slowly, "Yes, I will look from above, then let you know if the situation is safe," he explained.

"Okay, then be careful," said the man.

Agah nodded, suddenly a blue aura enveloped Agah's feet making him float and...


Agah flies and flies on the roofs of houses. Agah no longer saw the crystals that came from the monkeys because Sania had previously cleaned the shiny objects. Strangely, after eating the boss monkey, Agah felt something different inside him.

Agah thought about the system and the system immediately appeared in front of him.

*Player Name: Agah Engkas Tall

*Magic: Can attract metal, silver and gold objects

*Amount of Man'a: 10, 000, 00

*Body Strength: Immune to Poison

- Can see distances up to 100 KM

-Detect Aura

-Detect Metal

After reading all the information from the system, Agah began to understand that what the 'figure' inside Agah did would still affect his real body.

Agah held his stomach and squeezed his clothes tightly, "I didn't expect it, I ate a monkey," he muttered.

Suddenly Agah's brown eyes became bright blue, like the color of his aura. At the end of the forest there is an active meteor that is twenty meters high with a fiery red color around it.

Agah accelerated his flight speed, Agah stopped far from the meteor. There were several green creatures with fangs coming out of their mouths. These green creatures were carrying wooden axes with sharp iron blades. They look similar to the trolleys that first came, but their shape looks bigger and stronger.

Grok! Grok! Grok!


The voices of the creatures sounded loud like pigs and heavy like large boars.

"Pig creature," Agah muttered, "I have to contact the others immediately!" Agah took out his cell phone from his jacket pocket. However, the cellphone accidentally slipped from his hand and fell to pieces on the ground. "Damn it!" He cursed.

The pig monsters began to move through every house. Agah quickly turned around and quickly sped away.

It didn't take long until Agah finally arrived in front of his house. He approached Sania who was on the roof of the house.

"Damn! The Pig creatures are coming out of the active meter!" The excitement can be heard by people outside the house.

"Pig Creature?" Sania didn't look like she understood.

"Ah, they are troll-shaped like that time, but bigger, stronger too, then their fangs come out of their mouths and they sound like papi," explained Agah.

"Where are they?"

Agah pointed to where the meter was, "There, quite far but they are already moving,"

Wisese who was below was annoyed because Agah didn't tell him that information, "Hey!" he shouted.

Agah looked at Wisese, "Ah, I forgot," Agah came down and stood in front of Wisese.

"What creature?" Wisese asked.


Grooo! Whoa! Whoa!

"Pigs," continued Agah.

Agah and Wisese looked at each other, "Only we can attack at close range,"

"No, I can do it too," exclaimed Gina, who had just left the house.

"No, you can't come along,"


The system comes back up.

*Defeat the Pig Boss

-If successful, you will get Quality Mana

-If the player loses, he will die

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