16. Who are they?

"What... What the hell?!" Agah shouted. As far as the eye could see, there was only darkness and the small light of the stars. Agah's body floated, bare-chested Agah felt the cold air around him.

"You are one of us." someone repeated.

"Why are you repeating the same words?!"

"Then what should I say?!"

Agah looked for the source of the very soft voice, the bickering of two soft voices made Agah confused while there was only him there. Agah continued to spin, looking around at the dark surroundings.

No! There's nothing there but him?!

Are you starting to hallucinate?!

A white, strong and long hand reached out to touch Agah's shoulder.

"Huh! Who is that?!" Surprised, Agah turned around and found an elbow-length hand, "Huh? Am I really crazy?" Agah's body trembled, cold sweat came out of his body, "Why didn't I faint?"

"Hey! Why are you just showing your hands?!" Angry someone. The hand in front of Agah disappeared again.

"I just want to make him aware,"

"But you scared him, damn it!"

Agah was still silent, he didn't know what situation he was facing. And who is fighting nearby?!

A speck of light flew in front of Agah, slowly the light grew bigger and bigger creating a vortex of light. Agah was curious about what light suddenly appeared in front of him. Agah pointed at the light. Warm and cold light at the same time.

Agah widened his eyes when he felt his hand being pulled from the light, "Aaakh!" He shouted and stepped into the light.

"Is that true, him?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that it was him?"

"Now, I feel doubtful,"

"What are you saying?!"

Agah's head is buzzing, his whole body feels very painful and warm? Now where is he?

Agah slowly opened his eyes, at first they were foggy but gradually became clear.

Inside a space ship, five strange creatures stood not far from Agah. There are creatures that are half horse and half human, there are also creatures with eagle wings with glowing yellow eyes.

Who are they?

Agah's eyes kept moving until finally Agah's gaze saw a large green creature with teeth sticking out of its lips, similar to a troll?

"Hah! Troll!" Agah shouted. He turned his body back to find himself on a large chair. In front of Agah was a troll, a troll dressed in armor like a knight with a sword.

"Hey! Human!" The troll shouted with a wrinkled face, making his face even more scary.

"Hey hey," a woman with butterfly wings touched the troll's shoulder.

Agah was stunned when he saw the butterfly woman's face smiling and laughing, looking elegant and charming.

"Hey! You're Human!" The butterfly woman's scream shocked Agah and he woke up from his reverie.

Agah shook his head vigorously, he had forgotten that the butterfly woman was a strange creature just like the troll.

Agah clenched his fists, why did he have to keep quiet while they were angry? The one who should be angry is Agah. They took Agah without his permission and scolded him?

"Hey! Why are you guys angry?! I should be the one angry because you took me without my permission!" Agah shouted, his chest rising and falling to the rhythm of his rapid speech. Agah's breathing turned heavy and his gaze became sharper.

The three creatures who were previously staring at the earth monitor turned to look at Agah.

Seeing the five creatures together scared Agah, he swallowed his saliva roughly and strengthened his fists even more.

The half horse and half human creature walked over to his two friends, the troll and the butterfly woman. The creature looked at Agah then looked at his friends.

"It's true what he said, why have you been scolding him all this time?" asked the half horse and half human creature, then looked back at Agah, "Hey, human, sit up straight!"

Agah didn't understand, but the creature's words immediately made the other two creatures fall silent and look at him in annoyance.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Santero," the half horse, half human creature brought his hand closer.

Agah just remained silent while staring at the palm of the creature called Santero. Agah hesitantly looked at Santero and looked back at his hand.

"I'm Mitrax, call me Mitrax, not a troll," the green creature in armor then turned and walked towards his friend who was sitting in the monitor chair.

"And I'm Niala," said the butterfly woman, the woman smiled at Agah.

"Hmm...?" Santero moved his hand so that Agah quickly shook his hand.

Still feeling doubtful, Agah brought his hand closer to Santero, and the half-horse man pulled Agah's hand quite hard.

"Nice to meet you!" Santero exclaimed.

"Hey, you haven't introduced me yet!" Angry was the person sitting in the monitor chair, a creature with eagle wings and glowing yellow eyes.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to introduce him. He's Itikal," Santero pointed to the man with eagle wings. Santero released his handshake.

Agah looked at another person, a man with a complete human body who seemed to be looking at the monitor from afar. But the man was wearing a mouth covering and his red eyes looked scary.

Is he a human like Agah?

"Then who is that man?" Agah asked slowly and hesitantly.

Santero looked at the other friend, then looked back at Agah, "Ah, he's... Zyrex," answered Santero.

Agah nodded in understanding, Agah fell silent again. The system suddenly didn't appear even though Agah called it or thought about it. Where did they actually take Agah? Then what happened to his friends and little sister?

"Why did you bring me here?" Agah asked then looked back at Santero.

Everyone looked at Santero, as if asking for an answer that Agah could understand.

"Ah, that's... because you're already part of us," explained Santero, of course Agah didn't understand and frowned.

"What do you mean?...Wait, since earlier you said that I was one of you, what does that mean?"

"Our part has merged with yours," Santero answered, further confusing Agah.

"What do you mean?! Explain in more detail!" Agah was angry, he couldn't hear small talk like that anymore. Agah wants to go home quickly and meet his sister, Adora.

"You have eaten the ball of light we made." Zyrex said in a deep voice, the man with the mouth covering walked over to Agah and Santero.

"Ball of light?" Agah muttered. Suddenly Agah remembered the ball of light in the meteor that made him a monster.

"And part of the body, our sreet, is inside your body, sreeet," the rustling sound disturbed Agah, but wasn't that the sound of a snake?

"I didn't know that I would become a monster after eating that ball of light, there was no choice and the system didn't tell me any other way,"

"We didn't know that there would be humans entering the meteor,"

"Weren't humans ordered to deactivate meteors, right?"

"Yes, we did tell humans to deactivate the meteor, but we also gave you the power to_"

"So! You guys are the ones who caused this disaster!"

"It was the humans who caused this disaster to occur!" Zyrex's shout made Agah scowl in fear on the chair, even though he was scared, Agah still stared angrily at the two creatures in front of him.

"Earth is getting worse!" Iikal shouted, "We have to get that human out immediately!"

Everyone looked at Agah. Suddenly Zyrex clenched his fist and punched Agah in the face quite hard. The last scream Agah heard was when Niala scolded Zyrex.

"Why are you hitting him!"

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