9. Monkey Monster

Even though she was confused, Sania immediately looked for trousers and other clothes according to Agah's request. After finishing dressing, Agah came out of the meteor which was now confirmed to be dead.

One meteor has been deactivated, but they don't know how many meteors have fallen nearby.

“Did you just see the red dot moving? Don't you see another red dot?” asked Sania.

Agah shook his head, then shrugged his shoulders, "I was too scared, and I only saw the earth's coordinates as the main point," explained Agah as he walked beside Sania.

He couldn't possibly tell about the ball of light he had just eaten and turned Agah into a terrible monster like before. Just imagining it made Agah shudder.

They returned to the settlement where the residents were. Wisese was still on guard, his cold gaze greeted Agah and Sania. Agah immediately picked up her sister and hugged the little girl, then rubbed Adora's head when she remembered the terrible incident that had happened earlier.

Agah looked at the two players in front of him. The tired faces of Wisese and Sania were visible, while the girl whose name was still unknown fell asleep with the other refugees because she was exhausted after fighting with the monster.

From inside the meteor, they got 100 Mana which was larger and seemed to have greater power too. However, Mana couldn't have greater power than the ball of light that Agah managed to eat.

The Agah System now has an unlimited amount of Mana, the man's endurance and strength increase, and the amount of metal he can move is unlimited.

"I'll stand guard outside." Wisese got up and walked out of the house.

Sania stared at Agah for a long time, making the man uncomfortable, and finally asked first.

"What's that?" he asked, glancing briefly at Sania. Agah rubbed Adora's head again.

"What happened inside the meteor just now?" Sania asked after holding back her curiosity for a long time.

Agah was silent, his hand stopped rubbing Adora's head and then looked at Sania, "Let's just talk upstairs," Agah carried Adora and took her up to the second floor, where her room was.

Adora slept on the bed while Sania stood leaning against the door. Agah is confused, what should he say, should he tell the incident that made him a monster?

"So, what's in the meteor?" Sania repeated, looking like she was curious. "At first I thought you were going to die, but it turns out you came out safely. But why did you come out without clothes?"

Taking a deep breath and then exhaling strongly, Agah looked at Sania, "The ball of light that we saw at that time turned out to be the light that created those monsters," explained Agah.

"What?" Sania's brows furrowed, it seemed like she didn't understand.

Agah didn't know how to explain it so the girl could understand what he was saying.

"Yes, I see. So the light from the ball makes monsters," Agah looked at Sania, but the girl still frowned. "Ah, never mind," said Agah, giving up.

"No, no, I understand. Even though it doesn't make sense, it can still make sense if you don't use logic. But, why did you come out without wearing clothes?"

"Ah. For that..." Agah was confused. He had to say it or not.

Take another breath, and think of a plausible lie.

"It was very hot inside, a lot of lava came out of the meteor cracks and yes, I tore my clothes."

"Up to your panties?"

Agah nodded, even though he felt embarrassed, he had no other reason to make Sania stop asking.

"Hm. I see. OK." The girl nodded, then approached Agah, pulled a chair, and sat in front of Agah, "Now we have to share the Mana results we got from the meteor," said Sania.

They take Mana from the meter before deactivating.

That's why you share, said Agah and chose to lie down next to Adora.

"Is it true? Can I do that?” Sania asked sounding cheerful.

“Hm, please share everything equally.”

"Okay! 100 Mana divided into 4...."


The rays of dawn broke from behind the mountain, everyone had woken up while Sania and Agah were still asleep in their room. Both of them had just fallen asleep a few minutes ago.

“Wisese, what should we do now?” asked one of the men among the residents to Wise.

The 176 cm tall man was silent while looking around. Agah's house is right at the end and close to the forest, very dangerous. It would be better if they moved to a house far away in the village.

"Go back to your homes. The meteors near the settlement are no longer active and since last night no more monsters have come," said Wisese.

The resident nodded but still felt hesitant about leaving Agah's house.

"What if there's a monster inside?" asked another resident.

"You can go together, and if you see a monster you have to run immediately," said Wisese again.

"Can you take us?"

"Yeah! Take us home and we'll hide inside!"

"Yes! Please be Wisese!"

Residents put increasing pressure on Wisese to take them home. But Wisese couldn't let go of everything at once, he was feeling tired after fighting last night and regenerating for the umpteenth time in forever.

"Wisese man can't do that. He was tired after fighting and didn't sleep all night!" shouted a woman who was Wisese's mother.

“Listen Mother Wisese, he is a special player, how can he get tired?” shouted one of the residents.

"What did you say?! My son is still human even though he has special abilities! He can get tired too. He stays up all night while you guys sleep soundly!" Wisese's mother shouted angrily.

“Never mind, Mom,” Wisese said as best he could to calm his mother.

Agah, who heard a noise from under his house, looked out the window and saw what was happening below him. It turns out the residents were fighting over Wisese.

“Ah, my head hurts,” he muttered.

Agah left the room, went down the stairs, and passed the children who were still asleep.

"Brother Agah..." said the girl who was also a player, welcoming him.

"Oh yeah, what's your name?" Aga asked.

"Georgina," answered the girl, who immediately ran and hugged Agah's legs.

"Ah yes Georgina, I will remember that beautiful name," said Agah, rubbing the girl's head and making a smile appear on her innocent face.

Agah had just passed through the door and all the residents were already shouting his name.

"Agah! That's it!" shouted a resident. Everyone then saw Agah's arrival.

“Agah, can you take us home?” asked one of the residents quickly.

Agah's eyebrows furrowed, "Going home? Wait for the military to come first," answered Agah.

“Didn't the Vice President say a meteor fell in the suburbs? And we are on the outskirts of town and your house is at the end, close to the forest,” said Wisese.

Agah think and think.

“I'll take a look first.” The agah then flew, streaking, making people look up.

"Unlucky!" He cursed when he saw a group of small monkey-shaped creatures attacking from the north, which was a residential area. The monkeys broke the glass, went inside, and looked for humans.

Agah flew backward and fell in front of his house.

"Come in, close the glass and windows, everyone! Monkey-shaped creatures are coming in from inside—"



Before Agah had time to explain, the thunderous screams of the monkeys made the residents panic. According to Agah's instructions, people immediately entered and covered the glass with hard objects.

Suddenly a system appeared and presented new conditions for destroying monsters.

{*Destroy the Boss Monster.

*If successful, you will get profits

*If you lose, the player will die.}

What might Agah and the other players do to keep the citizens safe until the military arrives? Agah looked at Sania who came down with Adora, the two of them met each other and nodded together, as did Wisese and Georgina. They are ready to fight again whatever the fight will be like this time because this monkey monster is a little different from the alien troll earlier.

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