10. Lose 1

"Damn system!" Agah shouted.

Everyone has entered the house except Agah, Wisese, Georgina and Sania, the players will be on guard outside.

It was still daylight and the air was still cold against their skin, but the monsters continued to come.

Agah's eyes turned blue, like the color of his aura. Agah's gaze caught a large figure in the back row of the little monkey creatures. Monkey Boss with a sword in both hands and four eyes on that scary face.

"He's the boss," muttered Agah. Agah has found the location of the Boss that they have to destroy. However, Agah's eyes saw that they were about to blow something on the bamboo and a number of small needles shot towards them.

"Watch out!" Agah shouted. Suddenly the three other players immediately got ready.


"Agh!" Sania shouted as an arrow stuck into her upper arm, "Damn it!" Sania shouted. Sania was about to withdraw the light arrow but her eyes turned heavy and a system suddenly came before her.

-Player Sania was hit by a monkey poison arrow!

-Player Sania was hit by a poisonous arrow from the Monkeys!

The system kept showing the same thing. The poisonous arrow made Sania's flow of Man'a become obstructed and she couldn't release her power, Sania turned completely paralyzed just because of one needle.

"Sania! Are you okay?" Agah flew towards the woman who was on the roof of the house. Agah saw the small needle under Sania's feet, suddenly a new system appeared in front of him.

_Arrow of the Monkey Nation.

_Poisonous arrows that can block the flow of Man'a and paralyze players.

_Requires up to 2 Man'a for the player to move again.

Agah understood, Agah wanted to take Sania into the house but Sania refused and took out the thunder god's sword that he had previously received.

"No! I'll stay here!" Sania refused.

"No! You have to take cover! It's too dangerous!"

Auuuu! Wow! Wow!

The screams of the monkeys were heard again. Agah became more alert because the movements of the Bangas Monkey became faster. Agah must kill the Monkey Boss quickly.

"Let Gina go first!" The little girl with a red aura then darted towards the little monkeys with only one dagger in her hand. Luckily Georgina was fast so she was able to avoid the poisoned arrows.

But what will happen to Wisese? Will Wisese also be immune to poison?

But it turned out that Agah's worries were in vain because Wisese was immune to poison.

Agah became even more determined, after seeing Georgina and Sania's persistence, it was a sign that Agah also had to act to keep people safe until the military came to help.

A blue aura suddenly surrounded Agah's body, the aura was more abundant than usual. Agah took a breath and let out cold smoke from his body.

Sania was stunned when she felt the piercing cold coming from Agah's body. Sania was shocked when she saw Agah's eyes turn blue with elongated eyelashes.

"I...I will kill you!" Agah shouted, he concentrated his blue aura on his feet and shot faster towards the point where the Monkey Boss was.

But Boss Monkey's speed was faster than Agah expected. The Monkey Boss had four eyes on his face making the Monkey Boss's vision sharper and quicker.


The poison arrow shot about to hit Agah's body. But because the arrow was made of iron, Agah was able to withstand it, the blue aura certainly protected Agah from attacks made of steel, iron and gold.

Agah's blue aura carried several very large earthen forks, Agah was about to throw the earthen forks at the Monkey Boss, but the Monkey Boss was smarter than he looked.

Boss Monkey replaced the small arrow made of iron with wood. It seemed that Boss Monkey knew that Agah's power could dispel iron objects.

Kuaaak! Yoke! Yoke!

The Monkey Monster shouted before blowing a wooden arrow, the arrow quickly approached Agah. He couldn't match the speed of the arrow, allowing the arrow to penetrate

Its defense has special strength for steel only.


"Ah!" Agah clutched his stomach which was hit by the arrow, "Damn!" Suddenly his body became weak and fell on the roof tiles of the house.


Agah fell until he hit the ground. Agah thought he had become much stronger after eating the ball of light inside the meteor. But it turns out Agah was wrong, he didn't have any changes other than becoming a monster.

"Ah!" Gina shouted, the little girl fell from the roof of the house, hit by a poisoned arrow.

"Gina!" Agah shouted, Gina's body bounced until she finally fell to the ground. The girl's small body was so weak that she could faint easily.

Wow! Aaaaaa! Wow! Wow!

The screams of the monkeys became louder, Agah could see the monkeys hanging from every window of the house. Agah just remained silent and regretted his arrogance.

The screams of the monkeys became louder, Agah could see the monkeys hanging from every window of the house. Agah just remained silent and regretted his arrogance. Now there are only Wisese and Sania who are facing the monkeys while Sania has been injured and her Mana power is decreasing.

The system is back, a system specifically for Agah only.

*Destroy the Monkey Boss

_If you win, you will get benefits

_If you lose, the player will die

"Ah!" The loud scream came from Sania. Now the residents' only hope is Wisese, the man's body has been split into several parts and it is very difficult to neutralize his power after receiving poisoned arrows from the monsters.

Agah heard Sania's screams of pain. The feeling of disappointment at not being able to protect other people increasingly haunts him. Slowly Agah's blue aura dimmed. Agah closed his eyes.

"Big brother! Wake up!" Adoara's loud shout woke him up. Remembering Adora makes Agah worried.

"Adora! Adora!" Agah stood up and was about to run towards his house, but the distance between the house and where Agah was was very far, it would take a long time if Agah just ran.

"Come on! Come on!" Agah keeps thinking about the objects around him. But not a single metal object came even though Agah had released his blue aura.

"Lord ...!" Agah shouted as a blue aura radiated from his body, penetrating the clouds and scattering the light.

Agah's body felt the arrow again, like when his body was about to turn into a monster.

"Ah! Hot!" Agah shouted, he tore his clothes.

Hard scales emerged from the skin cells on his body. Agah's hair grew blue. Its back split open to create a gap, and soon a pair of wings emerged from within it.

The system came rushing in.

*Warning! Error! Error!*

*Warning! Error! Error!

*Player Agah has turned into a Monster!

*Error! Error!

Agah didn't see the warning. His consciousness was taken over by another figure who had entered Agah's body.

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