“Let us out, please,” Kiera was begging Ulf. “I will give you whatever you want.” Her plan was to get out first and then deal with this little kid.

“Hmph, what can aunties give me?” Ulf retorted.

Every time he uttered the word ‘aunty,’ both Kiera and Natasha looked like they were aging by a few years at the least.

Kiera looked at Natasha. “Who is he exactly? Russell’s kid?”

“No, Russell has a daughter, I’m sure,” Natasha replied. “I’ve never seen this little brat before. He must be a maid’s child or something.”

“A child of a maid, and he’s this arrogant?” Kiera gritted her teeth. “When I get out, I’m going to lift him up by his hair and then slap him left and right.”

“I’m going to beat his ass with a stick so much he won’t be able to sit anywhere for a year!” Natasha added.

What they didn’t know was that Ulf could hear their words. “These women are crazy. I only called them aunties, and they want to beat me black and blue for it?” He created a dozen cockroaches out of his body and rel
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