Chapter LXIV

The following morning, at around 8 a.m., David was scheduled for court. He was driven there in a convoy of three vehicles under armed tight security. Agent Claire among a few other select agents of the CIBSC unit made sure of that. A few minutes later, they arrived at the courthouse.

David’s crew had found nothing concrete they could use to defend him. Ruddick had joined them that day. He had to help in every way he could. With not much of an option, Jonas drove to the courthouse in the company of Peterson and Ruddick.

The previous day, David had instructed Jean not to get involved. She and Matthew had to stay back at Peterson’s house. Matthew, being a well-known proscribed hacker was not in good terms with the law to show his face at the court.

Shortly, Jonas arrived at the courthouse. They all went in to listen to the ruling. It was one moment they felt helpless and useless to David the most. They had to sit in court and listen as the judge took Da

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