chapter three

James ran towards the class as many of the students were all wondering what was going on. He grabbed his bags and scooter and raced out of the school towards his mother's workplace. He ran into the big hospital and looked at the first desk. "Martha McCall." He said eagerly looking at the lady in front of him

"Who are you to her?" She asked, adjusting her pair of glasses and glancing at James. "I am James, her son." He said it with his heart beating loudly against his chest. "My mother, how is she? Is she alright? Please tell me she is safe." James kept ranting.

" Your mother was hit my a moving car. Apparently it was a bit and run case. The hitter was looking for something and went ahead to" The lady was about to say another word when Rose walked over to the desk. "Hush! Why are you trying to frighten the boy?"

"RRose right?" James looked at the lady who was standing before him. She was a little chubby with silicon hair. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, and she looked friendly. "I am sorry, James. I tried to reach out to you yesterday, but I couldn't. Your mother had an accident when she was coming down to work."

"How is she? Will she be okay?" James asked as Rose led the way to the room.

James gasped upon seeing his mother. She was placed on a breathing machine, and she had bruises all over her. "Who did this to her?" James looked at Rose, who didn't have any explanation.

"She was brought over to the hospital like this. I guess the killer didn't want to kill her off. Do you know who might have anything to do with your mother? Are you owing anybody?" Rose looked at his face

"No, we are." The door opened, and a doctor walked in. James rushed towards him with teary eyes. "How is my mother doing? Will she be alright?" James held onto the man like he was his saviour. "Do you have any relatives I can talk to?" The doctor looked at James

"No, it is just me and my mom. You can talk to me. I am not a kid. I am seventeen now; I can look after her. Just let me know what I can do." James looked at his face.

"Mr. James, right?" He asked, and James nodded.

"Your mother is in terrible condition at the moment. She suffered severe damage to the lungs and multiple fractures," the doctor explained, his face somber. "She needs immediate surgery to stabilise her condition and prevent further complications."

James felt his legs go weak, but he steeled himself. "What do we need to do? How much will it cost?" He said slowly, looking at the doctor's face.

The doctor hesitated, glancing at Rose, before continuing. "The surgery is complex and requires a specialised team. The estimated cost is around fifty thousand dollars. Without it, I'm afraid her chances of recovery are very slim."

James' heart sank. Fifty thousand dollars was an astronomical amount for him and his mother. "I don't have that kind of money. Is there any other way? Can we pay in installments?"

Rose put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "James, I know it's a lot to take in. We'll figure something out. There are programmes and charities that might help. Let's focus on getting the immediate paperwork done and finding out all the possible options."

James nodded, his mind racing. He couldn't lose his mother. She was all he had left. "Okay. Let's do that. Whatever it takes."

The doctor gave a small nod of approval. "We'll start with the paperwork and reach out to the hospital's financial aid office. In the meantime, try to stay positive. Your support is crucial for your mother's recovery."

James heart sank as he heard the doctor's report. He walked slowly to his mother's side and held her hands. He sobbed gently and wondered who could have wanted to harm them.

He was tired of running and thought to himself that maybe it was time he put on a good fight. James knew he was just a teenage boy, but he had the heart of a warrior.

He cleaned his face and ran after Rose. "How long do I have to wait before the paper work is processed?" James asked, looking at Rose, who scratched her head. " Days,weeks,months. I don't, kid." She said it with a sobber voice.

"She doesn't have days or weeks to wait for? Have you seen the condition she is in?" James looked at Rose.

"I am sorry; I wish there was something I could do." Rose looked at him.

James clenched his fist in anger. If she hadn't called his mother that night, maybe she would have lived, and maybe the accident wouldn't have happened. James shouted in anger and hit the wall in front of him. Rose looked at him and tried to touch him, but then she saw his eyes change color. She walked away, stealing glances at James.

The wall carved as James walked away, trying to get a breather. It was just too much for him. The only parental figure he had in his life lay on the bed at the point of death.

James rushed home to see if his mother had a few savings. Martha had always kept her money in the drawer.

She knew it was safe, and James would never steal her money. He was a good boy. He got home and found the house in disarray. "What the hell is going on?" James said, looking at the house, which was scattered and messy. His mind went to his mother's room and ran into it. He opened the drawer and found the money intact. "They were not after the money?" James said he was counting the money. "It was exactly forty-five dollars. He smiled and quickly took them away without trying to arrange the house.

James got to the hospital and ran into the doctor's office. "Can you make do with this?" He said he was sweating as he dropped the money on the table before the doctor. "Where did you get this?" The man asked. "Can you work with this or not? We don't have time for that!" James shouted, racing back to his mother's room.

"You will be fine, mother. I will make sure of it." James said, kissing her hands.

Suddenly, her fingers moved, and she opened her eyes.

Martha's eyes darted around the room as if trying to search for something. She looked at James, and tears flooded her eyes. "Don't cry, mom; you are going to be alright." James said it with a weak smile on his face.

"I am sorry I have to leave you again." Martha cried

"Don't, mom. I am not ready. Please." James sniffled, holding her hands. "They are hear" Martha whispered into his eyes.

" Who,mother? Who?" James looked at her, but then she fell unconscious once again

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