5. Orders from the Center

"I'll go first," said Sania suddenly.

Agah looked at the girl and asked, “Where?”

"Looking for my parents," answered the girl casually.

Now Sania's face is not as cruel as before and is starting to look calm.

"It's such a mess here," said the girl while looking around them which was full of green creatures everywhere.

"Parents," thought Agah, suddenly remembering his parents who had died several years ago, they left behind a lot of property and a large house, they also left behind Adora, who was now his responsibility.

Agah knows how it feels to lose, but if Sania sees her parents' absence, what will happen? Especially now that strange creatures suddenly attack humans.

"Were they?" Sania muttered softly and poked the large creature's body.

"Don't you intend to stay here?" Aga asked.

Sania stood up and took a deep breath.

"I know what you're thinking, but I still have to check." The girl turned around and saw the man's face, "I just wanted to make sure," said Sania then looked away.

"When are you leaving?" Agah asked again, as much as possible he had to repay the girl for saving him and Adora before.

“Around dawn,” Seira answered.

Agah could only nod in understanding and then looked back at Adora. There is a feeling of reluctance to be left behind.

"Let's go in first so we can get information about what happened," said Agah,

who picked up Adora and took her into the house which looked still habitable, even though the houses around it had been destroyed due to this action. strange creature.

Sania followed from behind.

Arriving at Agah's house, Adoran sat on one of the sofas and went to turn on the TV. Thank goodness the television is still on, trying to get information from there even though the screen is not clear, even so, Agah wants to know what the current condition of the government is, are they also experiencing the same thing or not? The TV had just turned on and was showing a rowdy atmosphere in the government building.

"That's the vice president," said Sania, who was now sitting in the chair with Adora.

Even though they look relaxed, they still have to be aware of their surroundings. There is a possibility that the creature will come again and attack. Agah felt like something big must have happened. If the government announces it, it means that not only the area is being attacked, but other areas are also being attacked.

“As we have seen and experienced, disasters suddenly come and bring strange creatures from outer space. And suddenly some people get an unexpected system that can save humanity from attacks by these creatures. I hope that people who receive the gift of this system can protect people who don't receive it," said the Vice President firmly, but with a face that looked very tired.

A female journalist stood up and asked where the President was at the moment, "Mr Deputy, where is the President at the moment?" asked the female journalist, immediately causing a commotion among the other journalists.

There was a heavy sigh from the Vice President and he returned to being firm, "Mr President was injured as a result of the attack by these creatures, now he is receiving intensive care from the hospital," answered the Vice President.

Once again a reporter stood up, “Do meteors only fall in the suburbs?”

They fell right in the forests on the outskirts of the city, luckily they didn't attack the city directly. "Several soldiers will be assigned to areas where there are meteors," answered the Vice President.

“What does that mean now?” asked another journalist.

But the vice president did not answer and looked into the camera lens, his gaze now turning sharp.

“For people who have obtained the system and power, immediately gather at city hall to report. Thank You." His orders immediately left the podium, and made the atmosphere even more boisterous.

Agah stared at the TV blankly, now he turned to Sania, then to Adora.

"Looks like you have to go to city hall first," said Agarh as he stood up to Adora who continued to stare out of the mirror.

"No, I won't tell them about my powers," Sania refused without looking at Agah.

Agah's gaze turned to Sania, he narrowed his eyes, feeling like he didn't understand Sania's words. Why doesn't the girl want to report her strength?

"Why? Isn't that necessary? Who knows, you might meet someone who has the same strength," Agah grabbed Adora's hand, making the little girl immediately hug her tightly.

Sania looked up at Agah who was still looking at her uncomprehendingly.

"I have to meet them immediately," answered Sania, looking at Agah seriously, and what the girl meant was her family.

Sania was worried that if she arrived late, the possibility that had previously crossed her mind would happen, and her parents would no longer be attacked by the strange green creature.

Now Agah chose to remain silent, for some reason, he could feel Sania's worry and saw the top of Adora's head nearby. So he couldn't hold Sania any longer because that was the girl's wish. Agah's job is only to protect Adora, even though Sania is not there, he is still able to do it.

Agah was silent for a long time as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay," said the man as he lifted his face and looked back at Sania. "So, you're leaving tomorrow morning?" Agah asked just to be sure.

Sania nodded then stood up to leave the house.

"Where are you going?"

"Checking outside," Sania answered without turning around.

"Wait! Don't go alone," Agah warned. "You can monitor from above, my room is on the top floor so you can see the surroundings clearly," explained Agah.

Sania turned around with a flat expression on her face. "Is it possible?" he asked expressionlessly.

"Sure. Let's go upstairs," said Agah, carrying Adora again.

With slow steps, Agah climbed the stairs. Agah felt Adora's body shiver in his lap. It seemed like the girl was still in shock and fear. Agah peeked at Adora's face hidden in his chest.


Their footsteps stopped when they heard a loud noise from outside the house, as if a large object had just fallen. Sania looked at Agah who was also looking at the girl behind her. After nodding to each other, Sania ran towards the origin of the sound. Agah followed Sania later after changing Adora's position behind her back.

"What's that?" asked Agah who was some distance from Sania.

The man felt strange when he saw the surprised expression on the face of the girl who was peeking out from behind the clear glass door. What did Sania see? Agah, who was curious, approached Sania and looked outside.

"Can we come with you?" asked a mother while holding the hands of her two sons.

But not only them, several other people were standing right in front of Agah's house.

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