17. Military Troops

Agah's body shook violently and quickly and the sound of sobbing was painful. Agah slowly opened his eyes, suddenly Agah's head hurt and a shrill sound filled his ears.

"Brother Agah! Brother!" Shouted a girl who of course Agah knew, that girl was Adora.

"Am I back?" Agah said to himself. Agah looked at Adora who was crying beside him, her little face looked very sad.

"Brother!" Adora screamed and rushed into Agah's arms.

Hearing Adora's screams, of course Wisese and Sania who were waiting outside the room rushed into the room, looking at Agah's languid body in Adora's arms.

"Finally you woke up," said Sania.

Agah frowned, "How long have I been unconscious?" Agah asked curiously.

"Three, three days you were unconscious," answered Sania.

Agah widened his eyes in surprise, "What! Are you serious?!"

"Yes! Brother slept for three days! But fortunately there was no attack from the creatures and the military has come," said Adora.

Agah was surprised again, since when did the military arrive at his place?

Agah saw the lights outside, Agah hurriedly got out of bed and looked out the window. Sure enough, there is a lot of military down there. There are many refugee camps and more people.

"Why are there so many more people?" Agah asked while continuing to pay attention to the military below him.

The system appeared in front of Agah, and an aura that had many colors was clearly visible in Agah's eyes. There were lots of red and green auras, as well as a white aura coming from the guard at the end of the village.

But there is no blue aura like Agah's among the military.

Sania, who saw Agah, was silent, looked at the many people below, then approached Agah and looked down, "They are survivors from other areas,"

"Then why did the military bring them here?" Agah looked at Sania, "Aren't the suburbs more dangerous?"


The sound of wood breaking was loud and came from Agah's hand gripping the wooden window. Agah's eyes turned sharp, his teeth gritted.

"The more people the more dangerous it will be...!" Press it.

Suddenly Agah looked out of the room, his ears heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and coming towards them.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A man in full army uniform with a star on his chest knocked on the open door. He is Sergeant Adi Manggala.

"It looks like Mr. Agah has woken up," he said and looked at Agah flatly.

The system appeared in front of Agah and showed the status window for Sergeant Adi Manggala.

*Player name: Adi Manggala

*Magis: Can strengthen the body.

- Attacks at close range

*Amount of Mana: 2,000

That is the data that the system has given to Agah about Sergeant Adi.

"Yes, I'm awake. Do you need any help?" Agah asked, his gaze still sharp and his tone even firmer.

Sergeant Adi was silent when he saw Agah's gaze, which was so sharp that it pierced his eyes. Sergeant Adi smiled in response to Agah's firm words, "It looks like we need to talk,"

"Speak now." Press Agah.

"Just the two of us," continued Sergeant Adi, who immediately received sharp looks from Sania and Wisese.

“What more do you want to say?!” Sania was angry, her face turned stern and her body felt warm. Sania and Wisese let out their aura even if only a little.

"The same thing I asked you," Sergeant Adi smiled.

Agah was already able to assess the situation between the three. It seemed like there was something Agah had missed during the past three days.

"Come out," said Agah flatly.

"No! I want to be with Brother!" Adora shouted and ran towards Agah, hugging Agah's waist very tightly, "I don't want to be separated from my brother," she continued in a sobbing voice.

"Just a moment, just give us a moment," said Sergeant Adi. The man stepped into the room but was immediately blocked by Wisese's white aura and yellow aura. Sergeant Adi immediately pulled his feet back.

"You guys go out first," said Agah, his hand rubbing the top of Adora's head, "Wait outside with Sania and Wisese, it looks like Gina is waiting for you downstairs," Agah smiled. While Adora shook her head even more, not wanting to leave Agah, "Just for a moment, okay?"

Adora looked at Sergeant Adi who was also smiling at her. For some reason, Adora felt strange when she saw Sergeant Adi's eyes which were so black. Adora looked back at Agah.

"Five minutes," Adora whispered.

"Enough, five minutes is enough," Sergeant Adi came back into the room.

Sania removed her aura as did Wisese, both of them looked at Agah, "Convince your heart to say, 'no'," Sania looked back at Sergeant Adi sharply.

Sania gently pulled Adora's hand while continuing to look at Sergeant Adi who continued to show a smile on his face.

After everyone left and only Agah and Sergeant Adi were left, the door was closed and the two of them looked at each other.

Agah was curious about what Sergeant Adi would say to make Sania and Wisese angry.

"Sit down," Sergeant Adi sat on the bed and patted the place beside him.

Agah felt goosebumps seeing Sergeant Adi's smile which started to feel strange in his gaze.

"Say it fast!" Annoyed Agah.

Sergeant Adi nodded slowly, his gaze still fixed on Agah who was standing far away from him, "The rehabilitation center is full in the city, and there are no more places there. The government has designated this area as a temporary shelter," said Sergeant Adi.


The sound of breaking wood became more and more audible, the sound came from behind Agah's body, "Are you guys crazy?" asked Agah in an angry tone, "You already said that a meteor fell on the outskirts of the city near the forest. Obviously this area is close to the forest and of course it will be more dangerous, especially with the large number of people here... The city is wide, why did you decide they're in dangerous territory?" Agah said at length with obvious anger. His eyes narrowed and the crease between his brows deepened.

"The government does not place one area just anywhere," said Sergeant Adi. His gaze became sharper and the smile on the man's face disappeared, "And two meteors were found to be inactive in this area. Who turned them off?" Sergeant Adi released his yellow aura.

Agah fell silent, his chest became tight and his mind became stuck. Agah didn't think about that.

"There's no way it could have died by itself... the professors are still investigating meteors." Sergeant Adi's firmness further cornered Agah.

Agah tightened his grip on the wood, Agah ran out of words because it was impossible for Agah to tell the truth.

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