It was a beautiful evening the sun had set in the most delightful way possible. Or it might just be someone's exaggeration there was nothing special about that day it was just another day.

Theodore Brantley was in his room changing his clothes for the party. Tonight would be the best day of his life. After working for his father's company for so many years his father had finally decided to hand over the company to him. And since it was his twenty-fifth birthday he felt it was even more appropriate.

He smiled brightly in front of the mirror.

"Hey birthday boy."

"Nanny Helen." Theodore smiled seeing the older woman.

"Look at you? It feels like it was just yesterday your mom gave birth to you." Nanny Helen teased.

"Come on nanny Helen, I'm not a kid anymore. So how do I look?" Theodore asked.

"Like the most handsome man in the world." Nanny Helen replied.

"Come on nanny."

"I'm serious." Helen said seriously.

"Alright, this is it." Theodore said looking at himself one last time.

A maid knocked on Theodore's door.

"Who is it?" Theodore asked.

"Sir, most of the guests have arrived and your presence is required downstairs." The maid reported.

"Right, I was supposed to tell you that but it seems I got carried away." Nanny Helen said.

"Come on nanny let's head down."

Nanny Helen was like Theodore's second mother. If it wasn't for nanny Helen he would have surely broken down when his mother died.

"The birthday celebrant, may I present to you Mr Theodore Brantley." The master of ceremony introduced.

The crowd applauded as Theodore's presence was announced. He was a handsome man every woman's dream but his heart belongs to only one, Nathalie Spencer.

She was beautiful and most men would definitely be attracted to her most especially for her endowed body.

Theodore walked down the stairs with his nanny beside him.

"His nanny again? You know Nathalie if Helen wasn't a lot older than him I'd say there's something going on between them." Bridget Nathalie's friend said.

"Come on Bridget, she's like a mother to him." Nathalie defended.

"Whatever." Bridget said rolling her eyes.

"Thank you all for coming to my twenty-fifth birthday." Theodore said to his guests he added a few words of thanks and then they began playing the birthday song and a big cake was brought in.

"Make a wish." Most of the guests yelled and Theodore blew the candle closing his eyes he made a wish and then everyone began applauding.

A young man a few years younger than Theodore nodded at an older man and he smiled back. The man walked unto the stage taking the microphone from the emcee.

"Everyone I want to thank you all personally for coming. Well I didn't just invite you all for my son's birthday. I also invited you so you'd know who my next successor would be." Robert Brantley said calmly.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is with great pleasure that I announce to you that my son..." Robert said with a slight pause.

Theodore was all smiles this was his chance right? He had been working in his father's company since he was seventeen. He got promoted to vice President four years back and now since it was his twenty-fifth birthday he was sure he would be the new CEO of his father's company.

"My son Albert Brantley would be the next President and CEO of Brantley enterprise." Robert announced and the guests and even Theodore was stunned.

The reporters kept clicking and taking picture hoping Robert would explain why he chose Albert as his heir but he said nothing.

"Ladies and gentlemen have a lovely evening." Robert said handing the microphone back to the emcee.

"Mr. Brantley would you like to explain the reason your second son is getting the position of President instead of your first." One of the reporters asked.

"No comments, please let us not forget this is Theodore's birthday party." Robert said.

'Birthday?' Theodore thought his anger surging.

If it was really his birthday why would anyone embarrass their kid in front of a multitude.

He wasn't just embarrassed in front of his guests, girlfriend and friends but to the whole world. The reporters were here and this news would surely be on the morning newspapers.

Theodore couldn't understand why his father would do this and on his birthday of all days.

Theodore turned to Albert he had a triumphant smirk on.

That was his half brother. He was his stepmother's son.

"Dad can we talk?" Theodore asked.

"Don't be ridiculous Theodore this is a party, we'll talk tomorrow." Robert said walking away. He held his wife Dalia and she smiled lovingly at him.

She gave a smirking look to Theodore and left with Robert. Some of the guests decided to leave as well.

Theodore was hoping Nathalie would come see him before she left but she was long gone he didn't even see her around anymore.

"Theodore are you okay?" Nanny Helen asked.

"Nanny you know I'm not." Theodore said walking away. Helen sighed watching his sad back.

The next day Theodore went downstairs hoping to see his father but he was told he already left for the company.

Theodore immediately changed his clothes and headed to the company.

Theodore walked into the elevator of his father's company and headed straight to his office. The secretary didn't see the need to announce his presence since he was Robert's son.

Theodore could feel the stares from everyone but they weren't his main concern for now. He knocked slightly on the door and then walked in.

"Ah Theodore what are you doing here?" Robert asked.

"Father why did you do that yesterday? This wasn't what we talked about!!!" Theodore yelled.

"What? Name Albert my heir?" Robert asked nonchalantly.

"Yes, why did you do that?" Theodore asked.

"I had my reasons."

"And may I know what these reasons are?" Theodore asked.

"Because you are not a worthy heir."

"What do you mean by that father? I worked my ass off for this company and you just give it all to some bastard child?" Theodore asked.

"Albert is my son and you're not." Robert said calmly.

"What are you talking about? This must be some kind of sick joke right?" Theodore asked.

"A joke? Well I don't see anyone laughing." Robert uttered and Theodore could feel his head spin.

'What was Robert talking about?'

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