11. Eating Monsters

A large figure with wings, skin like steel and horse legs. The strange figure was Agah who had turned into a complete monster.

Agah's blue aura increasingly surrounded the man's body. The blue aura surrounded Agah's horse's legs.

*System Error!

*System Error!

*System Error!


Agah flew, his head moved around looking for the figure of the Monkey Boss, but before attacking the Boss, Agah first killed the small monkeys who were near his house.

Sania, who saw a strange figure on the roof of the house, became frightened. Sania's body has been filled with poisonous arrows from monkeys making her completely paralyzed while the amount of Man'a in her body is only 20% left and if Sania runs out of Man'a then the system will destroy her.

While Wisese was helpless, his head, hands and feet were separated by the monkeys with swords in their hands, after being hit by many poison arrows his Mana cycle became grounded.

Now their only hope is Agah. But where did the man go? Why did a strange and scary figure come?

Agah, with wings behind his body, went faster and faster, slashing at the small bodies on the roof. Instantly the monkeys' bodies were torn apart and became crystal grains after death. Agah's blue eyes moved to focus on the small animals.

Sek! Sek!

Wow! Wow!


Agah growled when he felt his body getting hotter. Agah held his face which had turned into scales as hard as steel, his eyes became hot and an increasingly uncontrollable blue aura came out of his body.

"Gerrr! Woof! Auuu! Woof!" Every bark came out of the Agah's mouth, every sound of a living creature was heard from the Agah's mouth.

"Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Agah shouted. Some of the scales on his face fell off, revealing Agah's skin again.

"No! It hurts!" Agah tugged at the wings behind his increasingly elongated body, Agah felt the bones inside him rub against each other and break.

"Hot ...."

Agah's gaze turned blank, the blue aura was no longer strong from within him, his wings were getting smaller but Agah's consciousness never returned.

Agah's head moved to look at Boss Monkey who was behind him, suddenly his lips grinned and a snake's tongue was so long that it dangled about his hand.

"Food! Seet seet," A hoarse, snake-like voice came out of Agah's mouth, but the sound was very different from Agah's. It was as if Agah was being possessed by another creature.

Agah turned around, his eyes stared intently at Boss Monkey, his snake tongue hung out again, dripping wildly and then the horse's hooves and wings collided to accelerate Agah's speed. Now Agah looks like a starving creature.

"Food! Food!" He shouted very loudly.

Boss Monkey looked scared and was about to run into the meteor again, but Boss Monkey's speed couldn't match Agah's strength which came from the bodies of powerful creatures.

"Food!" Agah's hands, which had turned into claws, now grabbed the monkey boss's face and pulled.


Boss Monkey bounced, splitting many houses in front of him.

"Food! Food!" Agah twirled around, looking like a happy dog.

Agah's horse's hooves lunged again, his two shrinking wings brought Agah quickly towards Boss Monkey.

Agah's hand hit the Monkey Boss and pulled him apart.

"Food!" Agah shouted before eating the Monkey Boss's head.

A system comes to attack the players.

*Monkey Boss Has Been Defeated.

-Players get benefits in the form of Mana.

Sania, Wisese became happy after seeing the system, their Man'a had returned. However, this is different from Agah, who is still feeling hungry after eating the monkey boss.

"Gerrr! Seeet! Food!"

Hisses and growls continued to come out of Agah's mouth. The man's eyes moved around looking for creatures he could eat. Agah's horse's hooves walked slowly along every street in the village.

"Food..." His head was moving wildly.

Suddenly the figure inside Agah saw various auras, namely a red aura nearby.

"Food..." The figure's steps became faster and closer to the origin of the red aura. "Food! Seeet! Gerrr!"

The figure traced the origin of the red aura until finally the figure stopped right in front of Gina. A little girl who is still unconscious after being exposed to monkey poison.

The figure dropped his body, moving Gina's body slowly, "Food..."

"Ah! Hot!" Agah shouted again. His body rolled on the ground, the wings that had previously shrunk had now retracted into him, the horse's legs slowly disappeared and returned to their original shape, the hard scales covering Agah's body had disappeared. Now the real figure of Agah has returned.

Agah's head hurt when he changed, "Akh! It hurts!" He pressed his head lightly.

"Brother Agah," whispered Gina, the girl writhed in pain.

Agah looked at the girl, but Agah felt cold piercing his skin, when he looked at her lower body... "Damn! Where are my pants?!" He exclaimed in panic.

"Brother Agah," Gina moved to sit down, but the girl still had her back to him.

Agah slowly looked for a place to hide. But unfortunately, behind him stood Sania and Wisese.

"Why don't you put your pants back on?!" Sania shouted while closing her eyes.

"Brother Agah," Gina turned around, her eyes still looking gloomy but when her eyes clearly saw Agah's condition, the girl immediately screamed, "Aaaakh! Brother Agah!" Gina shouted.

After cursing the pants that Wisese found out of nowhere. Now Agah is facing the two people, Sania and Wisese. They went into Agah's room to talk.

"So you turned into a monster?" asked Sania with her hands folded in front of her chest.

Agah just nodded while remaining silent.

"So that strange creature is you?" Wisese asked. Again Agah just nodded.

"Are you possessed by a creature?" Sania asked. And Agah just shook his head not knowing, this made Sania annoyed and he hit him quite annoyed, "Answer damn it!" he shouted fully


"At that time I ate the ball of light, then... I changed," whispered Agah.

Sania and Wisese were just silent while watching him.

"I saw earlier, were you going to eat Gina?" Wisese asked.

"After becoming a monster... I couldn't control myself," Agah rubbed his face, "I am indeed a monster," Agah whispered.

Wisese and Sania were silent, they looked at each other, "But at least you managed to defeat Boss Montser, so we have Man'a to recover," said Sania, Sania tried to smile but instead it looked scary.

"Don't smile, you look scarier than a monster," Agah laughed softly.

"And you're the monster!" Sania was annoyed.

Instantly Agah became gloomy again, "Yes, I am indeed a monster,"

"If you are Montser, that means you can protect us if the military doesn't come." Wisese said.

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