Mia woke up and did not find Gabe in the bed. A second later, her heart skipped a beat. She quickly left the room and looked down from the first floor.

Ulf was still talking with Natasha and Kiera and was not opening the door for them and was annoying them.

Mia felt relieved that Gabe wasn’t with these women. “Where did he go?” she began to look around, but then her system told her to sharpen her senses. And she did.

And she found that Gabe was in the backyard, training under a tree. She went to the balcony and just observed him as she didn’t want to disturb him.

He was more than 200 feet away from her. He was not punching the tree, but he just kept moving around throwing his attacks in different manners.

“He’s moving like a pro boxer…” Mia uttered. “How can there not be a single mistake in his movements? His movements are so perfect.”

{That’s because he’s found out the flow…} Her Luna system, Stemmer, appeared as a yellow rose in her hair. {Every art has a certain zone where you expe
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