Chapter XLVII

He proceeded on his way back to the precinct. David could not wait to reach the lair to get the information he had just got to Peterson and John. He called them to let them know that, the two agents were dead. The captain was working for the Clairvoyant but he had no clue of whom his colleagues in the mission were. Just like Claire had mentioned, he had the same suspicions as well but could not let Meake know about it yet. He knew the Clairvoyant decided to clean up the mess after they failed to get him results and deliver John and the evidence.

Peterson did see things fore hand before they could happen. After the agents had called John blackmailing him to having his family, Peterson knew they had hit rock bottom. It was just a matter of time and their boss would punish them. He had a hunch that the 24 hours they had just given John could as well been a deadline they had from the Clairvoyant to give results or, they would just end up where they did; dead on the streets like s

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