8. Become a Monster

After a moment of silence, the light from the meteor dimmed. Agah, whose position was already close, slowly approached the meteor which had lost its light. A door made of hot stone lay on the ground.

"What's that?" Agah muttered after seeing a bright ball of light from inside the meteor.

A medium-sized ball floats on a hand-shaped rock.

The lights are blue, red, and yellow.

Agah held a large earthen fork and pointed its tip at the circle of light. However, after being in there for so long, Agah was never attacked or saw the troll-shaped creature. Agah slowly entered the meteor, but the door was still open.

“The light was very dazzling and beautiful,” he said. Agah looked closer and it was clear there was something strange coming from inside there.

Sania approached out of curiosity and entered the meteor. The beautiful light from the ball caught Sania's attention.

"What's that?" asked Sania.

Agah turned around and shrugged his shoulders.

"I also do not know. But look!”

Agah pointed to the many red dots that invaded a place that was round and resembled the shape of the Earth when seen from space. There are many red dots visible on the screen.

Agah and Sania looked at each other, they were thinking the same thing. They believe that the red dot is another meteor carrying more creatures and heading toward Earth.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Both of them were shocked when a loud sound was heard, the stone door that had fallen to the ground slowly began to lift until it closed.

"Run!" both shouted.

Sania, who was near the door, managed to get out by jumping, but unlike Agah, she couldn't do it, as a result, she was trapped in the meteor where the door was tightly closed.

"Ah! Damn!" Agah snapped, ruffling his hair, "What should I do here?"

Meanwhile, from outside you could see the light of fire surrounding the entire meteor. Sania, who was observing from outside, felt afraid when the torrent of lava from the meteor began to flow into every crevice of the meteor. Like a meteor that had just fallen with many creatures inside. Sania moved away a little.

Strangely, in the meteor, Agah couldn't do anything, he couldn't even use the power given by the system.

{System error! System error}

This notification always comes out when Agah thinks about his strength.

The light from the floating ball began to fade and merge with the meteor wall, attracting something and making it a new creature.

"Is this how they make green creatures?" Aga asked. "Damn! What should I do?" A bit confused now.

The earthen fork located beneath it was picked up and aimed at the half-formed creature. Strangely the creature was not in the shape of a troll with green skin, but was larger than a troll with large wings on both sides. Like a crow with a big beak.

"Thinking! Thinking! Thinking!" Agah muttered with difficulty, but an idea never crossed his mind.

Agah began to feel panic and fear, making his legs tremble while the ground fork supported his body so he wouldn't fall.

"What do I have to do?" Agah was starting to give up hope, his body was starting to go limp.


Agah turned around when his body was hit by a ball of light. The divided light now creates monsters.

"This ball! This ball is the cause!"

Agah pulls the ball. However, his strength was not enough to pull the round object from its place. The stone that formed the finger suddenly moved as Agah pulled hard.

The sound of a half-finished monster, all that remains is to perfect its wings.

Don't panic anymore. He pulled the ball of light even harder and hugged it tightly.

After a few moments of hard effort, Agah was able to release the ball from the troops' grip.



Agah fell and collapsed right under the fully transformed monster. The monster stared at Agah with its red eyes, its large one-meter-long beak ready to crush Agah's head.


Agah can turn and avoid the impact of its beak.

According to Agah's estimation, it was the ball that created all the monsters. When the ball no longer emits light, the monster is not complete and only part of it is formed.

"What should I do with this thing?!"

A round object the size of a basketball was now in his arms, the light from the ball was getting fainter and attracted light that created a green creature.

The only thing Agah was thinking about was, to eat!

Similar to Mana, this object will go straight into the player's body without having to swallow it.

Agah's body felt hot and an itching sensation spread throughout his body. Agah's aura, which was previously only blue, now turns red and sometimes turns yellow and then changes color again.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" he is screaming.

Agah's skin peeled off revealing the man's flesh which could be seen moving.

"Itchy rash!" Not only did he complain about being hot, Agah also scratched his body from his neck to his arms.

Then suddenly red spots appeared all over his body.

Meanwhile, outside the meteor, Sania was aiming at the meteor door, her meteor shook in fear and moved away a little because the meteor was emitting very strong heat.

"Dead! He must be dead!" Sania said.

Sania's body trembled, her feelings were uncontrollable, and the feeling of futility in guarding the village made her weak. The heat of the light disappeared, and his hands trembled. Sania hesitated to shoot her arrow at the meter door because she thought about the fate of Agah who was trapped inside. Sania is now confused while the others have gone too far.

Agah stared at the meteor ceiling in despair. His body is no longer shaped with two wings behind him, while Agah's legs now look like horse legs, his skin has turned hard like a crocodile. Agah experienced drastic changes.

“I… monster?” Softly, Agah couldn't believe the change as it reflected on the steel wall of the meteor.

Agah still felt hot and itchy, but his transformation into a monster made him even more shocked and helpless.


Agah's stomach felt painful as if a sharp object had stabbed him from the inside. But a system suddenly appeared and showed a word.

{Happ! Player Agah has turned into an invincible monster and has the power of other monsters!}

"I don't want to be a monster!" Agah shouted in a trembling voice, “Why do you have to be strong if you are a monster?!”

The system disappeared again, displaying a system error for the umpteenth time.


Agah suddenly felt panicked when something came out of his throat and he was about to vomit. Finally, the Agah vomited green liquid.

Agah closed his eyes, thought about the system, and again the system error warning came out. Thinking of himself turning into a monster and thinking of Agah's little sister.

"Adora," Agah whispered, "I want to be human again," he said quietly. Agah's eyes were wet thinking about his sister's fate.

Cold, suddenly Agah's body became cold as if he had just been doused with ice water from the north pole. Agah felt his body change again and when he opened his eyes, white light surrounded his body, healing his wounds and removing his horse's legs and crow's wings. Agah was stunned, and couldn't believe the change.

"I'm back!" Scorching with pleasure.

Meanwhile, outside the meteor, Sania stared blankly at the meteor which was starting to lose its light again. The flowing lava is now returning into it.

Unlucky! Bruk!

The stone door opened and smoke poured out from the gap.

Sania stood up and prepared with her light arrow. Even though the girl felt hopeless, dying before meeting her family felt like a waste.

A head came out of the smoke gap. Sania suddenly narrowed her eyes, seeing what had just come out of there.

"Hey! I need pants!" said Agah from the gap in the door which slowly opened with his body hidden.

The heat that made his body peel, the wings that suddenly appeared and the legs that turned into horse hooves of course tore all his clothes and left none of them.

Sania was silent.

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